Directions In Rashi

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 137:21:01
  • More information



How did Rashi write his commentary--and how can you unlock its meaning?By Yochanon Joseph, author of "Directions in Rashi" (Feldheim, 2018)Music by David Joseph, Menagen Music (


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  • #178b Commandment and Fulfillfment - Parashas Va’era

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  • #177b Moshe's Parents - Parashas Shemos

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  • #176b Take them to me and I will bless them - P. Vayechi

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  • #175b Grammar vs. Context - Parashas Vayigash

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  • #174b A Disturbing Dream - Parashas Miketz

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  • #173 The meaning of "Toldos" - Parashas Vayeshev

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    A systematic survey of the word "Toldos"

  • #172b Esav and Elifaz - Parashas Vayishlach

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    Rashi's complete commentary

  • #171b Bridging the weekly readings - Parashas Vayeitzei

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    Yaakov leaves Be'er Sheva

  • #170b Avimelech and Friends - Parashas Toldos

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    A phantom Rashi comment

  • #169b Yishmael's Teshuva - Parashas Chayei Sarah

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  • #168b Lot's Mitzvos - Parashas Vayera

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  • #167b Avraham's Journey - Parashas Lech Lecha

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  • #166b Rashi rejects the "simplicity" - Parashas Noach

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    When and why did Noach enter the teivah?

  • #165b People and Plants - Parashas Breishis

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    The creation of humanity

  • #164b Connections and pauses - Parashas V'zos Habracha

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    טעמי המקרא ופרשיות פתוחות וסתומות

  • #163 Crooked and twisted - Parashas Haazinu

    21/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    Rashi vs. the Targumim

  • #162 Hakhel - Parashas Nitzavim-Vayelech

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    Different categories of communal mitzvos

  • #161b Viduy Maaser - Parashas Ki Savo

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