Ashley And Brad Show



Ashley and Brad bring upbeat fun and laughs, and the best in pop culture to you every week day. The show features funny bits, trivia, and popular guest interviews, along with humorous conversation, and the latest in entertainment and music news. Ashley and Brad are both married (not to each other!) and have children. Ashley has two girls, and Brad has two boys. Both are pet lovers, and own dogs. Together Ashley & Brad deliver laughs and entertainment, while sharing their life with you!


  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-5

    06/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    news birthdays/events certain cities are bracing for spring breakers word of the day news are you too nice? game: quiz game: feud news they say nature walks are the best our health...but are they scary? do you think we're really gonna get an early spring?  what other predictions are often wrong? game: 6 year old trivia news unexpectedly unhealthy foods (that we've all been eatin since we were kids) what's your big goal for february? goodbye/fun facts....Tinnitus Awareness to educate the public about the symptoms of tinnitus and how it affects people. Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ear and 15 to 20 percent of people experience it. It’s not actually a condition, but a symptom of an underlying condition....meaning it can be age-related, related to hearing loss, ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder. Tinnitus isn’t a new condition by any means. The Ancient Egyptians referred to it as the bewitched ear.  worldwide it affects nearly 45 million people.  there are apps like th

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-2

    03/02/2024 Duration: 44min

    news birthdays/events there may be a solution to having our toothpaste locked up in cabinets at the store! word of the day news game: just over $2,000 pyramid employees don't make as many mistakes when music is tell your boss to: "lock it in and rip the knob off"!! what's the most 'you'll understand when you get older' thing you've have to explain to your kids news game: geneva reads song lyrics zillow did a survey...and most americans want this football player as a neighbor.  would you want a famous athlete to live near you? feel good story news game: groundhog day movie trivia would you want to travel to the setting of your favorite show? "goodbye/fun facts....Heavenly hash is a candy mixed with lots of ingredients. The bar versions of Heavenly Hash use condensed milk along with chocolate chips, marshmallows, and nuts....but it has made appearances in ice-creams, fudge, salads, and jell-o. The origin of Heavenly Hash dates back to 1923 when it emerged as a candy for the first time. The candy wa

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-1

    02/02/2024 Duration: 44min

    news birthdays/events would you like videos to have product links? word of the day news do you push 'do not push' buttons out of curiosity? is it a good idea to charge 3rd graders rent? game: can ashley guess the sports event by the color audio? news should there be a limit on 'free samples'? buzzfeed's 'poor man's meals'...what's yours? game: geneva reads first lines from famous books news cheapest cities to get married (u.s.) game: think n sync goodbye/fun facts....baked alaska...In the United States in 1867, an earnest debate erupted over the potential purchase of Alaska from Russia. Secretary of State William Seward agreed to a purchase price of $7 million, and Alaska became a United States territory in 1868. Enter Charles Ranhofer, the chef at Delmonico's Restaurant in New York City....who also created lobster newburg. He was notorious for naming new and renaming old dishes after famous people and events. Baked Alaska is made with hard ice cream on a base of sponge cake and covered in a shell of toasted

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-31

    01/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    news birthdays/events NELL ANN! how do you feel about group texts...especially if you're in several word of the day news what are your super bowl plans this year? game: guess that celebrity singer listener feedback break news have you ever asked a 'dumb question' just to be social or start a conversation? game: kc and the sunshine band trivia if you could have free meals for life from any fast food restaurant...which one and why? news should deepfakes be offered as a class in school? game: outburst goodbye/fun facts....national hot chocolate day...Few beverages are as deep-rooted in culture of Americans’ collective childhood quite like hot chocolate. but it all started in 500 b.c. The Ancient Mayans drank chocolate made from crushed cocoa seeds mixed in water and chili peppers. in 1876 Swiss Chocolatier Daniel Peter created the first milk chocolate by combining powdered milk with chocolate. and in 1961 Popular hot chocolate manufacturer Swiss Miss started selling its first powdered hot chocolate that could be

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-30

    31/01/2024 Duration: 41min

    news birthdays/events how much do you rely on your car's technology? word of the day news superbowl break game: guess that celebrity singer what would the pittsburgh penguins do if they weren't professional hockey players? news what's your go-to salad?  would you eat a 'big mac' salad? game: I should have known that what's your hiccup cure? news over half of americans shop for christmas year you?  (shocker: ashley does) game: tv show password-ish goodbye/fun facts....Yodel For Your Neighbors Day encourages people to try their hand at yodeling. Yodeling is an age-old form of singing popularized by the shepherds in Scandinavia....1545 cowherds in the Alps yodeled to round up cattle.  in the 1800's German immigrants in Pennsylvania introduce yodeling to American society....and by the 1920's American singers, songwriters, and composers, such as Jimmie Rodgers and Riley Puckett, include it in their can even teach yourself with the online tool:

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-29

    30/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    news birthdays/events buffalo sauce flavored superbowl treats (besides wings) word of the day news when did you start taking your health seriously? game: 6 year old trivia working 9-5 is so yesterday news has a superbowl ad ever made you buy anything? game: quiz game: feud news what's your dining out deal breaker (besides cost) most bizarre sleep walking incidents goodbye/fun facts....National Puzzle Day recognizes how exercising our brains with puzzles is just one of its many benefits. Whether it's a crossword, jigsaw, trivia, word searches, brain teasers or Sudoku, puzzles put our minds to work. Studies have found that when we work on a jigsaw puzzle, we use both sides of the brain.  And spending time daily working on puzzles improves memory, cognitive function, and problem-solving skills.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-26

    27/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    news birthdays/events have you ever heard of denmark's 'human library'? word of the day news if you eat healthy during the day...should you get a 'hall pass' for the nights/weekends?  what things should you get a hall pass for? what needs to be included in your ultimate super bowl party game:general trivia news do you dress up at your house of worship...or just jeans and t-shirt the service? what did you hide so couldn't find it? game: geneva reads billboard top 4 songs lyrics news game: guess that sports icon how often do you sleep with socks on? goodbye/fun facts....Dental Drill Appreciation Day... Few patients would think that the dental drill should be celebrated. It is a fact, however, that over the years, this device has become increasingly sophisticated, accurate, and efficient. The modern drill also minimizes the damage to the surrounding teeth and gums when carrying out any dental procedure. jan 26th is the day George Green invented the electric drill. before the electric u

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-25

    26/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    news birthdays/events what expense do you think you'd be most surprised by? word of the day news game: scattergories employer fashion pet peeves about employees most unpopular baby names in 2024 news if you lose your job...don't make these mistakes (cheapism) game: what year was it? a british zoo has quite a problem on their hands news game: everybody knows the annual bed bud city list is out goodbye/fun facts....National Irish Coffee Day...a mug of strong coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar, and topped with a layer of cream. southwest Ireland found their way to a restaurant and chef Joe Sheridan. To warm his guests, he served them hot coffee, spiked with whiskey and topped with whipped cream. The passengers asked if the beverage was Brazilian coffee. Sheridan responded that it was Irish coffee. A travel writer, Stanton Delaplane, brought Irish coffee to the United States after having it at Shannon Airport. He brought it to the attention of Jack Koeppler, a bartender at the Buena Vista Hotel in San Francisco, and pe

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-24

    25/01/2024 Duration: 43min

    news birthdays/events things to do while we're waiting for spring word of the day news most impactful tv moments ever...what's something you'll never forget seeing on tv game:  prison commissary price is right burnout red flags news hidden features of common products game: password would you get a tattoo if it had your medical info on it? news when was the last time you belly laughed? game: movie password goodbye/fun facts....just do it day...It is a day that inspires us to do new things or to finally just do that one thing that we’ve been procrastinating for a while. The words “Just Do It” are ingrained in the American way of thinking and embody far more than just a shoe slogan. been putting something off...make that phone call...start picking/organizing that room...send the email or text you've been meaning to. today is the exact opposite of being a couch potato 

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-23

    24/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    news birthdays/events how do you feel when employees are mandated to address all customers a certain way... word of the day news game: just over $1,000 pyramid what would make self checkout a better experience for you? cute valentine's day gift ideas for kids (that aren't candy!) game: mindtrap would you pay for superbowl (or any big sports event that has been free) to be a pay per view event? do you agree with this tik toker's suggestions for restaurant? news game: speakout is gen-z gonna save "the mall"? goodbye/fun facts....National Handwriting Day is observed on January 23, the birthday of John Hancock — the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence....and it's not just cursive that seems to be going away...but regular handwriting has given way to world full of digital devices and voice-to-text apps, but...handwriting is an important skill that can help sharpen your brain, slow the frenetic pace of your thoughts, and improve your memory. Handwriting has many purposes in utility and record-keeping,

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-22

    23/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    news birthdays/events WAYNE! would you care if your employer tracked your attendance? word of the day news would you go to an outdoor nfl/professional sporting event if it's cold?  game: quiz game: feud news game: 6 year old trivia would you pay someone to tackle a mess in your house? do you talk to your dog like it's a person? news should you get your money back if you pay for a concert and the headliner is late? we love free stuff...but would you still want it if you had to jump thru hoops to get it? goodbye/fun facts....Farmhouse Breakfast Week...the last week of January. The initiative promotes the importance of eating breakfast like a champion and reintroducing breakfast into our current hectic lifestyles. Did you know that an alarming 47% of people skip eating breakfast regularly due to their demanding routines? and this week isn't just about eating a healthy breakfast...but also the farmers who cultivate and grow crops such as oats, wheat, barley, and more. Breakfast becomes more enjoyable with more pe

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-19

    21/01/2024 Duration: 43min

    news birthdays/events KATIE 21st best products for lazy cooks word of the day news should boomers move out of their big homes so other generations can move in? game: slogan game a travel expert says travelers don't have a right to overhead space near their seat....WHAT?!?! news game: battle of the sexes part 1 game: battle of the sexes part 2 this 70's/80's trend is coming back (ashley's parents loved going to these) news (glassdoor) best companies to work for in 2024 (mental floss) weird record holders around the u.s. goodbye/fun facts....Tenderness Toward Existence Day...There are over 8 billion people who live on Earth, and we all share our home with over 8.7 million other species. Every single one of these species is unique and plays an important role in their environment. All creatures are dependent on each other. the word ‘Existence’ simply means ‘life,’ ‘the state of living,’ from the Latin words ‘ex’ and ‘sistere,’ which mean ‘out’ and ‘to take a stand’ respectively. With the rapid acceleration in hum

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-18

    19/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    news birthdays/events game: one hit wonder quiz word of the day news what's the best benefit of your current job? game: general trivia brilliant inventions from around the world...why aren't we doing/using these items in the u.s.? news places/events to put on your 2024 bucket list game: think n sync what's something small you started doing that makes you drastically happier? news most underrated things chat gpt can do (esp. at the office) what's america's favorite soup? goodbye/fun facts....Winnie the Pooh day...winnie has been a childhood favorite for generations. Originally created in 1926, his stories have sparked wholesome, honey-loving, childhood dreams for nearly a century. on this date in 1882, ​A. A. Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh, was born. Visit the place where all of the magic happened. The character of Christopher Robin was inspired by A.A. Milne's son, Christopher Robin Milne. ​The characters of Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger, and Roo were all came from stuffed animals that the real-life Christopher R

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-17

    18/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    news birthdays/events do you like funny reader signs? word of the day news game: "everybody knows" who sang these songs how to tell if you're a hoarder listener feedback break news game: I should have known that ashley disturbed a gen zer shooting a youtube video when you start a new you go all in? news game: mind the gap what makes someone classy?  what celebrities do you think is classy? goodbye/fun facts....Cable Car Day ...which celebrates Andrew Smith Hallidie getting the patent for the cable car in 1871. It is believed that Hallidie saw horses struggle to pull cars up the steep hills of San Francisco, and worried about people falling off and getting hurt...or even worse.  He decided to invent a system where strong cables would move the cars up and down the hill. Today, San Francisco is the last American city to still run any true cable cars! The Cable Car Museum in San Francisco is also a tourist attraction. In other American cities, you will find electric streetcars.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-16

    17/01/2024 Duration: 39min

    news birthdays/events football switcharoo...good marketing or bait/switch? word of the day news can you tell the weather based on your joints/aches and pains? game: what year was it? best male rock stars of all time (accoring to 10 music experts) news when you ask someone "how are you?"  do you really care? game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grade how many times a month are you on your "A" game news was there an age that 'freaked you out'? game: can you can that celebrity narrator goodbye/fun facts....Hot and Spicy Food Day... every country on the globe has its cooking style and recipes. And while some nations eat mild food, others enjoy very spicy food items. Spices have been consumed for over 6,000 years to add flavor to a dish and for their many health benefits. For instance, spices can combat inflammation.  Around 460 to 377 B.C. Hippocrates wrote of herbs and spices that included saffron, cinnamon, thyme, coriander, mint, and marjoram.  they have found that Capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers,

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-15

    16/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    news birthdays/events a post office in france is doing something interesting in regards to online shopping word of the day news game: quiz game: feud most badly behaved dog breeds news what's the best day of the week to take off? funny food facts 6 year old trivia news if you're going to indulge at mealtime...what part do you prefer? add color to your home decor goodbye/fun facts....National Bagel Day...These rounds of dough can be found just about anywhere: breakfast joints, coffee shops, supermarkets...but that wasn't always the case. bagels have been traced to the Jewish families of Poland in the 1600s ...And, unlike many things created nearly five-hundred years ago, bagels are remarkably unchanged. Bagels made the jump to America with a massive Polish-Jewish immigration in the 1800s and while they were hugely popular in New York City...they didn’t make their way to the national scale until the mid 20th-century where automation and bread slicing made mass manufacturing much more efficient. bagels can be a

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-12

    13/01/2024 Duration: 41min

    news birthdays/events what food packaging drives you nuts word of the day news game: geneva reads movie lines have you ever heard of a 'in case i go missing' binder?  what would be in yours? would you rather donate your time or your money? news old words you may be hearing a lot this year game: I should have known that stress is part of life...but here are some signs you're under too much stress news game: everybody knows do you stay in touch with your old teachers? goodbye/fun facts....National Kettlebell Day celebrates the humble cast iron (or cast steel) ball known as the kettlebell. Resembling a cannonball with a handle, the kettlebell can be used for a variety of activities, including for sports, strength exercises,  While popular theory puts the origin of the kettlebell in Russia — because the word originated there, and they had the most visible use of this tool...Historians think the simple design of this instrument — it’s basically a weight with a top handle — means it could originally stem from any s

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-11

    12/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    news birthdays/events when was the last time you laughed at the wrong time? (ashley's sfa) word of the day news women are crabbier than men in the winter...but doing these things can help! new crafts to try in 2024 game: guess that tv theme song news how long will you 'try to find something to watch' before you give up and do something else? cool tech items from ces this year game: totally 80's trivial pursuit news do you prefer just a plain gold wedding band or would you like a 'lord of the rings' it more manly? game: outburst goodbye/fun facts....International Thank-You Day...We often forget to say, “Thank you,” because we take it for granted or we assume that others know how we feel. The practice of sending messages to friends started to become popular in the 1400s when Europeans exchanged greeting cards with family members and friends. Expressions of gratitude not only come from the written word. The habit of always saying “thank you” started during the commercial revolution of the 16th and 17th

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2023-1-10

    11/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    news birthdays/events instead of a 'little free library'...what would you like in your neighborhood? word of the day news game: backwards song game funniest teenager texts 2023 are you a '5 second rule' person with food? news game: ice cream brand slogans ashley's daughter wants her to do the 75 hard what americans would do to avoid dealing with their finances news game: who wants to be a fake millionaire hottest real estate market(s) for 2024 goodbye/fun facts....National Take the Stairs Day...bottom line: We’re not moving as much as we should. To top it, the air we breathe gets increasingly unhealthy. The goal is to improve our lung health by choosing a life of movement over convenience. Researchers at McMaster University find that short bursts of stair climbing throughout the day can boost cardiovascular health. Find opportunities throughout the day: on a lunch break, coffee run, or en route to the break room.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-9

    10/01/2024 Duration: 39min

    news birthdays/events what ai hologram concert would you go to? word of the day news what secrets are acceptable to keep from partner/family? game: just over $1,000 pyramid it may be the 'year of the dragon'...but the new trend is for people to 'eat like the rat' news best tv shows from 2023 that you may not have even heard of game: movie password is 2024 off to a great, good, or horrible start for you? news do you wash items before using/wearing them? game: general trivia goodbye/fun facts....National Apricot Day...Apricots, often confused with their sister fruit, peaches. The apricot is a member of the rose family...Apricots belong to a subdivision of fruits within this family, known as drupes...Some other drupes related to apricots are plums, peaches, and cherries. they were first cultivated in China and Central Asia in 2000 BC. Apricots are best kept at room temperature; only refrigerate them when ripe. Apricots only contain 17 calories and no fat, sodium, or cholesterol, so they are extremely healthy. Dr

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