Left Of Lansing



An insight into Michigan's progressive political and pop cultural scene. Pat Johnston highlights how the progressive movement is helping shape Michigan's political landscape with opinion and interviews. It's time to make Michigan's political machine work for the people!


  • 111: Friday Short: The Maddocks are an embarrassment to Michigan

    29/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Time for the LoL "Friday Short" on this March 29, 2024 Michigan Republican State Rep. Matt Maddock baselessly claimed on "X" that buses at Detroit Metro Airport were filled with "illegal invaders!" The only problem with such a claim? The people in those buses were members of the Gonzaga Men's Basketball Team, which is playing in the Sweet 16 of the men's college tournament in Detroit this weekend.  Maddock refuses to admit his lie, and has doubled and tripled-down on the lie.  He and his wife attended a rally at the January 6th insurrection, and Meshawn Maddock is one of the 16 indicted Republican officials who tried to overturn the election for Donald Trump in 2020. And these are the people Rick Snyder and his friends in the donor class want back in power in the state House next year! Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com

  • 110: Episode 79: Time for Transformational Change w/ Lou Glazer of Michigan Future, Inc.

    28/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    It's episode 79 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast with the award-winning Pat Johnston! Pat's guest this week is Lou Glazer from Michigan Future, Inc., which is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization that focuses on helping Michigan succeed in a knowledge-based economy. And as Lou says, Michigan Future is also trying to make Michigan a more prosperous state. Michigan currently ranks 39th in per capita income. Lou says transformational changes are needed to make the state a more prosperous state, and a more attractive state, for younger people and younger families. Those changes include more investments in education, our cities and towns, and transit.  Pat opens the show talking about the cynical game the right-wing continues to play when it comes to dividing this country through race. He talks about how many on the right, including members of the Michigan Republican Party, continue to stoke fears over immigration. It's an issue that could've been tackled this year, but Congressional Republicans tr

  • 109: Friday Short: Shutting Down Line 5 Is A States' Rights Issue, Too

    22/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's Left of Lansing "Friday Short." Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's office argued in a federal appellate court that the fight to shut down the Line 5 oil pipeline belongs in a state court, and not in federal court.  Enbridge, which owns the pipeline, argues that due to U.S.-Canadian treaty from 1977 means the battle ought to remain in federal court.  But why isn't the Michigan Republican Party joining in Nessel's effort to protect Michigan's rights to protect herself against a foreign oil company? Republicans argue Texas has the right to protect its border, and their laws should override federal immigration laws due to "states' rights." Doesn't Michigan have the same right to protect itself from a Canadian oil company possibly doing economic and environmental harm to her? --Pat Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com

  • 108: Episode 78: Making a difference for Michiganders w/ Democratic State Rep. Ranjeev Puri

    21/03/2024 Duration: 43min

    Welcome to Episode 78 of Michigan's Premier Progressive Podcast! Democratic State Representative, and House Majority Whip, Ranjeev Puri talks with Pat on a host of issues, including some key bills he helped pass the state legislature last year, such as gun safety, clean energy and climate bills, water filtration in schools and daycare centers, and more. They also talk about the importance of local and state elections. They also discuss the future of transit and mobility in the state, and how we can't just rely on cars for the future of transportation.  Pat's opening remarks cover how Republicans hardly helped pass some consequential legislation last year, including many of the bills Rep. Puri helped get to Gov. Whitmer's desk for her to sign into law. Pat calls-out his Republican state Senator, Roger Hauck, for voting against many of these crucial bills.  Pat's "Last Call" celebrates Democratic State Senator Sarah Anthony's bill to slash the APR for payday loans at 36%! The bill passed the Senate, and is o

  • 107: Friday Short: MI GOP Members Cry About Being Called Racists For Being...Racists

    15/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's LoL Friday Short! Members of the Michigan Republican "Freedom Caucus" in the State House introduced a resolution to censure House Speaker Joe Tate. Tate, who became the state's first Black House Speaker last year, stripped state Rep. Josh Shriver of his committee assignments and staff after he re-posted tweets pushing the white supremacist "Great Replacement Theory." These right wing Freedom Caucus fellows argue it was wrong for Tate to punish Shriver, but they went further, claiming Tate's the actual racist because he championed some $10-million in spending for minority-owned small businesses and nonprofits.  The so-called party of "personal responsibility" is mad about being called racists after being exposed as racists! Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com

  • 106: Episode 77: TikTok Ban, MAGA Violence, & Right Wing Cognitive Dissonance

    14/03/2024 Duration: 37min

    Here's Episode 77 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! Vote on this week's Left of Lansing Online Poll via Twitter or X: Does Social Media help or hurt the political process? On this week's show, Pat talks about how Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt's ridiculous and disturbing State of the Union response showed how the White Christian Nationalist movement dominates the Republican Party. Pat compares her speech to that of Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's SOTU response in 2020, and the differences could not be starker. Even more, Britt's speech was designed to not just show how women "love kitchen," but it was designed to also stoke fear. That's a reliable aspect in the right wing playbook, and Pat explains how his time in right wing talk radio taught him how fear is vital in the right wing's propaganda strategy. Which then leads Pat to criticize Democrats in Congress for going along with Republicans to vote on banning TikTok. Democrats went along with the Republican xenophobic games to

  • 105: Friday Short: The White Christian Nationalist "Fundie Baby Voice"

    08/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    We've made it to another Friday, which means it's time for another LoL Friday Short! I continue my examination into the different aspects of White Christian Nationalism by concentrating on Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt's response to President Joe Biden's strong State Of The Union address this week.  Britt's breathy, high-pitch delivery is known as the "fundie baby voice," as explained by Missouri Dirt Road Democrat, and former Evangelical, Jess Piper.  And Republicans also made sure to place the 42-year old Britt in a kitchen during her response because that's where they believe women ultimately should be.  Compare the fundie baby voice of Senator Britt to the voice of strength and power of Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.  You tell me who not only represents the future of America, and the strong independence of women across the country, but also who appears more... normal.  And don't forget to check-out this week's Left of Lansing episode on the history of White Christian Nationalism

  • 104: Episode 76: The History of White Christian Nationalism w/ Dr. Sara Moslener

    07/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    It's episode 76 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! Lots of material in this week's episode, including Pat's examination of new Michigan GOP chair Pete Hoekstra's record as a former congressman, ambassador, Tea Party founder, Trump-backer, and lobbyist. Sure, Pete Hoekstra doesn't believe in demonic possession unlike his predecessor (at least, he hasn't publicly said he does) but there's no ideological daylight between Hoekstra and the now-ousted chair, Kristina Karamo. In fact, Pat has more information about Pete Hoekstra's past than he could talk about on the show this week. Click here for more! Then, Pat continues to delve into the White Christian Nationalist movement, which is taking over the Republican Party, both in Michigan, and across the country. And if Donald Trump wins this Fall, the Christian Nationalists will gain more power than we could ever imagine just a decade ago. Dr. Sara Moslener is a researcher, writer, and lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Anthropology, and Religion at

  • 103: Friday Short: GOP is All-In on National Abortion Ban

    01/03/2024 Duration: 03min

    Here's this week's LoL Short on the how the GOP is all-in on a national abortion ban.  Thanks to Distill Social for providing a video clip when they spoke with MAGA supporters before a recent Trump rally in Waterford, MI.  Republicans try to minimize and hide their true intentions when it comes to abortion care. But as the Alabama Supreme Court ruling puts the future of IVF treatments in jeopardy is showing us, Republicans can try to run away from their extremism, but they can't hide.  Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com NOTES: Distill Social video at the Trump rally in Waterford, MI. Distill Social videohttps://twitter.com/DistillSocial/status/1762138780645871760 featuring Michigan Republican Congressman Jack Bergman run away on abortion care issue. "Smoke and mirrors: What Republicans are really saying about IVF." By Judd Legum of Popular Information "Republicans block Senate bill to protect nation

  • 102: Episode 75: Polluter Pay 2.0 w/ Sean McBrearty of Clean Water Action Michigan

    29/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    Here's the 75th episode of Michigan's premier progressive podcast. We've covered the ways Michigan Democrats are protecting the state's environment, and building a cleaner and more affordable energy future for both our environment and economy. Democrats also repealed the "No stricter than federal" law, which Republicans passed in 2018 that prevented the state from enacting stronger environmental protections.  But if they'd like to put an exclamation on how much they put the environment above corporate greed, the Democratic majority must pass a renewed Polluter Pay bill! In 1991, lawmakers passed a polluter pay bill, making it mandatory for current and former landowners to clean up contaminated sites. But state Republicans overturned most of that bill, including the removal of holding corporations accountable for the sites they contaminated. Today, we've got over 24,000 contaminated sites, and taxpayers are paying for most of it. Democrats have unveiled a new, Polluter Pay bill, which would begin holding cor

  • 101: Friday Short: Why Christian Nationalists Push For Abortion, Contraception, IVF, and Fun Sex Bans

    23/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's LoL Friday Short! Last week, the Christian Nationalist Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embroys used in in vitro fertilization are "children." This is just another step in the attack on women's reproductive rights. It's just not a national abortion ban these extremists are pushing. They want a ban on contraception, IVF, and also a ban on recreational sex. They want to be the fun police.  They want to tell us, but especially women, how they must live their lives, including in their bedrooms. Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com

  • 100: Episode 74: Fighting to move Delta County forward w/ Kelli van Ginhoven

    22/02/2024 Duration: 43min

    Here's episode 74 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! As we've seen in our state, elections have consequences, especially on the state and local state side! I talk about how within a year, Michigan Democrats passed some much-needed legislation to move the state forward in terms of women's reproductive rights, worker rights, union rights, setting-up a robust clean energy future, and protecting family farms. But despite those victories, Christian Nationalists within the Republican Party want to roll all of that back, and could possibly do that if we lose this November. I turn my focus on what's happening in the Upper Peninsula county of Delta because as we've seen happen in other counties across the state, the extreme right wing grabbed control of the Delta County Commission. But as we've seen in Ottawa County, activists in Delta County didn't sit back and allow their government to fall into extremism. Through hard work and networking, they got recall elections in place against three of those right-win

  • 99: Friday Short: Josh Shriver's Radicalism (and Racism) Is What America's Right Wing Is All About

    16/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's Left of Lansing "Friday Short."  Michigan Republican State Representative Josh Shriver was stripped of his committee assignments, and of his staff, after retweeting a racist tweet on the "Great Replacement Theory," which pervades the radical, right wing world.  Naturally, Shriver's got his online defenders, but also defenders within the Michigan Republican Party. But make no mistake, Republicans court and depend on voters to believe in this misinformation and propaganda. They want Michigan to become Putin's Russia.  Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com –Pat

  • 98: Episode 73: Right Wing Tries To Repeal Law Allowing Renewable Energy Projects On Family Farms

    15/02/2024 Duration: 48min

    Here's Episode 73 of Michigan's Premier, Progressive Podcast! As we've covered on the show, Michigan Democrats passed a rather robust package of clean energy bills last year. Many of those laws will go into effect later this year, including the 100% clean energy standard by 2040, energy efficient programs, increases in the state's energy reduction program, and removing the power of local governments to block large clean energy projects and placing that power in the Michigan Public Service Commission. Many right-wing local governments, driven by misinformation and fear, have rejected plan-after-plan to allow wind turbines or solar farms in their areas. This not only hurts the state's abilities to march towards a cleaner and more efficient energy program of the future (not to mention blocking thousands of green energy jobs), but it hurts family farmers who would allow their lands to be used for these projects.  Montcalm County farmer, and Chair of Patriots for Montcalm, Dick Farnsworth joins me this week to t

  • 97: Episode 72: New Michigan Gun Safety Laws w/ Dr. April Zeoli

    08/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    Here's episode 72 of Michigan's Premier Progressive Podcast! In my opening segment this week, I talk about the appalling and Islamophobic Wall Street Journal column declaring Dearborn, MI as the "America's Jihad Capital." Islamophobia within the right wing world never left, and it's putting lives in danger. I then cover some of the many new laws scheduled to go into effect in the state on February 13th, including the repeal of the anti-union "Right To Work (For Less) law, expanded voting rights, expanded LGBTQ+ rights, and an expansion of the state's Earned Income Tax Credit. Again, these laws passed thanks to progressive Democrats in the state legislature. Then, Dr. April Zeoli joins me to discuss some of the state's new gun safety laws that will also go into effect on Feb. 13th. Dr. Zeoli is the Policy Core Director for the Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention at The University of Michigan. She has spent years researching policies designed to decrease gun violence on the state-level, particularly in

  • 96: Friday Short: How Is Rashida Tlaib Raising Over $3 Million in Campaign Donations? Easy. By Standing Up For People

    02/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's LoL Friday Short. It's being reported this week that Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has raised nearly $4-million in campaign contributions in the last three months. That's despite House Republicans censuring her last Fall for her stance against Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip. And that's despite being hung-out to dry by some in her own party. But why does Tlaib garner so much support and vitriol? Because she's a threat to the donor base, and stands-up for the voiceless.  Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com –Pat

  • 95: Episode 71: Interview w/ Susan Demas of Michigan Advance

    01/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Here's episode 71 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! Please vote on this week's LoL Twitter Poll: What is the biggest winning issue for Michigan Democrats heading into the November election? If you have others, leave them in replies Susan Demas, Editor-in-Chief of Michigan Advance, joins Pat this week. Michigan Advance is a progressive, nonprofit news site dedicated to covering policy and politics across the state. Susan is a veteran of the Michigan political news scene, and we discuss how traditional, corporate-driven media are failing us, but how publications, like Michigan Advance, are filling the gaps where corporate media (purposely) falls short. We also discuss the disaster that is the Michigan Republican Party, how Michigan Democrats can better message their major policy victories, and her take on whether or not President Biden's poll numbers will improve by November in Michigan. My opening segment covers some ideas I have on how Michigan Democrats can highlight their victories, which will

  • 94: Friday Short: 'Good Guys' Don't Stop Bad Guys With Guns--January 19, 2024

    19/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Thanks for listening to this week's LoL Friday Short! The Justice Department released a damning report citing "cascading failures" in the way authorities handled the Uvaldi school shooting massacre in 2022. Like other school shootings, this was another example where "good guys with guns," didn't stop the bad guy with a gun.  The common denominator with many mass shootings is military-style weapons, like the AR-15.  Republicans treasure the gun more than they treasure lives.  Michigan Democrats have enacted some smart gun safety measures after school shootings in this state, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer is signaling how she'd like to go after assault weapons.  Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com –Pat

  • 93: Episode 70: The Rich Are O.K With Fascism

    18/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    Here's episode 70 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! Please vote on this week's poll question: Polls show President Biden's losing to Donald Trump in Michigan. How do you feel about these numbers less than 10 months from Election Day? On this week's episode, I cover how Democrats across the country have been given a beautiful chance to show why they're on the side of workers, and how and why Republicans are always on the side of the rich and the connected. JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon this week complained how he believes Democrats are just mean to Trump's Christian Nationalist MAGA movement. Dimon then said Trump was right on so many different issues. This again proves that the rich, elite, corporate class is o.k. with a little fascism, just as long as they receive tax cuts and other benefits from the government. And they know they'll get that with Trump. My "Last Call" follows up on the worries I voiced last week over numerous polls showing President Biden losing to Donald Trump in the state of Michi

  • 92: Friday Short: Popular Free School Lunches Hard For Republicans To Digest

    12/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Here's this week's LoL Friday Short. Michigan Democrats are hoping to make the new and popular free public school breakfast and lunch program a permanent fixture in the education budget. But that's making the right wing furious, not because of their daily abject cruelty, but because they know the program is a big hit with voting age parents. Also, they know a successful programs such as this hurts their voucher scams.  Michigan Democrats scored a big win on this issue, and it's one they must hammer home from now to the November election! Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can! leftoflansing@gmail.com leftoflansing.com –Pat

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