Bloody Beaver



True stories from the wild and woolly west. Also really lame jokes.


  • BONUS - Obscure History | The Lawless Horrel Brothers

    09/03/2022 Duration: 22min

    In a remote corner of Oregon’s northeastern territory exists a mysterious and foreboding village. This is the legend of Sammyville. Listen and subscribe to Obscure History wherever you get your podcasts! Obscure History -

  • La Matanza - The Slaughter

    03/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    The 1919 Texas Ranger Investigation - and the Canales Hearing that followed - shed light on misconduct and atrocities committed by one of the most legendary branches of law enforcement between the years 1910 and 1920. An era known to some as La Mantanza - The Slaughter. What events unfolded to cause the darkest hour of the Texas Rangers? And who was Jose Canales, the man brave enough to stand up against them? Today we remember the victims.   Email me!   Check out my website!   Buy me a coffee!   Dark History of the Texas Rangers -   Porvenir Massacre Descendants -   Big Wonderful Thing Excerpt | Sediciosos -   The Murder of Bazan & Longoria - https://www.valleycentra

  • Britt Johnson & the Searchers

    17/02/2022 Duration: 58min

    In October of 1864 Britton Johnson’s son was murdered and his wife and two surviving children were taken captive by a Kiowa War Party. Not willing to just sit back and hope for the best, Britt took matters into his own hands. Set out, alone, into Indian Territory. Determined to get his family back, one way or another. And believe it or not, he was successful. Unfortunately he made some enemies along the way, a desperate savage foe who were just biding their time until they could catch up with Johnson once again. John Ford’s 1956 masterpiece starring John Wayne, The Searchers, is said to be inspired by Britt Johnson.   Email me!   Check out my website!   Buy me a coffee!   The First Battle of Adobe Walls -   Satanta’s Flight -   Elm Creek Raid -

  • The Arrest of Annie Oakley

    02/02/2022 Duration: 24min

    August 1903. The famous Annie Oakley is arrested in Chicago for theft, a crime committed in order to obtain money to fuel her cocaine habit. And what a headline that made. America’s original sweetheart, the tiny sharpshooter who once entertained kings and queens, now reduced to petty thievery. Wasn’t long before newspapers throughout the country began to report on this fall from grace. Enter in William Randolph Hearst, son of mining tycoon George Hearst, who ruled a media empire and had his eye on the white house. There was no story too sensational or salacious for him to print, the truth be damned. What happened when the darling of the Wild West Show goes to war with one of the most powerful men in the country? A man with very deep pockets and an army of Pinkertons? Did Annie Oakley even have a chance at clearing her name? Find out on this girl power episode of The Wild West Extravaganza!   Email me!   Check out my website!   Buy me a coff

  • Kit Carson's Failure

    19/01/2022 Duration: 22min

    In 1849 a trader named James White decided to break from his wagon train and push on ahead with just his family and a few men. The outcome was about as bad as anything you could imagine; the men were dead, and the women taken captive. The subsequent rescue mission was led by none other than Kit Carson. But this time could the hero save the girl? Also, I rant about history!   Check out my website for more true tales from the wild and woolly west:   Email me:   Buy me a coffee:   Tom Tobin & The Bloody Espinosas:   Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides:   Meat Eater Podcast | Hampton Sides:   Kit Carson’s Rescue Ride | True West Magazine:

  • Big Alice & the Battle of the Bordellos

    05/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, ain’t that what they say? But what happens when it’s also a woman doing the scorning? And what happens if that hell is just El Paso, Texas? One helluva girl fight, that’s what! Join me as we take a look at Old West madam Fat Alice Abbot and the fight she got into with rival brothel owner, Etta Clark. This episode has a little bit of everything. Listener discretion advised!   Check out my website for more true tales from the wild and woolly west:   Email me:   Buy me a coffee:   What’s a “pubic arch”?:   Clash of the Mad Madams | True West Magazine:   Big Nose George:   The Battle of Beecher Island:

  • Big Nose George | Wyoming Bandit

    03/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    George Parrot - aka Big Nose George – was a basic run-of-the-mill road agent. Trains, stagecoaches, general stores – they were all fair game for Big Nose and the boys. Sometimes he was successful and sometimes he wasn’t, but he was always down to try. Unfortunately for George the long arm of the law eventually caught up with the man; permanently and prematurely ending his outlaw career. And that’s only HALF the story! How many times did George have a noose placed around his neck before it finally stuck? What happens when a couple of old west sawbones get their hands on a criminal cadaver? And what’s all this have to do with nipple shoes? Find out on this Farrah Fawcett inspired episode of The Wild West Extravaganza!   Check out my website for more true tales from the wild and woolly west:   Email me:   Buy me a coffee:   Who Were Those Masked Men? | Texas Observer:

  • Jim Clyman | Iconic Fur Trapper

    18/10/2021 Duration: 18min

    Jim Clyman is a name that pops up consistently in all the books I’ve read on mountain men and fur trappers, but I never really dived into the guy until now. Veteran of the War of 1812, General Ashley’s 1824 Expedition, AND the Black Hawk War, as well as friend and contemporary to guys like Jedediah Smith, Broken Hand Fitzpatrick, Hugh Glass, and Jim Bridger. From the shinning mountains to the great plains to the high desert, from the wild and woolly days till the twilight of the west, Jim Clyman was THERE! And he most definitely had his fair share of close encounters of the historical kind! Donner Party ring a bell? LISTEN TO THE END FOR AN IMPORTANT UPDATE! Check out my website for more true tales from the wild west!   Contact me!!!   Subscribe or follow The Wild West Extravaganza WHEREVER you consumer audio!   Listen to my friends at Obscure History and Texas History Lessons!!!! https://op

  • Bill Longley | The Deadliest Gun in Texas

    16/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    There's just no denying that Texas produced its fair share of stone-cold killers in the latter part of the 19th century. Men like John Wesley Hardin, King Fisher, Clay Allison, and of course the notorious Deacon Jim Miller. And then there’s Bill Longley, considered by some to be one of the deadliest gunmen of the west. A tall brooding shootist credited with 32 kills once described as the worst man in Texas. “I still alone tread the living land destitute of friends but damn the world and every sons of a bitch that don’t like me for I am a wolf, and it is my night to howl.” – Bill Longley Check out my website! Contact me! Listen to The Wild West Extravaganza WHEREVER you consume audio! Listen to Obscure History!!!!  Listen to Texas History Lessons!!! Boastful Bill Longley

  • Chief Joseph & the Nez Perce War

    25/07/2021 Duration: 01h52min

    In the summer of 1877 Chief Joseph and the peaceful Nez Perce went to war with the U.S. Government in a running fight that spanned four states and 1,170 miles. Who was Chief Joseph? Why’d Buffalo Bill call him “the greatest Indian ever produced?” And why did the Nez Perce go to war? I’ve been looking forward to this episode for a long time so without further ado, let’s dive into Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War! Check out my website! Contact me! Listen to The Wild West Extravaganza WHEREVER you consumer audio! Chief Joseph and the Flight of the Nez Perce by Kent Nerburn Nez Perce War Battle Map Nez Perce War Timeline – University of Lethbridge

  • Billy the Kid's Last Stand

    05/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    Discovered sometime prior to 1952 in the Florida Mountains of Southwestern New Mexico, the “Last Stand Note” - written on a piece of tobacco paper and stuffed inside an empty shell case - reads as follows: This is our last shell and about 10 Indians left so our chances look slim, but we are going to take a chance. Yours truly, Wm Bonney. Did Billy the Kid REALLY write this note? Did he ever have any close encounters with the Apache? Find out all of this and more on this newest episode of the Wild West Extravaganza! Check out my website! Contact me! Billy the Kid and the Apaches – True West Magazine The Last Stand Note Cooke’s Canyon      

  • Tom Tobin & The Bloody Espinosas

    20/06/2021 Duration: 33min

    When Felipe Espinosa and his younger brother Vivian were feeling bloody, the bodies were sure to follow. And in the spring and summer of 1863, there was certainly no shortage of bodies. Some victims were shot at long distances while others were casualties of more close-in work with blades or axe. And most were mutilated; beheaded, disemboweled, desecrated, or otherwise molested. After several failed attempts, the U.S. Army finally hired mountain man Tom Tobin to hunt down Felipe Espinosa. Tobin had been out west since he was a 14-year-old and had a unique set of skills that made him invaluable when it came to being a manhunter. Who were the Bloody Espinosa brothers? What caused their murderous tirade? Who was Tom Tobin and was he successful? My name’s Josh and your listening to the Wild West Extravaganza! Check out my website for more true tales from the wild and woolly west! Email me!!! Listen to my episode of Texas History Lessons!!!  htt

  • Commodore Perry Owens & The Pleasant Valley War

    14/06/2021 Duration: 47min

    This is a Podcast Swap, hosted by my friend Michael from the podcast Texas History Lessons! After you give this a listen make sure you check out his website for the latest episode of Texas History Lessons - hosted by yours truly - on the 1919 Texas Ranger Investigation! Any mention of the Wild West brings up many images that books and film have ingrained in the American mind over decades. Cowboys trailing cattle up the trail. Bold Native American warriors fighting to preserve their way of life. Settlers and soldiers determined to fight back and take the land that they felt they, somehow, deserved. Surely many more can be listed but there are two that will definitely pop up. The confident gunman that had a steady hand and a sure shot that would lay his opponent or opponents in the dust and the feuding families or associations of cattlemen that resorted to bloody violence to establish their control over the use of wat

  • The First Battle of Adobe Walls

    31/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    In 1864 famed frontiersman Kit Carson took a force of several hundred soldiers into the heart of the Llano Estacado in an attempt to punish the Comanche for their recent raids. What followed was a bloody fight now known as the first Battle of Adobe Walls, as Carson and his men kicked the hornet’s nest and quickly found themselves outnumbered 10 to 1. This episodes got something for everyone! We’re gonna talk Kit Carson, we’re gonna talk army tactics, Billy the Kid, the Navajo, the Apache, and - of course - the Comanche. For further reading check out Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides. Check out my website for more true tales from the wild and woolly west!!! Contact Me!!! Support this podcast!!!

  • Elfego Baca & The Frisco Gunfight

    17/05/2021 Duration: 45min

    Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday, Jesse James, Wild Bill Hickok - These are the names of legends. Names I think most people – even those with no interest in old west history – will find familiar. But for every one of these guys, there were a dozen others who were every bit as deadly and capable with a firearm, if not more so. Men who didn’t flinch in the face of death. Men who knew the smell of the black powder smoke and the crack of a bullet snapping past their heads; men who for whatever reason are largely lost to history. Or at the very least just not that well known. Men like Elfego Baca. The young store clerk pinned on a fake mail order badge and single-handedly took on an overwhelming force of gunmen. The over 30-hour gunfight that ensued is considered, by some, to be the most lopsided of the wild west. All at the tender age of 19! And don’t you worry your pretty little head, the rest of Elfego’s life was chock full of excitement as well, including a run-in with Pancho Vila.   Check out the websi

  • Bloody Bill Anderson & the Missouri Bushwhackers

    26/04/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    “I will show you that I can kill men with as much skill and rapidity as anybody. From this time on I ask no quarter and I will give none” – these were the words spoken by Bloody Bill Anderson, shortly before he executed and scalped over twenty men. According to those who rode with Anderson he was “a desperate man and a reckless fighter, the worst devil in the bunch. Human life meant nothing to him. He could shoot a man who was on his knees begging for mercy as easy as most men kill a chicken. He feared no man alive and believed heart and soul in the southern cause.” Who was Bloody Bill Anderson? What events transpired that caused him to devote his entire life to war? A life that he once spoke of saying “If I cared for my life I would have lost it long ago. Wanting to lose it, I cannot throw it away.” Was Bill Anderson a reluctant hero caught up in the passions of civil war or just a bloodthirsty villain, using any excuse he could to terrorize the countryside? Find out all of this and more on this you gonna pu

  • Hugh Glass | Frontiersman

    05/04/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Frontiersman Hugh Glass was mauled by a grizzly bear in 1823. Left for dead, stripped of his belongs, and covered in maggots, he defied all odds and made a 250-mile journey on foot through hostile territory. But that’s only half the story. On this episode we’re going to talk pirates, we’re going to talk about mountain men and the fur trade, we’re going to talk a whole bunch about Native Americans. And - most importantly – we’re going to talk some Leonardo DiCaprio. Who was Hugh Glass? Where’d he come from? Was he born with the bark on, or did he have to work at it? How many pirate jokes can I fit into one episode? Find out all of this and more on this newest if any of this sounds familiar then you’ve been listening to this podcast for a long time edition of The Wild West Extravaganza! Check out my website for more true tales from the wild west! Contact me!!! Bonus Content Available at Patreon!!! The MeatEater Podcast Ep. 86 – The Meat Tree Part 1 The MeatEater Podcast Ep. 87 – The Meat Tree Part 2 The MeatE

  • Luther James Dorsey & The Buffalo Soldiers

    08/02/2021 Duration: 29min

    Sergeant Luther James Dorsey was a member of the buffalo soldiers, the all-black cavalry regiments who served on America’s frontier. From the Indian Wars to the Korean war, these men bravely – and against all odds and prejudice – cemented their legacy into the fabric of American History. Check out my website! Check out my patreon for exclusive content! Seattle Times article – Complicated and Controversial Role Buffalo Soldier Links! Buffalo Soldier Museum Conroe Community Cemetery Restoration Project Cemetery Dedication Ceremony - KPRC 2 Luther James Dorsey Bridge Dedication - CW39

  • The Battle of Beecher Island

    25/01/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    In the summer of 1868 Major George A. Forsyth, under orders from General Sheridan, raised a company of fifty "first-class hardy frontiersmen" to seek out and engage hostile Native Americans. These scouts soon found themselves outnumbered and surrounded by hundreds of Cheyenne warriors as they took refuge on a little sandbar in the middle of the Arikaree river. What followed is now known as the battle of Beecher Island. Check out my website for more true stories from the wild west! Subscribe to Patreon for bonus content & to support the show! Contrary - Little Big Man List of Forsyth's Scouts Excerpt from Indian Yell, by Michael Blake - True West Mag Indian Yell: The Heart of an American Insurgency by Michael Blake The Battle of Beecher Island, by George A. Forsyth    

  • Frank Hamer's First Fight

    04/01/2021 Duration: 16min

    It’s not every day that your boss offers you a hundred and fifty dollars to murder somebody. I think we can all agree that’s not a normal occurrence. But then again, the tough kid wasn’t normal. The real story behind legendary Texas Ranger Frank Hamer's first gunfight, at the age of 16. Check out my website for more true tales from the wild west! Bonus content available on Patreon! Texas Ranger: The Epic Life of Frank Hamer by John Boessnecker Fact Checking Highwaymen: USA Today Frank Hamer vs KKK? Washington Post article by Monica Munoz Martinez Frank Hamer's First Gunfight by Mark Boardman Houston Chronicle Article on Hamer attacking journalist  

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