Medical Health Coach Podcast



Managing your health is easy if you have the right information. Most of it is out there but can be hard to decipher. This podcast explains health from all angles of medicine.


  • 63 | Walking as a Form of Exercise

    24/12/2019 Duration: 16min

    I have talked about walking before as a form of exercise. Even if you are in great shape or if you normally don't exercise, walking is a great addition to your daily routine.  It's not difficult to get started and I'll be recording the crazy streets of Downtown Los Angeles to show you that you can go for a walk anywhere.  Walking doesn't just exercise the body but you can even exercise your mind. It's a meditative activity and can help lower your blood pressure.  Read more at  

  • 62 | Urinary Frequency - Common Causes

    17/12/2019 Duration: 11min

    There is a long list of reasons why you might be experiencing urinary frequency. I saw 2 interesting cases back to back and so I decided to record this episode to talk about the less well-known and more common causes of urinary frequency.  constipation drinking too much water drinking water without enough minerals eating/drinking diuretics bladder spasms/infections/IC menstrual period medications anxiety/stress prostate bladder/pelvic prolapse

  • 61 | Checking Cholesterol Levels

    12/12/2019 Duration: 10min

    We tend to read too much into our cholesterol levels. This often leads to overtreatment but also a false sense of security.  A normal lipid profile doesn't mean that you're healthy or that you won't get a stroke or a heart attack.  A bad cholesterol profile doesn't always mean that you'll suffer its consequences either. There is more to this cholesterol art, as I'll discuss today. 

  • 60 | Physician in Popular Media

    25/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    Just because a popular media physician is talking and giving advice, it doesn't mean that they have your best intention in mind.  Physicians and medical groups who are generally in popular media have their own best interest in mind. They are often pushing a service or product which is earning them a lot of money.  There are ways to research health related topics in a safe manner. But chances are that you won't get the right information from a popular media physician nor from the first page of a search engine.  Read more at 

  • 59 | Simple Blood Pressure Tricks

    31/10/2019 Duration: 24min

    Here are some simple tricks you can use to manage your blood pressure better. If you are dealing with hypertension and don't want to start on medications or make major lifestyle changes, try these tricks. Some will appeal to you and some won't. You will respond really well to some and poorly to others. Experiment and tinker with it.  In this podcast episode I will discuss: isometric exercises sweating deep breathing salt intake dietary modification alcohol/dairy  Visit the website to interact with me at Email me at  

  • 58 | Confused About What to Eat?

    25/10/2019 Duration: 14min

    It's normal to be confused about what to eat. There is such a massive disconnect between medical professionals and the lay public that there is minimal transference of information.  The little bit which we relay to our patients is jargon and even amongst ourselves we disagree as physicians.  But it's going to be hard to refute certain basic facts when it comes to your diet. Here are the things I picked out which you cannot go wrong with.   

  • 57 | Burnout from Exercise

    21/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    Another discussion regarding exercise. I've gotten into a burnout state a few times when I've either pushed myself too hard or didn't get enough rest or didn't get the right diet in me.  Let's discuss how to avoid burnout from exercise. For those who want to remain active for as many years as possible, this should be a great topic to listen to.  Read more at  email me with questions at 

  • 56 | The Cost f Good Quality Foods

    06/10/2019 Duration: 25min

    Are you willing to spend $2 for a tiny portion of a brownie? What is the long-term consequence of the cheaper foods we eat and does it make financial sense to spend more on certain foods?  This podcast will be about the cost of food and what we are told is healthy/not healthy. Some things might be quite expensive but there is a reason why healthy foods cost so much.  Read more at Email me with any questions at   

  • 55 | The Downside to Canes and Splints

    03/10/2019 Duration: 08min

    It might be justified to use a cane or a splint from time to time. And certain patients, due to permanent disabilities, may need to use such devices.  For the majority of us these medical devices can cause more problems. I'll discuss when to use such as devices and when to avoid them. The Arthritis Foundation has some good-use practices for canes.  We'll also discuss the problems that might develop with excess use.  If you're interested in consulting with me, connect with me at or through my website. 

  • 54 | Some Exercise Injuries Are Good

    29/09/2019 Duration: 12min

    It might seem counterintuitive. But western medicine makes way too much money from benign exercise and sports injuries. Because of medical-legal issues we order too many xrays and tests and perform far too many surgeries.  Certain injuries are beneficial because they help make your joints, bones, and tendons stronger. The weakest link is often injured which can help you prevent future more aggressive injuries.  Read more at  Email me with questions at  Interested in 1:1 health coaching? Join my practice if you're located in California or Washington. 

  • 53 | How to Be a Better Patient

    24/09/2019 Duration: 27min

    Engaged patients tend to have better health outcomes. The majority of the patients I've interacted with have thrown themselves at the mercy of western medicine - too afraid to question me as a doctor or to research their health.  I believe that in order to have better outcomes we have to be better patients. I'll outline a few things which should help drive this point home.  Read more at  Email me   

  • 52 | Resetting Severe Insomnia

    18/09/2019 Duration: 18min

    There is mild insomnia, severe insomnia, acute insomnia, chronic insomnia and a few other category labels. Sometimes the best way to manage insomnia is to hit it hard and aggressively in order to reset it.  I'll discuss one way to manage acute onset and severe insomnia. It has worked well for some of my patients. And the advantage is that it empowers the patient and prevents them from depending on dangerous prescription medications.  Read more at Email me at with questions. 

  • Dangerous Chemicals in the House

    12/09/2019 Duration: 22min

    Let's talk about 6 groups of dangerous chemicals in your house. They are far more ubiquitous than you think. I got this list from and I've learned a lot from them. Check them out.  You can't avoid all of these chemicals but every step you take is one step in the right direction. The less we buy stuff like this, the fewer manufacturers will create such products.  Read more at Email me at  

  • Understanding the Opioid Epidemic

    12/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    I am sure everyone has their own opinion about the opioid epidemic. Here is my perspective from a physician's point of view. I am not suggesting a solution nor saying that my viewpoint is the correct one.  I have prescribed and continue to prescribe quite a lot of medications for pain as an Urgent Care doctor. Therefore, I'm on the front lines of opioids. But I don't believe that the biggest source of opioid medications comes from legal prescriptions from physicians.  Read more at Email me at  

  • Making Better Food Choices

    12/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    Here are some practical tips to make better food choices. Especially if you don't have the time to cook for yourself, this should be a helpful list of foods to avoid when dining out.  I eat out on occasion and it can be hard for me to find healthy food options. It's not the end of the world if you cheat a few times a month but the goal is to eat healthy most of the time.  Read more at Email me at  

  • Making Good Health Decisions Shouldn't be Hard

    08/09/2019 Duration: 12min

    Here are 4 strategies to make good health decisions for yourself. With all of the data out there, it can feel a bit overwhelming. But even us doctors have to pick and choose what to tune out.  Achieving good health through lifestyle isn't complicated. I am confident that following these 4 basic concepts will maximize your health.  Read more at  Email me at   

  • "What Do You Want to Get Out of Your Visit?"

    04/09/2019 Duration: 12min

    Few doctors ask this question and few patients contemplate it, but what do we want to get out of our visit when we go to see the doctor?  I'm both a patient and a doctor and without the right question I will never get the right answer. I find myself among the few patients who demands more from my doctor than their medical license or an MD degree.  Read more at Email me at   

  • Should You Be on Blood Pressure Medications?

    26/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    Some of us lead rather healthy lives and our blood pressures are right on the border. Should we take blood pressure medications? What's our risk? What do the studies show?  I'll discuss a sample case of a friend's mom and discuss my own blood pressure issues. It's always best to address such issues on an individualized manner instead of a gunshot approach.  Read more at  Dr. Mo

  • Justifying Certain Foods As Healthy

    19/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    I have been justifying my coffee addiction by assigning coffee beans a health value. It's something we tend to do as humans and it's how we can overdo certain foods.  I'll give examples of this mindset and how to overcome it. It's often the result of clever advertising by food manufacturers. But when we internalize it, it can have some negative effects on our health.  Read more a 

  • Overcoming the Barriers of Exercise

    20/07/2019 Duration: 15min

    Exercise is another name for being active. The activity part is more important than the particular exercise you perform. I'll talk about ways of being active so that you can enjoy better health. No need to get caught up in the details or being too hard on yourself.  Read more at  Dr. Mo

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