Calvary Wolfeboro




  • Expectations: The Flock

    12/08/2018 Duration: 58min

    There seems to be two kinds of leaders. Those who are too comfortable with leadership and those who are two uncomfortable. As the church, we have the responsibility of leading the way in finding the happy medium between these two extremes. There should always be a healthy fear in the heart of every leader that he or she would become domineering or autocratic. But there should also be a healthy fear of abdicating responsibility and allowing those who have not been called or commissioned to leadership to lead. It’s into this tension that the words of Hebrews 13 ring loud and clear. “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls.” As we continue our consideration of expectations within the church we turn our attention to the expectation that God’s Word gives for how the flock should follow their shepherds.

  • Expectations: Elders

    05/08/2018 Duration: 47min

    "Expectations kill relationships." You’ve probably heard someone make this claim. Yet, while expectations are often at the center of the breakdown in relationships, it isn’t always the expectations themselves that are to blame. When it comes to our relationships in the church, we need to first make sure that we have the right expectations of each other. This is nowhere more important than the expectations we have of leadership. In particular, the expectations that the church should have of its elders - the shepherds of the flock. Consider the admonition of Peter, “a fellow elder,” as he lays out for all of us, what the legitimate expectations should be.

  • Trust is the Glue (Part 2)

    29/07/2018 Duration: 47min

    A recent study by Barna showed that a breakdown in trust was responsible for two devastating realities. The first is that the number one reason people give for not attending church anymore is that they don't trust church leadership. The second is even more devastating. For those who claim to have rejected belief in God completely, a lack of trust in the local church is among the top three reasons why. For those still inside the church, a breakdown in trust often manifests in more subtle ways. Some example include relationships becoming strained, ministries functioning less effectively, and the joy of the Lord lacking. Whatever the outcome of its absence, trust is clearly important. So let's consider how we can be actively involved in building up rather than breaking down the trust that is the glue holding the Body of Christ together.

  • Trust is the Glue (Part 1)

    22/07/2018 Duration: 37min

    There is no greater indicator of the potential impact of a church than it’s view of God. The greater a church’s awe and wonder of God, the greater it’s impact for God. The fear of God removes the fear of man. Boldness in proclaiming and living out the Gospel is produced by an accurate understanding of God and obedience to His Lordship. This reminder is vital for any church that wants to begin or continue to grow in depth and in breadth. There are few passages in the Scripture that more perfectly describe all of this than Isaiah 40:9-31 which culminates in one of the greatest promises of the Bible, “those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and now faint.”

  • It Begins with a Big God

    24/06/2018 Duration: 50min

    There is no greater indicator of the potential impact of a church than it’s view of God. The greater a church’s awe and wonder of God, the greater it’s impact for God. The fear of God removes the fear of man. Boldness in proclaiming and living out the Gospel is produced by an accurate understanding of God and obedience to His Lordship. This reminder is vital for any church that wants to begin or continue to grow in depth and in breadth. There are few passages in the Scripture that more perfectly describe all of this than Isaiah 40:9-31 which culminates in one of the greatest promises of the Bible, “those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and now faint.”

  • The Joy of the Christian Life

    10/06/2018 Duration: 42min

    "Joy is the flag that flies over the castle of our hearts announcing that the king is in residence today.” These words were penned by Walter Knight to all Christians everywhere at every time. When Jesus is involved, there is joy. As we finish our study of the book of Philippians we look back over this letter that has oozed with joy and consider one more time, where is the joy? The answer shouldn’t surprise you. It’s in the Christian life.

  • The Joy of Generosity

    03/06/2018 Duration: 49min

    The apostle Paul quoted Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This profound truth is the foundation of our calling as Christians to be generous. The church in Philippi was a generous church. Throughout the New Testament we read of this church actively seeking to bless Paul with material gifts and provision. They seem, however, to be the exception to the rule. Based on several descriptions in Philippians and other epistles, it appears that the Philippians stood alone at least in the extent to which they were generous. This generosity, however, should not be the exception. It should be the rule. A godly church is a generous church.

  • The Joy of Contentment

    20/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    The apostle Paul claimed that he had learned to be content in "whatever situation" he was in. That may not immediately seem hard to believe until you understand what contentment is. Jeremiah Burroughs, in his classic work on contentment, "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment" defines Christian contentment as, "that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal." Do you sweetly and inwardly, quietly and graciously, freely submit to AND delight in any and every situation? If not, be encouraged, neither did Paul. Not at first. He had to learn contentment. And so do you we. Let's consider the contentment of Paul and how we can learn to be content like him.

  • Perfect & Complete

    22/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    Trials; nobody looks forwards to them. In the world we find ourselves living in today, things have never been easier. Want to communicate with someone far away? Reach in to your pocket for your phone and talk with anyone anywhere in the world immediately. Hungry? Go to the store and pick up groceries on the way home. But even in this world of convenience and ease, none of us can escape trials, especially if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Thankfully James shows us what we can experience in the midst of a trial and that there is also a purpose for what we are going through.

  • The Joy of Being All In for Christ

    04/03/2018 Duration: 47min

    When you think about joy, you probably don't think about suffering. When you consider the grace of God, you probably don't think about persecution. Yet, in Philippians 1:29, the apostle Paul ties belief in Jesus and suffering for Jesus together as a package deal. It's not that God inflicts us supernaturally once we give our lives to Christ. Suffering is simply the normal result of a life lived "worthy of the gospel." "All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted," wrote Paul in II Timothy 3:12. But lest we think that this kind of suffering will rob our joy, think again. Suffering, too, for a follower of Christ, produces joy. "There was once a fiddler who played so beauitully that everybody danced. A deaf man who could not hear the music considered them all insane. Those who are with Jesus in suffering hear this music to which other men are deaf. They dance and do not care if they are considered insane." -Richard Wurmbrand, Spent 14 years in a Communist Romanian prison where he end

  • The Joy of Gospel Teamwork

    18/02/2018 Duration: 48min

    Interest groups abound. It doesn’t matter how obscure a person’s interest is, there is a group of people out there somewhere with the same interests. The google search “international association of” results in over 100 million websites. There’s even a union of international associations; Yep, an association for associations. This idea of common interest groups has even infiltrated the mindset of the church. There is a church in Southern California that in 2005 was reported as having 9 different worship venues. Another way to think of it is that the church was divided up into 9 distinct worship interest groups. Which begs a question. What is it that Christians should have in common in order to gather as a local church? Let’s find out as we continue through the book of Philippians.

  • Where's the Joy?

    11/02/2018 Duration: 47min

    Of all the emotions that human beings have, joy or happiness is the most sought after. Blaise Pascal, the famous Mathematician, Physicist and Theologian of the early 1600s observed, "All men seek happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every man, even of those who hang themselves." And yet, as important as it is, it is also the most elusive emotion for the vast majority of people in this world. For most people joy is fleeting. But this should not be the case for the Christian. As we begin our verse by verse study through the book of Philippians, the first thing we need to consider is that joy should be a defining characteristic of the life of a follower of Christ.

  • The Beginning of Faith & Unbelief

    28/01/2018 Duration: 44min

    The fork in the road. It's a metaphor that describes the times in our lives where one decision will lead us in one of two very different directions. This same idea applies to human history. There are events that have forever divided the path that humanity has taken. The events of Genesis 4 describe one such fork in the road. Two men, Cain and Abel, take very different paths and the paths they take become those that every human being will take. One path is the life of faith. The other is the existence of unbelief. One is taken by most people. The other is chosen by few. Let's consider this fork in the road and how the sons of Adam and Eve became examples for us all.

  • The Beginning of Sin & Grace

    21/01/2018 Duration: 52min

    One of the most profound lies that modern humanity has swallowed - hook, line, and sinker - is that human beings are fundamentally good. This, of course, flies in the face of the evidence all around us. In order, then, to perpetuate this lie, an explanation must be given for why it doesn’t seem like humanity is fundamentally good. The most common secular explanation for this apparent contradiction is that men and women do bad things because of external forces at work like oppression, suppression and injustice, just to name a few. Remove or change the external realities, it is proposed, and humanity will return to it’s natural “good” self. We come to Genesis 3, however, and we find the beginning of a very different explanation for why humanity does evil things: We are fallen. It’s the best explanation we have, of course, because it’s God’s explanation. And guess what? We got ourselves into this mess. But although the Fall is humanity’s own fault, God doesn’t expect us to get ourselves out of it. He will. For w

  • The Creation of Man & Woman

    14/01/2018 Duration: 50min

    What is a person's gender? Until very recently in human history this question had a simple answer. It is still the case when one looks up the definition. Merriam-Webster, for example, states that gender is "a: SEX - the feminine gender; b: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex." Understood from this definition, gender is understood as synonymous with the titles, "male" and "female". In other words, there are two genders. Now enter the question, "How many genders are there?" into your favorite search engine. That question does not produce such a simple answer. In fact, even the first page of answers produced by the most popular search engine cannot agree on a number. One says 63, another, says 51. There are even those who claim that the number of genders has now exceeded 100. Into all of this confusion we need the input of God's timeless revelation. After all, God is the one who created male and female. He established gender. Perhaps we need to go back to the begin

  • The Beginning of Creation

    07/01/2018 Duration: 01h58s

    “Beginnings matter. The start of a race often determines its winner. The foundation of a house establishes the strength of its entire structure. So it is with the ideas that shape our lives. Their beginnings matter more than most people even realize. And yet so few consider the beginning of the greatest book ever written, the Bible. In it’s first book, Genesis, we find a treasure trove of truths about the beginnings of everything that matters. We will begin, no pun intended, with the beginning of creation.”

  • Remember the Desperation

    26/11/2017 Duration: 39min

    We've all heard the cliche, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." It's believed that Hippocrates, the Greek physician, coined the idea in relation to the treatment of serious disease. His belief was that a severe disease required equally severe treatment. The book of Ruth opens with a desperate situation. There is a famine in Judah. In Bethlehem, a man named Elimelech decides to uproot his family in search of relief from the famine. A desperate measure is carried out. On the surface it seems noble. What self-respecting man wouldn't take extreme measures to ensure his family survives? But do desperate times always call for desperate measures? One thing is for sure. Desperate circumstances are common in this world. A world that has never been more desperate for help than now. Let's consider this as we begin our series in Ruth: Advent of a Redeemer, with a challenge to "Remember the Desperation."

  • Delight in the Savior

    19/11/2017 Duration: 48min

    For the follower of Christ, surrender is par for the course. As it was for the Savior, so it is for His servants. Like Jesus, we must deal with sin, die to self, and dwell in submission. Of course, Jesus didn’t have to deal with the sin in his own life, he had to deal with our sin. And yet, even though He never sinned, his life was the prototype of the surrender that means for us giving up your life in order to save it. How did Jesus do it? Where did the strength He needed to surrender His life come from? The Father, of course. For although he was a man, he was also God the Son. His dependence of the Father for strength provides for us another example to follow. We, too, need a strength outside of ourselves in order to live a life of surrender. If we try to do it our own strength we will only end up discouraged and defeated. If we learn how to delight in God, we will have all the grace we need to live a life of surrender.

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