Linnean Learning



Our Podcasts are an exciting way for anyone and everyone to gain insight into the wonderful, and often weird, worlds of researchers, professionals and well known "curious minds".


  • Linnean Future Podcast #43: The End of Sex

    01/02/2022 Duration: 22min

    Climate change is rapidly altering ecosystems around the world. This is resulting in many species becoming maladapted to the ecosystems in which they evolved. How are organisms choosing their partners in such a rapidly changing world? Are the organisms able to predict what future ecosystem might be like? How would they do this, if they could? And, even if they could, would they be able to choose the “correct” mate accordingly? This Linnean Future podcast episode asks Carlos Botero, assistant professor of biology who specializes in ‘Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Extreme Environments’, how various organisms might cope with and adapt to repeated environmental change. The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. This series brings you stories from around the world that explore the impacts of climate change on every aspect of our lives. Through the series we will be meeting researchers, practitioners, activists, lawyers, an

  • Linnean Future Podcast #42: A Climate of Justice

    21/12/2021 Duration: 15min

    One size can never fit all. So, is it fair that all countries should have Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050? And if they have to, what is the most just path for the whole world to achieve Net Zero in the 28 years? Join us as we discuss Net Zero 2050 with Prof. Navroz Dubash, who explores the complexities and specificities of different nations’ global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and illustrates possibilities for innovation and collaboration within and between nations. The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. This series brings you stories from around the world that explore the impacts of climate change on every aspect of our lives. Through the series we will be meeting researchers, practitioners, activists, lawyers, and others who are studying these climatic changes, tracking their causes and impacts, and working on solutions. The Linnean Society of London is committed to Net Zero (with offsets) by 2022 and

  • Linnean Future Podcast #41: Deep History of Climate Change

    18/11/2021 Duration: 17min

    Hindsight is 20/20. In retrospect, we could have always done things better. But how does this play out in the case of climate change. Does our recorded history hold lessons for us? What and how did our ancestors do when faced with climatic changes and disasters? What can we learn? In this episode, we chat with Dr. Dagomar Degroot who takes us all the way back to 1560, bridging the humanities and sciences to explore how societies have suffered – sometimes thrived - in the face of environmental changes. The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. This series brings you stories from around the world that explore the impacts of climate change on every aspect of our lives. Through the series we will be meeting researchers, practitioners, activists, lawyers, and others who are studying these climatic changes, tracking their causes and impacts, and working on solutions. The Linnean Society of London is committed to Net Zero

  • Linnean Future Podcast #40: COP26

    01/11/2021 Duration: 29min

    About 20,000 heads of state, diplomats and activists will convene a critical conference in the Scottish city of Glasgow – popularly known as COP26 (Conference of the Parties). In our launch episode of our Linnean Future podcast series, we hash out the long history of climate negotiations with Prof. Mark Maslin. We chart the political journey of international environmental negotiations, the challenges that COP26 faces, and what it hopes to achieve. The Linnean Future podcast series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. Twelve episodes over twelve months will bring you stories from around the world that explore the wide-ranging impacts of climate change. Over the series, we will be bringing you vivid interviews, sharp opinions, current research and field science that we hope will help explain the complex and deeply intertwined relationship between us and the planet. The Linnean Society of London is committed to Net Zero (with offsets) by 2022

  • Linnean Podcast #39: Sensitive Sea Snake

    05/08/2021 Duration: 11min

    For most of us we have never seen a sea snake or even perhaps heard of such a creature but in actual fact they are an incredibly diverse group of animals. Dr. Jenna Crowe-Riddell from the School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide is helping us to understand these mysterious creatures. With terrestrial environments being entirely different from marine based environments one of the first questions to be answered about these water dwelling snakes is, how do they sense their world? Interviewer: Ross Ziegelmeier Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Dr. Jenna Crowe-Riddell

  • Linnean Podcast #38: Whale Pop Culture and Intelligence

    08/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    Why have whales evolved to have such incredibly large brains? This is a question that has puzzled researchers for a very long time. New research published in the Biological Journal of The Linnean Society has shed some new light on this question and perhaps got us a little closer to the answer. In this podcast we will hear from Matthew McCurry about this research, and dive a little deeper with Hal Whitehead, into some of the more complex behaviours of whales that have contributed to these incredible creatures large brains. Interviewer: Ross Ziegelmeier Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Prof. Hal Whitehead, Dr Matthew McCurry

  • Linnean Podcast #37: The Octopus: Drilling Through Time

    12/04/2021 Duration: 14min

    Octopoda appear to be from another planet with their entirely unrelatable anatomy and way of being, yet, we are uncontrollably drawn to them. In this podcast we explore what makes them "human", why we relate to them and discover that they are far older than we might have ever previously thought. Interviewer: Padmaparna Ghosh, Ross Ziegelmeier Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Sy Montgomery, Dr. Adiël Klompmaker

  • Linnean Podcast #36: Pick of the Month - The Vanilla Wizard

    02/02/2021 Duration: 04min

    Every month Padma, our Events and Communications Manager, will highlight a historical object, personality or quirky tale from our Collections as the "Pick of the Month" episode. The full stories can be found on our website in “News” section. We hope that these short narratives will serve as trailers to the longer essays that are meticulously researched put together by our Collections staff. This month Padma goes in search of Edmond Albius (1829–80), who ought to be remembered and honoured for his critical contribution to the production of vanilla - a plant many of us know, love and can't do without! Presenter: Padmaparna Ghosh Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier

  • Linnean Podcast #35: Beetles of Lord Howe Island

    14/01/2021 Duration: 12min

    Lord Howe Island is a tiny dot in the Tasman Sea. But home to a curious bunch of beetles. Come and scan the forests of this island with Professor Alexey Solodovnikov and our new host, Padma. Alexey helps us trace the history of beetle study on this island and how important island biogeography is to understanding evolution. Presenter: Padmaparna Ghosh Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Guest Speaker: Prof. Alexey Solodovnikov

  • Linnean Podcast #34: Field Recording Archives - An Animal Soundscape

    23/11/2020 Duration: 14min

    Sounds are used by animals for a large variety of purposes, from finding prey and recognising mates to communicating with each other about food, threats and territories. Many animals, from mammals, birds and fish to insects and numerous groups in between, use acoustics, vocalisation and other ways to make and hear sound. It is without doubt that sound is an important driver in evolution, but has often been overlooked in taxonomy for the simple reason that it does not preserve well in traditional natural history collections. We still wonder what the song of the dodo would have been like. With increases in video and sound recordings of animals and the study thereof, sound plays an increasing role in distinguishing between different species. Thus, in this age of extinction the recording of animal sounds has never been more important. What you are about to hear is a number of field recordings, all collected for the purpose of evolutionary research. Some of the sounds you will hear are from bats, birds, cicada

  • Linnean Podcast #33: L: 50 Objects, Stories & Discoveries from the Linnean Society of London.

    19/10/2020 Duration: 12min

    Take a tour through the Society’s historic collections with our book, L: 50 Objects, Stories & Discoveries from the Linnean Society of London. Written by staff, curators, researchers and Fellows of the Linnean Society, the book showcases 50 of the Society’s most well-known and rarer treasures, including books, manuscripts, specimens and artwork dating from the late 15th century to today. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Interviewer: Padmaparna Ghosh Speakers: Leonie Berwick & Isabelle Charmantier

  • Linnean Podcast #32: Slipper Orchids

    12/10/2020 Duration: 06min

    In this podcast, Mark Spencer tells us about the work being done to combat the illegal trade of orchids. This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Mark Spencer (Curator of Botany at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #31: The Sea Canaries

    01/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    In this podcast, Mark Spencer tells us about Coralline Algae, the canaries of the sea. He explains what indicator species are and their importance to us in trying to understand our changing planet. This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Mark Spencer (Curator of Botany at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #30: It's Not a Pretty Fungus

    05/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    In this podcast, Mark Spencer tells us about Linnaeus' issues with fungi. He also shares a story with us about a fungus that is not pretty but IS fascinating. This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Mark Spencer (Curator of Botany at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #29: Gilbert White

    16/07/2020 Duration: 06min

    It's Gilbert White's 300th birthday this year and to celebrate his contribution to our understanding and love of nature, Stephanie West shares a short story with us about this great naturalist's work and some of the connections he made throughout his life. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Stephanie West (UK Biodiversity Training Manager, Angela Marmont Centre, NHM)

  • Linnean Podcast #28: The "Obvious" Truth about Plant Sexuality

    17/06/2020 Duration: 12min

    Professor Stella Sandford asks "Is it obvious that what is ‘obvious’ is always true?". In this Podcast Stella explores the history of the knowledge of plant sex to see if things really were as obvious as Linnaeus suggested. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Prof. Stella Sandford (Professor of Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University)

  • Linnean Podcast #27: Linnean Herbarium

    01/06/2020 Duration: 05min

    In this podcast, Mark Spencer tells us about the first time he worked with the plant specimens from the Linnean herbarium. This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Mark Spencer (Curator of Botany at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #26: The Giant Hercules Beetle

    07/05/2020 Duration: 03min

    In this podcast, Suzanne Ryder tells us about a Giant beetle, Dynastes hercules! This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Suzanne Ryder (Curator of Insects at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #25: The Curious Case of Peter Artedi

    17/04/2020 Duration: 05min

    In this podcast, Mark Spencer tells us about the work of Peter Artedi and his connection to Carl Linnaeus. This podcast is part of a larger series that asks each of our curators to share stories with us about our precious natural history collection. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Mark Spencer (Curator of Botany at The Linnean Society of London)

  • Linnean Podcast #24: Aristotle and Linnaeus' Private Library

    26/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    Professor Stella Sandford visits Linnaeus' private library to find his book on Aristotle's writings about animals. In this podcast Stella explains the importance of Aristotle's writings and explores what his work means to us now. Produced by: Ross Ziegelmeier Speaker: Prof. Stella Sandford (Professor of Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University)

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