Soul Sayers



The ultimate podcast for feminine healing and growth.


  • Just Talking...About Gaslighting

    17/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    "You know, you are not responsible for enlightening everyone. In fact my love, many people don’t want to be enlightened because that would require them to change. They see change as admitting they are wrong about things - and many people never want to be wrong either." We are living in a time when our sensitivities are they should be. And now is the perfect time to start doing what has been the Soul Sayers mantra since the beginning. Drag all the crap out from the darkness and into the light. Expose bad thinking, fear, insecurity, bias, prejudice, anything that minimizes your greatness. Dims the light you were meant to shine. But not everyone wants to be well. And some will use their resistance to becoming whole as a reason to make you feel that your heart isn't in the right place or you have faulty thinking. So it's time to wake up and get your antennae working. Some folks are pretty sophisticated with their gaslight maneuvers. I think we can be ready for them. Through my spiritual wellness

  • Who Are We Becoming?

    10/06/2020 Duration: 22min

    Is the current state of turmoil and challenge in the world shaping you in any way? Wondering maybe how you should shift and what you should do? We're talking about the importance of authenticity and purpose. Why it's absolutely necessary during these trying times to be fully yourself and to know exactly what it is you should be doing.  We are all being tested in many ways. How we respond will chart the course for our individual journeys and you can trust this, impact the planet. We don't have to be afraid to make a difference! If you would like assistance with navigating your life in any way, particularly in the area of releasing strongholds and finding the courage to make significant changes for the better, I'd love to work with you. Website and coaching information: Soul Sayers Connect with us! Facebook and Instagram

  • Let That Sh#t Go

    03/06/2020 Duration: 24min

    Issues and expectations! Frustration and anticipation! For every woman out there who's done enough fretting, fussing, crying, yelling, and cussing! If you're done killing yourself trying to fix it, tired of carrying it, and over talking about it, then there's only one thing to do... And can I just say that not knowing how to let things go and let them be is THE greatest hindrance to your peace and your growth! Yeah, you are ready to be free. You deserve to be.  "What’s the evolutionary understanding? To cease holding on to feelings, emotions, ideas, concepts, people., accidents, and especially my own bullshit…that doesn’t move me or someone else forward. Let go of anything that doesn’t enrich my spirit gets me excited or sets my soul on fire." Soul Sayers is a Spiritual Wellness Practice focusing on your spiritual growth and connection in combination with life coaching principles. I've developed a 4-step methodology that transforms old mindsets, unproductive routines and habits, and helps you silence your Inn

  • Let's Escape For A Minute

    27/05/2020 Duration: 21min

    No checklists or summary of content today. Just a serene, quiet time of getting in touch with ourselves. Releasing tension, opening ourselves to allow negative energy to flow out, frustrations and stress to ease. We are connecting with the Divine today, making ourselves available to receive healing, peace, and comfort. Let's flow...   Soul Sayers On The Web Facebook Community Instagram

  • Daydreaming - Elevated

    13/05/2020 Duration: 16min

    Episode Highlights: With all the time spent at home, have you been thinking about the trip you're going to take after this is all over? Me too! So much so that I began to include my daydreams as part of my meditation practice with some surprising results! Join me on a fun and simple journey. And let's go visit the places we can't wait to get to! Note: This is a guided meditation and works best when you have a few moments to sit quietly and comfortably. Go get in your zen space and tune in!   Soul Sayers: FB: Soul Sayers Facebook Page IG: IG Page Bird & Bear Branding/Digital Marketing: Home Page

  • Wait...My 401K Is Down To What?! A Money Conversation With Marigny deMauriac

    06/05/2020 Duration: 51min

    Episode Highlights: 1) Strategies for market volatility 2) What to do if furloughed or laid off 3) Options for retirement accounts that have taken a hit 4) What to do about handling credit cards and prioritizing bill payments   Quotes:   "Everyone has a risk tolerance when things are going well. You have to ask yourself what are you willing to risk when things aren't going well?"   "I don't feel your financial gameplan should change based on what's going on in the market right now."   "We have to deal with our fears, it's the only way to face them, challenge them, and then move beyond them."   "It's very easy to make a checklist: these are the things that I need, things that I want, my future wishes, and what I'm afraid of."   " I went for a long time not having a clue where all the money went."   "Working through uncomfortable conversations usually leads to somewhere good."   Resources: If you want Marigny's #lifegoals and Financial Survival Checklist, email us at   Contact Marigny deM

  • Bird's Eye View

    29/04/2020 Duration: 17min

    Episode Highlights We need answers and just want to feel better about what's happening right now. How long will this last? When will I get to go on vacation? Am I still going to have my job? Mostly, people seem to want quick lists, sets of instructions to follow like 5 ways to handle COVID-19 Quarantine or, 10 ways to ease stress.  But the answers, the ones that will truly make you feel better, are found in the spiritual world. Not this crazy one we're in right now. Being connected to your higher self and God can bring relief and insight. So we talk about some good news and some bad news. What you can do about it, and I'll give you a few things to get you started on your journey. Quotes: "See we like to be told what to do - give me the formula and I can quickly implement and execute. But this isn’t like that ya’ll. For sure, I can make up dozens of 5 step plans but honestly, the answers we need aren’t in some a-z handbook." "This situation right here - doesn’t have any pat answers. Not one. Will you get surfa

  • I Didn't Quit...I Just Stopped

    22/04/2020 Duration: 13min

    Episode Highlights: Quitting is often connected to weakness, being soft or lazy, throwing in the towel. If you’ve accepted any or all of those beliefs then quitting is the last thing you want to do. You will ride that thing until the wheels fall off! There is a difference between quitting and stopping! See it as giving up vs. taking a stand. Quotes: "When was the last time that you just allowed yourself to be who you are? Without apology, without explanation, but with power...right smack in the middle of your Divine purpose?" "Once I had this awakening and began challenging all old beliefs I had around quitting things; I discovered there were many other limiting beliefs I had as well." "Have you ever gotten clarity on something and then you try to explain it to other people and they just don't get it?" "The natural tendency is to go back to the way you were, so other folks can be comfortable again." "Once the mind is enlightened, it cannot go dark." "There are times in your life where it is essential that you

  • Hindsight IS 2020

    15/04/2020 Duration: 25min

    We are certainly living in unusual times. In this episode, I reflect back to the beginning of the year when I was feeling a strong push to talk about 2020 being a pivotal year of change. And that overcoming fear was our mandate. Episode Highlights: Systems within society are being dismantled before us. Some will not be rebuilt. We are witnesses to an unfolding of history, happening before our very eyes. But what you do have, and what you still have power over - is yourself. There is a spiritual download  - a reprogramming if you will, a re-branding of your life and being - ready and waiting for you. "The feeling I had was that this year would be one of transformation, breakthroughs, open doors and direction." "This has, however, proven so far to be a year full of uncertainty, great loss of tangible and physical things, and of people. Much of our supposed control has faded away and one of the few resources we can still manage is our time." "That’s life on a spiritual journey - what you miss you are destined

  • The Chat

    08/04/2020 Duration: 27min

    Just an unscripted talk at the crack of dawn. Coffee in hand, just me and you. Spending time together which has become a premium these days!    Episode Highlights:  How the pandemic and social distancing measures keep people apart while reminding us of the importance of regular contact. Why fear of the coronavirus is very much like the virus itself. Understand your fear by asking yourself what you’re specifically afraid of and contemplating how you dealt with those anxieties previously. The reason we should see this catastrophe in part as a call to heal the Earth. An observation about prayer, meditation, and the essential relationship between the two. Using this time to really explore the myriad ways we try to connect with God   Quotes: “Just like the virus is this invisible micro-contaminant, so is fear.” “If you made it through that, you’ll make it through this.” “You have to be still in the midst of this storm that we’re swept up in.” “Everything that’s happening before us is going to be divinely guided, a

  • Avoiding Loss and Grief - Moving to Acceptance and Finding Strength

    01/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    These are difficult trying times. Therapist and coach Julie Markowtiz, LMSW is here to talk about the harmful effects of not working through grief, some tools to get you through and what's waiting on the other side.     Episode Highlights:   The connection between our relationships and our belief systems about ourselves The role that grief, control, and fear of the unknown play in our lives and relationships Julie’s advice for dealing with being at the crossroads of a relationship, managing your fear/anxiety throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic, and when grieving the loss of a loved one Seeking help and support   Quotes:   “Every relationship, I think, that we have in our lives is some kind of re-creation of our early childhood experiences.”   “I think a lot of the time what we’re trying to do is avoid feeling the grief of realizing who our parents actually are instead of who we thought they were.”   “Mental well being is an ability to live in reality…seeing reality can sometimes be so distressing for peo

  • The Big Reset

    25/03/2020 Duration: 21min

    Trying times present opportunities for a mindset shift, a new way of thinking and spiritual growth. Lots of voices now - and lots of noise. But until we change our perspective, fear, worry and doubt will rule the day.    Episode Highlights:  Lessons to be found in this global event Looking upon this as a ‘reset’ God is in control This situation provides us with opportunities for growth The power found in surrendering and acceptance This, too, shall pass   Quotes:   “Please, please take good care of yourselves.”   “So many lessons in here.”   “Power is not in size, but in effectiveness.”   “Directed, focused concentration on what I’m doing, and taking specific actions to further that goal will always get me where I need to be. And it’s the same for you.”   “You and I, we can be infectious. We all have something that we can give to others…medicine, healing, understanding, love and light.”   “There are a lot of voices out there right now…it’s just gotten a bit noisy.”   “We’re swept up and we are going for a rid

  • The Beauty of Tuning In...To You

    18/03/2020 Duration: 14min

    Checking in - that thing we're advised to do to ward off stress and negative emotions. But when was the last time you checked in with yourself to reflect on your victories? Your accomplishments? The generosity you've shown to others, love and support shared with people you care about. It's time to sit with THAT!   Episode Highlights:   How listeners can help spread the Soul Sayers message Doing ‘check ins’ with yourself Celebrating your victories, accomplishments, and generosity A simple centering exercise that honors and uplifts you Deanna’s Spiritual Wellness Practice   Quotes:   “It’s absolutely necessary to, you know, sit with those icky feelings, to process where they’re originating from.”   “The more I checked in with myself, the better I got at handling negative situations right away.”   “I feel better, consistently so.”   “Think of the stuff you’ve actually made it past and survived.”   “Think about where you are versus where they said you’d be.”   “No more shrugging off accomplishments, okay?”   “Le

  • Pull The Plug Pt. 2

    11/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    Ever feel spiritually stuck and stagnant? We're exploring how unhooking from religious routine and sameness can launch you out of that tiny spiritual box and into a creative, fulfilling and healthy place for your soul!   Episode Highlights:   The factors that combined to put Deanna’s life on ‘life support’ The ‘plugs’ that we collectively need to yank out of the wall The science behind forming habits Your ‘God connection’   Quotes:   “I knew that if I did not rise up from this funk that I was in, that it would have some very devastating consequences for my life.”   “There were things in my life that I needed to unplug…and one by one I pulled those plugs.”   “We are always a work in progress.”   “Church does not make you, keep you, or save you. God alone does that.”   “Our connection to God is through our spirits.”   “Take your eyes off of people.”   “If God gave you the car, you’d still have it!”   “You know when someone is moving under God’s direction or their own – we can feel it.”   “No one holds the keys

  • Spiritual Being On A Human Journey

    04/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    Today, I'm sharing some history of my spiritual being on the path to finding greater purpose and meaning through my connection with God. Ever growing understanding of the transformative energy that is the Creator will take you out of your doctrinal box and set you free. Episode Highlights:   How Deanna came to where she is today The writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Deanna’s 3 awakenings The ‘boxed-in spiritual life’ Energy   Quotes:   “God is so vast and so expansive. It would be a shame if we lived all of our lives in one small spiritual box.”   “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”   “I also learned about guilt which seemed to hover around me all the time…I started to wonder what was wrong with me that I could not follow what were described as the simple teachings of Jesus.”   “Why, if I was created by God, did I not have any of his qualities…didn’t I have any heavenly DNA?”   “I found myself with a yearning to be connected to s

  • A Message For You

    26/02/2020 Duration: 08min

    I spent 5 days in a spiritually enriching environment that allowed me to leave negativity behind but also opened me up to receive so much. And I want to share it all with you...

  • Loving Your Weird! Chatting with Mallory Whitfield, Founder of #TowardsTogether, Diversity & Inclusion Trailblazer!

    19/02/2020 Duration: 56min

    We're talking about her work, her mission of teaching us to be kinder to ourselves, and hey, "What is normal anyway?"   Episode Highlights:   Towards Together and how it got started Internal and external judgment Mallory’s book and her ‘Wheel of Weird’ The change that she hopes her work will bring about What’s next for Mallory   Quotes:   “She’s got a beautiful, peaceful, serene way about her that is wonderful to be around.”   “There’s no singular definition of seems like it’s normal to be abnormal and come from a dysfunctional family.”   “I think it’s really helpful to see other people’s perspectives, and have curious conversations, and get vulnerable with each other.”   “My whole life kind of came unraveled all at once in a bunch of different ways.”   “I never totally felt like I knew how to be human.”   “I think for me it was a lot of self-directed internal judgment.”   “We pass on our own pain to other people when we haven’t been able to resolve it.”   “I feel like the more of us that try to d

  • It's Our Anniversary!

    12/02/2020 Duration: 23min

    Reflections on the past year, gratitude for your support and feedback, and a challenge to the Soul Sayers Community.   Soul Sayers’ 1 year anniversary Listening, talking and growing Making 2020 the year of breakthroughs Living out your purpose   Quotes:   “Collectively, I feel like I know each of you.”   “Some of you have profoundly changed me in the things that you have shared.”   “Your power has given me power.”   “Verbalizing what you’re thinking and feeling – that’s some badass stuff right there.”   “I want 2020 to be the year that you get some real breakthroughs in whatever areas are most meaningful to you.”   “Invested in us is a level of creative power and light that we seldom use to its fullest power.”   “This year cannot be another year of you living the same way.”   “Specifically, what is it that you want to achieve, improve, or accomplish?”   “There’s something that you were put on this earth to do.”   “Our level of self-awareness sometimes can be so non-existent.”   “What’s this sisterhood going t

  • Women Making A Difference In Business - Interview With Beth Winkler of Magnolia Physical Therapy

    05/02/2020 Duration: 40min

    Non-traditional start, passion for employee growth, and moving in her natural way of giving. Beth shares her experience as a business owner.   Episode Highlights:   The unconventional start to Beth’s business The importance of finding out how team members honestly feel Beth’s transition from a patient focus to an employee focus Her personal life and personal goals Beth’s goals for Magnolia   Quotes:   “We have to go back and save our city.”   “Just come in and we’ll make you feel better.”   “FEMA basically paid our salaries for the first 3 months.”   “It’s very hard to work on your business when you’re working in your business.”   “Pain don’t take a holiday.”   “I think for so long we took it for granted that everyone loved working for our company.”   “I was disappointed in myself…what could I do better?”   “You’re making room and space for the employees to actually serve a bigger role within the organization.”   “They see that you two did it, and that they could do it too.”   “It’s the nurturing that you gav

  • Here For You

    29/01/2020 Duration: 18min

    Sometimes, people are sent our way to wake us up, shake us up, and get us moving in the right direction. Always right on time and with a needed word to ignite a flame. Guess who's coming for you? Are you ready?   Episode Highlights:   Setting goals Deanna‘s story of transformation Permission to begin ‘living and being you’   Quotes:   “You get to test drive the stuff that you want to accomplish, and get on the road to realizing all the things that you want for yourself.”   “I didn’t feel like my life was important enough for goals to be necessary.”   “My natural abilities, the talents and gifts that I had, they were always just bubbling below the surface looking for chances to escape.”   “How long are you going to continue to make yourself small?”   “That woman was sent to me for that sole purpose that day.”   “The internal transformation – that was the game changer.”   “Today, I know with absolute certainty what I am supposed to be doing while I’m living here on this planet.”   “It’s okay to start the journe

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