Career Tools Basics



This feed contains the guidance which is fundamental to a successful career. Implement this guidance, and you'll be more productive, more effective and more satisfied with your career. Career Tools is a weekly podcast focused on specific actions you can take to grow and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Career Tools won the Podcast Awards Best Business podcast in 2010 and was nominated every other year it has been eligible. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Career Tools has had on their careers and lives. Our goal: Every Professional Productive (TM)


  • Effective Meetings - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)


    How to do you feel about most of the meetings you attend? Are they productive, or generally considered a waste of time? Do you attend too many meetings? How do others value the meetings

  • Building a Network (Hall Of Fame Guidance)


    If you're a manager, don't think for a moment that someone else is managing your career. Those days are long gone. YOU are managing your career. What you do - not only in job skills, but also in what we call "Transition Skills" - will be the primary determinant of your career success. You're not going to have the richest, most rewarding series of roles and opportunities by allowing someone in HR to know enough about you to get you where you need to be. And succession planning won't save you either.

  • Introduction - Career Tools Basics Feed


    Introduction to the Career Tools Basics feed.

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