Strong Towers



Strong Towers was born in late 2018 with a simple vision: Build up. Become strong.Become good fathers, husbands, friends, colleagues, leaders, and followers. Become strong. More importantly, become capable. Become aware of and responsive to the thing within us that says, "there must be more...there has to be." This begins with a commitment to journey into the frontier within each of the unfinished places that are aching for understanding, restoration, and significance.We welcome you to join us on this journey of discovery.


  • S2E34 - Mentorship w/ Brooke & Mike

    08/06/2020 Duration: 54min

    If you've been tracking with us for the last couple weeks, you know we've really enjoyed getting some perspective on mentorship. Morgan Snyder, Alex Voorhees, and now the finale...Brooke Ackerman & Mike Haynes. They've been doing youth ministry for a few years together, and their insights into mentoring teens, adults, and each other are absolutely stellar. Take a'll be glad you did.

  • S2E33 - Mentorship w/ Alex Voorhees

    01/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    In last week's podcast, Morgan Snyder talked about every person having something to offer others in God's Kingdom. Even as we allow ourselves to be shown a better way by those that have gone before, we get to offer what we currently possess to those that are a step behind. Our friend, Alex Voorhees, has had to wrestle with this tension and was willing to offer some AMAZING insights as a younger man who's eager to learn and also willing to share what he has.

  • S2E32 - Mentorship & Becoming a King

    25/05/2020 Duration: 54min

    Mentorship begins with asking questions of those that have gone before you. One such man has been instrumental in each of our journeys of becoming better men, and we had the incredible opportunity to grab some mic time with him. This conversation with our mentor and friend, Morgan Snyder, is absolute GOLD waiting to be mined by those seeking the slow and steady path to becoming the kind of men and women to whom God can entrust His Kingdom. You'll come back to this one again...we promise.

  • S2E31 - Mentorship

    18/05/2020 Duration: 35min

    Mentorship has as much (or more) to do with the questions asked as it does the answers given. There are some valuable lessons we've learned over the last few years of life, but one of the most important is this -- we don't know as much as we think we do. And there is the beginning of wisdom. Time to ask some questions.

  • S2E30 - Becoming Ultra

    11/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    We hope you caught the footage for Mike & Zach's 24-hour quarantined 30 mile race. This wee, we wanted to go behind the scenes and have a conversation about the path that led them to and thru this adventure of mind and body. How do you push yourself past your limits? Take a listen.

  • S2E29 - Mike & Zach's Yeti Ultra 24 Hour Challenge

    04/05/2020 Duration: 03min

    We're back. Kinda. Join us this week as we put away the microphones and pull out the cameras. Last season's podcasts on Challenge inspired Mike and Zach to purse physical, spiritual mental, and relational challenges. Join Mike and Zach on their 24-hour journey to complete the Yeti Ultra 24 Hour Challenge. A challenge to run 5 miles every 4 hours for 24 hours over on our youtube page Check out last season's podcast on Challenge with Nathan Bramblett here

  • S2E28 - Quarantine & Catch-up PT 2

    07/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    Another week of being home and another week of lessons learned. Jon and Mike take time to catch up and talk about our plans for the coming weeks...and the plans for Strong Towers in the months ahead.

  • S2E27 - Quarantine & Catch-up

    30/03/2020 Duration: 36min

    It's Week 2 of our little corner of the world being directly affected by COVID-19, and we wanted to get a little face-time with each other and see what we're learning as we adjust to our new normal.

  • S2E26 - Wisdom & Maturity - COVID-19

    23/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    It feels like the world had changed a lot since last week...and whenever it feels like our world has suddenly changed we're often faced with two connected dilemmas. What do I believe to be true? What am I supposed to do based on what I believe? Mike, Tom, and Jon are going to maintain social distance on this episode and talk through that tension of wisdom, belief, and action.

  • S2E25 - Wisdom & Maturity

    16/03/2020 Duration: 37min

    "Admitting your ignorance is the beginning of wisdom," -Socrates. We recorded this episode prior to the US outbreak of COVID-19, but the theme of recognizing just how much we don't know has certainly had application and benefit long before this present moment. In fact, believe it or not, it's amazingly freeing. Care to try?

  • S2E24 - Sabbath & Rest Pt 2

    02/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    "Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any." Dr. Seuss Join Mike and Tom as they continue the conversation on Sabbath and rest.

  • S2E23 - Sabbath & Rest

    24/02/2020 Duration: 35min

    Need a break? A vacation? Some time to recharge? Us too. Seems like those moments have been all too infrequent during the busy times of life...which seems to be all the time! So we're exploring a lifestyle change in the areas of Sabbath and rest, and you know what? Turns out it's not at all what we thought!

  • S2E22 - Habit

    17/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    Mike often mentions the quote from Jim Rohn that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Given that the 3 of us spend a fair amount of time with each other...and since we're on the topic of looking for inspiration in the year ahead...we wanted to take a moment and capture some of the ways that we've changed by being close to each other.

  • S2E21 - Habit & Goals

    10/02/2020 Duration: 45min

    One month into 2020 and we're learning some new lessons about how to pursue our plans for the year ahead. Accomplishing a goal is one thing, but developing a lifestyle feels somewhat trickier. Where do you find yourself in that process of creating a shift in the way you live?

  • S2E20 - Catch Up and Story Time

    03/02/2020 Duration: 25min

    It's honestly been a few weeks since the 3 of us caught up -- on the mics or even just face-to-face. So we're taking some time to reconnect and share what God seems to be doing in our lives so far in 2020.

  • S2E19 - Goals & Formations

    28/01/2020 Duration: 27min

    Hey, it's a little late, but that's okay. Join us as we discuss our hopes, goals, and new habits for the upcoming year.

  • S2E18 - Best Of 2019

    20/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    Happy New Year! It's a little later than normal for that, but as we step into 2020 we wanted to give a nod to the best of 2019...and in particular, wanted to relaunch the most popular Strong Towers episode from 2019. Our conversation on Challenge & Land Navigation really struck a chord with a lot of us, and as we prepare for the year ahead, we wanted to follow our own advice and look backward in order to move forward into another year of building up and becoming strong.

  • S2E17 - Leadership Pt 2 w/ Nate Allen

    13/01/2020 Duration: 55min

    If you missed Part 1 on Leadership with our friend, Nate Allen, then you need to stop whatever you're doing and go listen right NOW! If you already caught the first one then we know you're absolutely hooked and can't wait for Part 2. So dive right in!

  • S2E16 - Leadership Pt 1 w/ Nate Allen

    06/01/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    We get to do a lot of fun things here at Strong Towers, and one of them is have amazing conversations with incredible people. We sat with our friend, Nate Allen, to reap the benefit of his knowledge and experience on a topic near and dear to our hearts -- how to take better care of the people we're responsible for, whether at work or at home. You're going to want to listen to this one a few times to soak it all in. Enjoy!

  • S2E15 - Sons of Our Father Pt 3

    23/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    In the conclusion to this series on Sons of Our Father, Santiago, Tom, and Jon discuss the need to pursue and fight to make room for mentors, guides, and father-figures in our lives. If you missed the first two episodes, make sure you go back and check them out before hitting play on this gem. Merry Christmas from all of us at Strong Towers!

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