Local Church St. Pete Podcast



This podcast features talks given at Local Church St. Pete. We are a community of people humbled by the grace and love of Jesus located in the heart of St. Pete, FL - a diverse, eclectic, artistic and active city. Our hope is for Local Church St. Pete to be a place where you can grow in faith, ask hard questions and take time to explore the truths of who Jesus is and what it means for your life today. Visit us online at www.localchurchstpete.com.


  • Countercultural Jesus Way of Life | 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

    05/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    Since the Thessalonians had a faith that made some noise, it makes sense for Paul to describe the kind of lifestyle that would produce a louder faith still. The letter of 1 Thessalonians ends with easy-to-remember instructions for the Thessalonians to immerse themselves into the counter-cultural ways of Jesus. What did that counter-cultural life involve? What did it ask of them? What does it ask of us?  

  • When Jesus Returns | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

    29/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    Christians believe Jesus is returning. Does the thought of Jesus’ return fill you with fear and anxiety or joy and encouragement? The Thessalonians had a mixture of both. They were stressed over what Jesus’ return meant for those who had already died. And they began to wonder about their participation in Jesus’ return. How confident could they be that they will be ready? What does it look like to be "ready"? These are some of the questions we look at this Sunday. 

  • He is Risen (and it really does matter) | Luke 24:1-47

    21/04/2019 Duration: 30min

    Ever wonder, “Does it really matter if Jesus rose from the dead?” The resurrection is a big deal. Without it, Christianity has no salvation, no acceptance, no deliverance. Without the resurrection, Jesus becomes a liar, a fake and even worse than that, a delusional man. If Jesus has been raised then that changes EVERYTHING. We’ll talk about how the resurrection of Jesus changes everything and what it means here and now.

  • Now We Really Live | 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

    07/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    Can you remember a time you were away from family or friends while they were facing a severe trial? Being away from those you love when you know they’re facing a trial is what Paul was experiencing. His longings and concerns are felt at every turn – a real overflow of emotion. What do Paul’s emotions for the Thessalonian church have to do with us? And how is it a pattern for us to follow? We’ll discover the source of Paul’s joy in the midst of suffering.

  • We Loved You So Much | 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16

    31/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    We’ve all been hurt by someone with selfish motives. Because of that, there’s a lot of cynicism and skepticism towards people in general and leaders in particular. What were Paul’s motives for sharing the truth of Jesus with the Thessalonians? How did he behave when he was with them? We’ll look at motives and behavior reshaped by the gospel of Jesus.

  • A Faith That Makes Some Noise | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

    24/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    It’s as if the Thessalonians' lives had been plugged into an amplifier and turned up as loud as it could go. Suffering and persecution had only highlighted their faith in Jesus. This brand-new church had a faith that was making some noise. What did their faith look like and more importantly what was the driving force behind it? 

  • Surprise Conclusions | Mark 15:42-16:8

    17/03/2019 Duration: 29min

    Surprise Conclusions (Mark 15:42-16:8)Some of the best books or movies are the ones you think will end a certain way, but something happens,  leaving everyone surprised. While you’re still in shock and awe, the credits start to roll, or the book comes to an abrupt end. There are a few surprise conclusions in the book of Mark that lead us to the most abrupt and shocking end you can imagine. We’re still talking about it today. 

  • A Masterpiece Like No Other | Mark 15:16-39

    10/03/2019 Duration: 38min

    We’ve come to the part of Mark that, for some, is familiar territory. In many ways that’s good, BUT we run the risk of assuming we know exactly what we’re looking at - the familiar turning into the mundane and losing its edge. We run the risk of reading it and quickly moving on. What’s happening on the pages of Scripture before us is a masterpiece like no other. This passage is the centerpiece of God’s story. Let’s lean in and appreciate each brush stroke.

  • A Trial of Another Kind | Mark 14:53-15:15

    03/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    What happens when Jesus, the one who claims all authority to rule and judge, stands trial before the religious and political authorities of his day? What happens when Peter, the courageous follower of Jesus, faces another kind of trial before a servant girl? Marked by false-testimony, hidden agendas, self-preservation, and fear, these trials bring us into a trial of own. 

  • Jonah and His Conflict with God | Jonah

    24/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    Jonah doesn’t at all want to do what God calls him to do. And what’s messing with him the most is what he knows about God. Ever felt like running? Ever question God? Ever get angry with God? Discover God’s response to an angry and resentful prophet and what all of it means for you.

  • Money, Power and True Greatness | Mark 10:17-45

    17/02/2019 Duration: 38min

    Money, Power and True GreatnessCould what we have be in the way of what Jesus has for us? Could what we want be in the way of what Jesus wants for us? With patience and love Jesus speaks to both money and power, redefines greatness and models it for us to follow.

  • A Blind Man's Confession | Mark 8:22-38

    10/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    A healing that requires another touch from Jesus in order to be complete. A confession that Jesus is Messiah (King) that gets it right and wrong at the same time. Two stories, intentionally put together to highlight the central question of the book of Mark and of Jesus’ ministry, “Who do you say I am?”  

  • LOCAL Stories | Josh Allen

    03/02/2019 Duration: 05min
  • Crazy, Possessed or Something Else? | Mark 3:7-35

    03/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    Misunderstood by his family, accused by religious leaders, sought after by crowds and feared by evil spirits. All of these groups try to either control or silence Jesus in their own ways - but Jesus won’t have it. What do their reactions to Jesus teach us about our own? And what did Jesus begin in Mark 3 that he invites us into today?

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