Local Church St. Pete Podcast



This podcast features talks given at Local Church St. Pete. We are a community of people humbled by the grace and love of Jesus located in the heart of St. Pete, FL - a diverse, eclectic, artistic and active city. Our hope is for Local Church St. Pete to be a place where you can grow in faith, ask hard questions and take time to explore the truths of who Jesus is and what it means for your life today. Visit us online at www.localchurchstpete.com.


  • Wisdom’s Invitation | Proverbs 1:20-33

    03/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    Many of us go through life trusting our intuition and heading in the direction that makes the most sense at the time. What happens when our instincts are off and our intuition isn't enough? The book of Proverbs is a road map for life filled with divine wisdom, protection and guidance; it’s a path everyone is invited to walk. Where does this path begin and what does it produce in the lives of those who walk it?

  • Lent Exhortation | Fasting

    26/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Followers of Jesus have practiced fasting during the season of lent for a long time. This exhortation is about some of the reasons why and how to get started.

  • Our Message to Proclaim | Acts 8:4-25

    26/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    It’s a message stronger than deep prejudice, suspicion and hostility. It’s a message that doesn’t flinch in the face of darkness. Acts 8:4-25 is the story of what happens when Jesus’ followers speak the good news of the kingdom of heaven. It’s been producing deliverance, joy and life ever since – and now it’s our turn; it’s our message to proclaim.

  • Alternative Society | Matthew 5:13-16

    18/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    From the very beginning, followers of Jesus have found themselves in societies that were at odds with the ways of Jesus. And yet, this is central to how Jesus uses His church. In Matthew 5, we see that the church is called to be an alternative society - a window through which the world sees the beauty of living under the rule of King Jesus.

  • Allegiance to the King | Matthew 19:16-30

    11/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Matthew 19:16-30 recounts a conversation between Jesus and a young man who is asking how a person can enter the Kingdom of God. In these verses, we’ll learn that anyone can enter, but external obedience isn’t sufficient. Only by surrendering all we are, and giving our allegiance to King Jesus, will we enter His kingdom.

  • An Atmosphere of Mercy | Matthew 13:21-35

    04/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    Where do you find the strength to forgive? When the pain runs deep and the hurt is real, when all you want to do is retaliate or write someone off? In Matthew 18:21-35 we discover that mercy is the atmosphere of the kingdom of heaven. It’s the air we breathe, our source of strength and the ongoing response of those who have truly received it.

  • Giving Update and Convictions | January 2024

    29/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this update, Daryn reviews the impact faithful and sacrificial giving has had on our shared mission in 2023 and the opportunities before us in 2024. What are your convictions and what is your practice? 

  • Glad Surrender | Matthew 13:44-46

    29/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    The kingdom of heaven isn’t something we’re to keep at arm’s length. It’s something to hold close and value more than anything else in this life; to treasure beyond compare. In Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus shares two stories that invite us into the joy and obsession of those who know the value of the kingdom; and with glad surrender give up everything to have it.

  • Kingdom Growth | Matthew 13:1-23

    21/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    Many of us have heard of the kingdom of heaven, but it can be a struggle to put intowords what the kingdom is, or how it works. What does Jesus have to say about thekingdom? In Matthew 13, we see that when the good news of Jesus takes root inhearts, the kingdom grows and produces a harvest beyond our wildest imaginations.

  • LOCAL Story | Naj Muthu

    14/01/2024 Duration: 07min

    Local stories are stories of God's grace at work in the lives of those who are a part of Local Church St. Pete.  We want to highlight his activity and celebrate his grace.

  • What Matters Most | Matthew 6:24-35

    14/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    So much is coming at us each day that leads to distraction and anxiety. Short bits of information, disjointed and unrelated, fill our minds and tell us what we should run after and what will satisfy. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus’ words break through all the noise with beautiful simplicity. They give us a new value system and a single-minded focus on what matters most.

  • Jesus’ Message | Matthew 4:17

    08/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of God) more than anything else. It was his primary message and yet it can be difficult to define and is frequently misunderstood. What is the Kingdom of Heaven and why does it feel so abstract to us? What does it tell us about Jesus and why did he consider it such good news?

  • Rhythms of a New Life | Romans 6:12-14

    31/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    Have you ever felt trapped in old habits and broken choices? It can feeldiscouraging and frustrating fighting the same battles again and again. On this lastday of 2023 we’re going to explore the rhythms of life that Jesus invites us into. Theseintentional habits help us to experience God’s grace in ways that heal and free us.

  • The Peace We Long For | Luke 1:1-4; 2:1-20

    25/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    We all long to experience true peace. Something to not only quiet the noise and calm our thoughts – but to go beyond that. To make right what we know is wrong, to restore what we know is broken, to satisfy us in a way nothing and no one else can. The story of Christmas is the story of an assuming child, born to intervene, born to bring the kind of peace we all long for.

  • LOCAL Story | TJ Graf

    18/12/2023 Duration: 07min

    Local stories are stories of God's grace at work in the lives of those who are a part of Local Church St. Pete.  We want to highlight his activity and celebrate his grace.

  • A Promise of Liberation | Isaiah 61:1-11

    18/12/2023 Duration: 34min

    This is for anyone experiencing a heaviness that won’t quit. It’s for everyone suffering the effects of the brokenness of this life. Isaiah 61 breaks through deep sorrow and debilitating shame with a promise of liberation; good news of restoration for the brokenhearted and disenchanted.

  • A Voice of Preparation | Isaiah 40:1-11

    11/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Sometimes we just need to hear some good news. Life can often leave us feeling battered, and the darkness of this world can eclipse our joy and hope. In Isaiah 40, we hear the good news that not only gives us a reason to praise, but also the joy and strength to share that news with others.

  • A Request for Intervention | Isaiah 64:1-12

    03/12/2023 Duration: 32min

    When it all seems broken beyond repair. When painful consequences of past decisions seem to have the final word. When God feels far off and silent. It’s from this place of desperation we’re given the prayer in Isaiah 64:1-12. It’s a request for intervention – for God to step into the mess with his presence and power. The answer to that prayer is ours to hold onto.

  • In The Light | John 1:5-2:2

    26/11/2023 Duration: 35min

    Following Jesus has long been described as “walking in the light,” but what does that mean and how do we live it out here and now? The short but powerful letter of 1 John is a reminder of where to begin, how to live and who we need in order to move forward “in the light.”

  • Open Invitation | 1 John 1:1-4

    19/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    Wouldn’t you love to sit down with someone who physically walked with Jesus? Who heard his message first hand and witnessed what he did? That’s what we have in the letter of 1 John – an eyewitness account of John the Apostle. His testimony is an open invitation to share in the life and joy he received.

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