Soul Curious



The older I get, the more curious I become. Soul Curious is a podcast created to bring awareness and knowledge to spirituality & self-development, diving even deeper into our soul and what were are here to do on Earth. Tune into episodes every Tuesday & Thursday to quench your curiosity! Connect with us @ soulcurious@outlook.comJoin the Facebook group @ Soul Curious


  • Crystals 101: Part 1

    04/06/2019 Duration: 21min

    In this episode I dive into the basics of how to choose crystals, cleanse them, set intentions, and learning how to connect more with your crystals. Crystals are such a power tangible tool that we can use for healing and connecting more to ourselves and who we are at the soul level! Topics discussed: - Are crystals for you? - How to select crystals - Cleansing crystals - Sharing crystals - Connecting with your crystals   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email: 

  • Being an Empath with Robin Scott

    30/05/2019 Duration: 53min

    Robin Scott shares her blog (diary) on with a soul mission to help empaths like her, step into their calling. I loved this conversation so much with Robin, and resonated SO much in everything she shared about being an empath and the journey of an empath. In this conversation she talks about what an empath is, how we know if we are an empath, the chakra system, relating being an empath to the clair's (clairvoyant, clairsentient, etc.) as well as the shift in consciousness.    Connect with Robin: Website(s): & Instagram: @thediaryofanempath Podcast: The Empath Podcast   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • A Message from My Guides

    28/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    Solo episode with me (Sammy) where I share a message from my guides! The oracle deck I use is "Work Your Light" by Rebecca Campbell and I absolutely love, love, love this deck. If you are feeling called to listen to this episode, I encourage you to do so! I ask my guides what we collectively in the Soul Curious Podcast community need to hear most right now, and the guidance, as always, is in perfect timing.   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Spiritual Basis of Addictions + Nourishing Our Soul with Bracha Goetz

    23/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    Bracha Goetz is a Children's book author and Harvard graduate. She is devoted to her work and message on the spiritual basis of addictions and how all souls are starving to find spiritual nourishment. Bracha talks about her experience with anorexia and how she healed herself by realizing she wasn't feeding her soul or her spiritual essence. Topics discussed: - The spiritual basis of addiction - Types of spiritual practices/tools that have help her personally - Filling our lives with spiritual pleasures - Finding joy and incorporating more of what brings us joy in our lives - How even if you have everything in life-your soul can still be hungry - How we can support our loved ones who may be suffering from addiction Addiction & Alcohol hotline: 844.244.3171    Connect with Bracha Goetz: Facebook: Bracha Goetz "Searching for God in the Garbage"   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriou

  • Clearing Our Energy + Shifting to 5D Consciousness with Wendy Rose Williams

    21/05/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Wendy Williams is a Certified Spiritual Teacher, Reiki Master Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Author and Speaker. In this episode Wendy shares how we can clear our energy and what tools we can use to do so, the different levels of consciousness such as 3D, 4D and 5D, her own experiences in shifting from 3D to 5D, and how we can start our own practices in shifting to help the collective shift to 5D consciousness! Connect to Wendy Rose Williams: Website: Facebook: Wendy Rose Williams   Connect to Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Anxiety, Depression & Getting Unstuck with Derek Anderson

    16/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    This episode I'm super excited to share is with my husband Derek Anderson. In this episode Derek shares his experience with anxiety, depression and ways he has found to help him in during these times in his life! This is a topic Derek and I are so passionate about sharing, and want you all to know that you are not alone! National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline: 1.800.950.6264 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.8255 *We are not doctors, therapist or mental health experts - but sharing our own unique experiences in this episode*   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • My Past Life Regression Experience

    14/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    I share my recent experience with Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Tracy Hemingway who specializes in past Life Regression and Interlife Exploration (the life between lives). This experience was extremely powerful for me and I hope by sharing it it opens you up to the possibilities and knowing that we are all guided, loved, protected and supported.  Connect with Tracy Hemingway for a Past Life Regression session: Website: Facebook: Hemingway Hypnosis Email: Instagram: hemingwaytracy   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Sound Healing with Sharlean Windus

    09/05/2019 Duration: 46min

    Sharlean Windus is a Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Development Coach and Sound Healing Practitioner. In this episode we are diving into all things on Sound Healing!  Sharlean discusses the different tools she uses and that we can explore with sound healing such as Alchemy bowls, Quartz crystal bowls, tuning forks, chimes, drum and a rattle. Sharlean also talks about the different notes and vowels for each chakra, binaural beats, and brain waves (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta). In this beautiful episode, you will get to listen to the different tools Sharlean uses in her sound healing practice and how we can use these amazing tools in our own lives and healing! Connect with Sharlean Windus: Website: Facebook: Sharlean Windus Instagram: @sharleanwindus   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Dive into Your 5 Senses: A Poem by Sammy Anderson

    07/05/2019 Duration: 07min

    This impromptu episode & journaling topic. I encourage you to imagine what you want your life to look at through all five senses. Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste and Smell. Enjoy!   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast Email:

  • The Power of Visualization with Tanya MFK

    02/05/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Tanya MFK is a powerful Self Development Coach for women entrepreneurs, who focuses on business, but also focuses on the inner processes and beliefs we have that need to be address to realize heart centered success.  In this episode we talk about the wonderful topic of Visualization and how powerful we can use this tool to incorporate in our lives. We also touch on connecting visualization to emotion and how emotion plays a huge role in our lives in what we are wanting to create. We also chat about manifestation, creative processes and tools, as well as what "feeling stuck is" and how we are able to visualize what we want to create in our lives, and how important and necessary it is to just START.  Connect with Tanya: Website: Worksheet links: Facebook: Tanya MFK Instagram: @tanyamfk   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Moon Cycles, Flow + Stepping into Alignment with Haley Lusk

    30/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    Haley Lusk is a modern Medicine Woman and Self Love expert who's passion is helping women discover what they really are looking for in their lives, by stepping away from hustle and into alignment to what they truly want to do in their lives and businesses.  In this episode we talk moon cycles, boundaries, getting into flow, the emotional scale and importance of intention. Haley touches on the aspect of connecting back to Earth and creating from the heart space which we all hold deeply within ourselves! Connect with Haley Lusk: Website: Instagram: @iamhaleylusk   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Exploring Numerology with Tina De Luca

    25/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    Tina De Luca is a Numerologist and psychic medium who has been practicing numerology for over 30 years. The Universe guided her to her mentor at a young age, and she has been practicing and living her purpose ever since!  In this episode we discuss the basics of numerology, the meaning and symbolism behind the number (1-12), as well as calculating our numerology numbers with our birth charts and our names. From Destiny numbers, to Reaction numbers, to numbers related to the generations of our families, this is such a great episode for the basics of numerology! Connect with Tina De Luca: Facebook: Inlightin Energy Website: Email:   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Shamanism, Ayahuasca + Honoring the Medicine of the Earth with Austyn Wells

    23/04/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    Austyn Wells is an Spiritual Medium and Soul Gardener who combines shamanism, mediumship, hypnotherapy, grief counseling, remote viewing and energy medicine into the wonderful work that she does. In this episode we talk about the topic of Shamanism, Austyn's journey to Shamanism, as well as soul centered practices for shifts and transitions, spirit and power animals, Ayahuasca, energy medicine as well as ourselves as being human beings and spiritual beings-and how everything is temporary. Austyn shares her new book "Soul Conversations" as well as card decks she produced "Divine Insight Cards" and "Divine Spark Cards." You can find and purchase her cards on her website ( as well as find her book "Soul Conversations" on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indebound, as well as her website.                                                               Connect with Austyn: Website: Facebook: Austyn Wells Instagram: @austynwells Link to her Book & Cards:

  • Morning + Evening Routines to Create a High Vibe

    18/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    SOLO EPISODE!! Sammy shares her thoughts on morning/night routines. She shares own routine for morning and night-things that include gratitude, meditation, journaling, reading, workouts, uplifting podcasts and much more. She also gives tips on what YOU can do and how you can go about navigating what works best for you and your life.    Book mentioned: "Magic" by Rhonda Bryne   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • The 7 Soul Types with Philomena McGee

    16/04/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Philomena McGee is a Clairvoyant, Soul Historian, Spiritual Counselor, Coach and Medium. In this episode we chat about the 7 different soul types (King, Priest, Sage, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar and Server), the positive and negative traits of each soul type, how we can find what our soul type is and how we can understand who we are at the soul level.  Philomena uses her gifts to explore ways to break life patterns that no longer serve your higher good, and help bring people to a higher level of self-awareness.   Connect with Philomena: Website: YouTube: The Omena Channel Facebook: Omena   Connect with Soul Curious Podcast: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email: 

  • Reincarnation, Universal Love, Death, Transitions and Being Multidimensional with Margery Phelps

    11/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    Margery Phelps is an Author, Reincarnation Coach and Health Coach. In this beautiful conversation, Margery shares her experiences with past lives and her mission to teaching others how their past lives do impact their current incarnations. Margery also shares how we can look at death and dying in a different light, as well as the power of Universal Love.  Receive a free PDF copy of Margery's workbook "Crossing the Bridge from Life to Life" by sending her an email at Connect with Margery: Websites: / /   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Purpose, Passion & Authenticity with Georgia Woodbine

    09/04/2019 Duration: 52min

    Georgia Woodbine is an Author, Speaker, Change Agent and Lifestyle Transformation Coach. In this episode we chat A LOT about purpose, passion and always connecting back to your WHY. We also chat a little about manifestation, how to be aware and change your mindset, how you can serve others, affirmations and with knowing your WHY, how you can use your gifts in your life.  Connect with Georgia Woodbine: Website: Facebook: @georgiawoodbine Instagram: Georgia Woodbine Twitter: LinkedIn:   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Uncovering Our Shadows to Discover Our True Self with Royce Morales

    04/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    Royce Morales is a Spiritual Teacher and Transpersonal Development Coach who helps others clear out their subconscious blocks that are in the way of discovering our Higher Purpose. She also helps others resolve their fears in this current life, along with the fears from past lives.  Royce developed an inner process called "Perfect Life Awakening" that shines light on our "dark side" which is the negative programming. By understanding and acknowledging our dark side, we are able to be aware and clear it to discover the True You underneath.  Connect with Royce Morales: Website: Facebook: Royce Morales Instagram: @roycemorales   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @sammybingg Email:

  • Relationships, Love + Limiting Beliefs with Jenner Linden

    02/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    Today's episode is with Love Coach, Jenner Linden!  Jenner shares her journey of becoming a love coach, what her process is when working with clients and so much on the topic of limiting beliefs especially when it comes to love and our relationships. Jenner also shares the most common limiting beliefs such as "not being good enough" "trust issues" and "not feeling seen." Jenner also shares her 5 step process called "HEART" that is the same process she did to align herself with her soul partner.    Connect with Jenner Linden: Facebook: Jenner Linden Website: Instagram: @jennerlinden   Connect with Soul Curious: Facebook: Soul Curious Podcast Group Instagram: @soulcuriouspodcast @ sammybingg Email:

  • The Magic of Tarot Cards with Corbie Mitleid

    28/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    If you've ever been curious about Tarot Cards, you'll want to drop in on this episode! Corbie Mitleid is a psychic medium, a channel and Certified Professional Tarot Reader as well as an inspirational teacher and speaker. Corbie shares her knowledge on using tarot cards, how to choose a tarot deck, using tarot cards + oracle cards together, the misconceptions about tarot and the importance of making sure that if you receive a reading that your reader honest and in your best interest! Corbie also shares a special discount for her books "The Psychic Yellow Brick Road" and "Clean Out Your Life Closet" on amazon when you go to her website: and purchase with the code: SOULCURIOUS Connect with Corbie Mitleid: Website: / /  Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn:   Connect with So

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