Speak Up With Laura Camacho

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 116:29:36
  • More information



Laura Camacho, PhD, is a expert in interpersonal communication and career hacks for introverts. Her clients learn how to think, speak and listen to get ahead at work (& make bank). Laura teaches how to read people (emotional intel), growth mindset and critical conversations will catapult your career success.


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    Listen to this episode to learn what Columbia, South Carolina's leading leadership coach has to say about conversations that fail and it's NOT your fault!!! Conversation skills don't always work. There is emotional risk involved. Enjoy her story and she got me to share my take on dealing with disappointment. For more communication skill savvy visit www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 84 Four Things To Do Before A Difficult Conversation

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  • Episode 83 Learn From Jocelyn Ring's Train Wreck Conversation with a Client

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    Listen to this episode if you want to hear a real-life train wreck conversation between a branding strategist (Jocelyn Ring of The Ring Effect) and her CEO client. Jocelyn shares the horror of the situation, how she got through it and what she learned. She also shares how important it is to be able to tell people something they don't want to hear. In her case, it was telling her NYC circle of friends and family that she was moving to Florida. It's a great story of being true to yourself. For more about Jocelyn see www.theringeffect.com For more communication savvy visit www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 82 What You Need to Know to Leave Mediocre Conversations Behind

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    Listen to this episode if you want to stand out in a crowded sea of talent, if you want to leave a legacy of creative solutions and encouragement. Take note if you find most conversations at work boring beyond belief. See more interpersonal communication savvy at www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 81 These 3 Phrases Stunt Your Growth

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    Listen to this episode if you want to make sure you're not saying things that hold you back. I explain what agency is, and focusing on expanding your sense of agency is the back-door path to greater success. See more creative communication expertise at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 80 Communication Style And Team Performance

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    Listen to this track if you would like to improve communication with the people you work with, within a team or across teams. In this episode I briefly describe the 4 styles of communication and what people of each communication style tend to listen for. Get your copy of 30 Days of Yes (practical persuasion tips)here: https://mailchi.mp/4655591c52d6/30daysofyes

  • Episode 79 Make That Conference Feel Like Your 6th Birthday Party

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    Listen to this track is you have a conference coming up or you're thinking about attending one. Conferences are fantastic for you but can be exhausting. See more at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 78 A Brighter Shinier World From More Imaginative Words

    17/04/2019 Duration: 08min

    Listen to this track if you're tired of hearing how "awesome" or "amazing" or "great" everything is. You can actually change your world by using different words to describe it. Using unexpected words also catches people's attention, something very challenging to do these days. See more creative communication savvy at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 77 Five Strategies to Recession - Proof Your Career

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    Listen to this episode if you want YOUR career to be recession-proof, objection-proof and disaster-proof. I share 5 strategies you implement NOW to take control of your career trajectory. For more helpful communication savvy visit www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 76 For Different Outcomes Ask Different Questions

    02/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Listen to this track to learn how the way you ask for something or describe it actually changes your experience of the thing. I share 8 examples ranging from how to find meaning in your work, ask for a raise, get closer to people, avoid being offended and feeling happier right now. For more insight like this visit www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 75 Crush Your Next High - Stakes Conversation

    21/02/2019 Duration: 06min

    Listen to this if you have a high-stakes conversation coming up and/or you need to make a request. Your skill in steering high-stakes conversations can make you priceless, essential and irreplaceable. See more communication savvy at www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 74 Fixing Difficult People

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  • Episode 73 4 Things To Learn From The Well Connected

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    Listen to this episode if you want to be well connected, with all the benefits that come with that. I share 4 essentials that all well connected people practice. For more useful tips to advance your career, please visit www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 72 We Are Looking For Your Point Of View

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  • Episode 71 3 Truths About Pitching You Need To Know

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  • Episode 70 Not A Good Time- Interruptions And Conversation Exits

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    Hi! Listen to this episode if you have too many interruptions in a day OR if you want to know what to do to EXIT a conversation that's getting too long or tedious for you. If you don't protect your time, others will eat it up, fritter it away and you'll never get it back. See more articles on communication savvy at www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 69 Avoid The #1 Mistake In Presentations

    14/01/2019 Duration: 07min

    Listen to this track to deliver a more concise and compelling talk the next time you have a presentation to give. Download this FREE No More Presentations 28-page PDF: https://mixonian.com See more at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 68 The Party You Must NEVER Attend

    05/01/2019 Duration: 08min

    Listen to this episode to learn what to do when you're in a cranky mood. Emotions are contagious and here are some proven tips to turn around a negative state of mind. See more from Mixonian Institute at www.mixonian.com

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