Running: A Fever



My journey from a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle to a physically fit lifestyle through running.


  • RAF340: God Speaks in Exercise

    27/12/2023 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the sixty-seventh installation of Shattering the Yoyo. Today, we look back at episode ninety-five, from November 14, 2018, titled "Eggs and Australia." Read the full post at Photo by Pixabay:  

  • RAF339: Death

    20/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    And we're walkin'! I did a warmup. I've been doing a pretty extensive warm-up before walking because, as you know, I've had Achilles tendon problems over the years. One year and a half ago, when I pretty near severed it, I pulled it completely apart. So that's why I do the exercises. I remember some of them from when I was in physical therapy. I guess it's helping. So far, I haven't had any issues since this most recent restart. Read the full post at Photo by Adobe Stock

  • RAF338: Metaphor for Life

    13/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    It's a beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville, surprise, surprise. It's maybe seventy degrees, maybe a little warmer than that. It's been a great day, maybe low 60s to low 70s, something like that. Read the full post at Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:  

  • RAF337: A Windy Place

    06/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    This is the second episode I've made in recent times. I made one last week. On the trail, I mean -- I've been doing studio episodes for a while. But, fully back from the hiatus, we are doing our standard thing. I almost left home without my wallet and my water. I probably could have gotten by without them, but I guess you should have your license with you when you drive. So I got the wallet, and then I realized I didn't have water, and I needed to hydrate before and after. So I Mio-ized two bottles of water and put some ice in there because I didn't have any in the fridge. I used to keep a five-gallon jug of water with a tap on it in the fridge. I no longer do that. I just chill the water bottles; they take up a lot less space. I've been using the Mio Sport. I don't have any at home right now. But it's supposed to replace electrolytes like any sports drink does. Today, I just had Tang, which is a delicious orange drink that comes in the same format as Mio. It's liquid in a little bottle. You squirt some into

  • RAF336: Just Do It!

    29/11/2023 Duration: 21min

    I'm trying to remember some of the exercises I was doing when I was in physical therapy to use as I warm up to protect that Achilles tendon after that rupture last year. I've been having trouble with it recently. It's nothing major but some discomfort in that area, so I'm being extra careful today. Read the full post at  

  • RAF335: Watching My Blood Pressure

    22/11/2023 Duration: 05min

    I've had a couple of doctor visits recently, and my blood pressure has been completely within limits, not too high and not too low. I think it may be that I am drinking strictly decaf coffee now. I know caffeine has been an issue in the past. But my stress level isn't appreciably lower, I'm not exercising a lot, and though I have lost some weight this year, my weight is still well over what it should be for optimal health. Sometimes I just have to just be grateful for the good that's happening in my life, without worrying too much about the whys and wherefores, etc. whatnot, so forth. Read the full post at Photo by cottonbro studio:  

  • RAF334: A Non-Boring Healthy Lunch

    15/11/2023 Duration: 08min

    A good exercise plan---you know I was doing a lot of different things when episode 93 was recorded, and that's good. I was able to keep that up for a while. Maybe it isn't sustainable for the long term. You know even if I make fitness my number one priority, it doesn't mean that I don't have a number two, three, etc. But I do think the basic ideas here are sound, some strength training, even if it is just a little dumbbell action at home. Some cardio: I still have that stationary bike I can use without leaving the house. And walking is definitely something I need to do more of because it has psychological benefits as well. And it just feels good. If you can do something that feels good and is healthy, too, that's great. Why not do it? Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER/334 Photo by Sarah  Chai:  

  • RAF333: Nutrigenomics

    08/11/2023 Duration: 04min

    We're on #64 of our Shattering the Yoyo series, looking back at episode 92, which came out November 2nd of 2018, a year in which I dramatically improved my health. I'm trying to learn from what I did that year in hopes that I can avoid the yo-yo diet syndrome in the present day. Read the full post at Image by thank you for

  • RAF332: Living to 100 and Beyond - Delphia Welford

    01/11/2023 Duration: 03min

    Who is Delphia Welford? It sounds like she's from Pennsylvania, for sure. Even though she died in 1992, she is just now being added to the top 10 list. She was the 2nd oldest living person, behind Jeanne Calment for a couple of years. Now, she is the tenth longest-lived person, at 117 years, 66 days, living from September 9, 1875 to November 14, 1992. Read the full post at: Photo courtesy of Gerontology Research Group,  

  • RAF331: Living to 100 2023

    25/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    First things first. I have returned (last episode) from the hiatus, which was in effect starting in late September of last year. When I sat down and started working again, I could not believe it had been that long! At the time, I thought some life stuff was going to change short-term, but as usual, something different happened. Anyway, it's good to be back, and if you're listening, you've stuck with me, and thank you for that. Read the full post at: Photo by: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash   

  • RAF330: Know Thy Health Self

    18/10/2023 Duration: 05min

    In the last episode, I talked about learning from my own experience and studies and living my life accordingly. Okay, maybe I didn't mention the studying part. But one of the things I have done is to learn from Dan Buettner's series of books about what he calls "blue zones". These are places where people live significantly longer than average at a very high rate. He dug into the lifestyles that make up the local societies in these geographical areas, proposing them as tenets of a philosophy of longevity that anyone can follow. Read the full post at Image by StockSnap  from Pixabay:  

  • RAF329: Choices

    11/10/2023 Duration: 05min

    One of the most important things to me, as I have been doing this research and practice and work over the last few years, is that I need to become an expert at my own health. Different people have different hungers, different preferences, different tolerances. The enormous quantity of information available on health is both a blessing and a curse. Read the full post at Photo by Andres  Ayrton:

  • RAF328: The Right Way

    04/10/2023 Duration: 04min

    In the determination of right, the game between right and wrong, we need some rules. This is a universal tenant of being human. It's why we have codes of morality, religion, and even laws. So, when I set out to do something the right way, I need to figure out the list of rules I need to follow to accomplish this. Read the full post at Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

  • RAF327: And More Injuries

    27/09/2023 Duration: 05min

    I don't always follow my own advice. But I do appreciate, these days, the good people and the other good things in my life. I know that the things I read, the things I watch, the things I listen to, the people I spend time with... all these go to making me the person I am. So I better choose well. Read the full post at Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

  • RAF325: Attitude of Abundance

    20/09/2023 Duration: 05min

    Abundance. It's a life-changer. I was producing Patti Brunner's podcast, which you should all check out, by the way, it's called Truth of the Spirit. She also does a YouTube video for each episode. or you can also get there from, where all of our podcasts reside as well. Read the full post at Photo by Ian Turnell:  

  • RAF324: Choose an Active Beautiful Life

    13/09/2023 Duration: 04min

    I've been letting my current injuries stop me, and I'm running out of excuses. Today the temperature is 79, and we have probably a little more much-needed rain to go today, but we've been in a heat wave, so for personal health and safety reasons, I couldn't go outside and walk. But I have been walking more as I spend more and more days in the office and not the home office and I get my own groceries, and go to church. My calf is weak but there is virtually no pain that I'm experiencing right now. The physical therapist says no more than a 1/2 mile. No problem there, that's usually how I start back when I've been out for an injury. Today I've let the rain discourage me, but as long-time listeners will know, I walk in all kinds of weather, as long as there isn't lightning or something truly dangerous. The other thing about episode 86, from which today's excerpts come, is activity and beauty. That bachelor party was cool because I was hanging out with friends, some new, some old, and being active, and being out

  • RAF326: Hiatus

    22/09/2022 Duration: 03min

    Due to health issues, I am taking an indefinite break from the show. No new episodes will be published for a while.  

  • RAF323: Tunnel Vision

    31/08/2022 Duration: 05min

    Obsession ... single-mindedness ... tunnel vision. How important is balance to health and longevity? When I say it like that, I think of balance as a kind of scale on which my life activities are weighed, like the scale the blindfolded Lady Justice holds in her hand. In the corporate world, "work-life balance" is a buzzword these days. It's actually one that I take seriously, at least from that perspective. Read the full post at Photo by Damir Mijailovic:  

  • RAF322: Food Innovation

    24/08/2022 Duration: 08min

    This episode relates my trip to The Hive, a local restaurant a couple of towns over from where I live. Read the full post at Photo by Karolina Grabowska:  

  • RAF321: The Pursuit of Happiness

    17/08/2022 Duration: 05min

    I didn't really witness much patriotism at all on Independence Day this year, though I did attend a fireworks show. The place where my parents live is across the street from an Elks club and they have a show every year, so this year I went. It was nice. Nothing spectacular. I have seen fireworks shows in Boston at both Independence Day and New Year's Day celebrations and those were pretty impressive. And the shows I've seen at our local minor league baseball park, Arvest Park, home of the Arkansas Naturals, have been pretty well done also. But sometimes it's not about the show, it's about who you enjoy it with, and it was nice just sitting back with my folks and watching the pretty sparks fly. Read the full post at Photo by Baluc Photography :  

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