Ministrey Podcast W/ Trey Van Camp



Welcome to The MinisTrey Podcast, hosted by church planter, youtuber, family man, and Disney fanatic Trey Van Camp. On this podcast you'll find a mixture of my Q&Trey episodes, segments from my Sunday messages, candid conversations, clips from my DocumenTrey vlog and more!


  • Advent: Hope | Luke 1

    27/11/2023 Duration: 34min

    In Luke 1, we learn the secret to hope is getting silent with God.

  • A Prayer of Faith WILL Heal? [James 5:13-20]

    20/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    In this message, we study James 5 and discover the meaning behind a "prayer of faith."

  • The Art of Leading Beyond the Pain & Into Victory [Pastor Billy VanCamp]

    16/11/2023 Duration: 52min

    In this conversation, Pastor Billy (my dad) discusses his journey through different decades of life and ministry. He reflects on his drive for success in his 30s, the challenges faced in his 40s, and the intentional planting of seeds for a meaningful future in his 50s. The discussion touches on the complexities of relationships in ministry, the importance of balancing work and personal life, and the significance of making wise investments for the future.

  • The Only Path to Greatness | James 5:7-12

    12/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    As James nears the end of his letter, one of the last encouragements he wants to give is a call to perseverance. In a world accustomed to anger, favoritism, slander, and ambition, it’s easy to feel the pressure to give up on the practices of Jesus, the truths of Jesus, or even on the way of Jesus altogether. But James reminds us that perseverance in our relationships with others and with God will reap rewards. Everything we deeply desire, from formative friendships to a tangible hope in God, requires us to pass through suffering with endurance, not sidestep suffering with escape. When we commit to loving each other well and maintaining hope in God, we become people able to reject the lies of the world and live out the truth of the gospel. James 5:7-12

  • Invisible Greed | James 5:1-6

    06/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    As humans, we’re all accustomed to greed. By default, we strive to hoard and live extravagantly in order to build up wealth for ourselves and our families. But according to James, this lifestyle comes at a cost. Not only do we feed our greed at the expense of the poor and oppressed, but we also bring rot to our own souls. The more we indulge, the less like Jesus we become. But the gospel frees us from this trap of greed. In Christ we have no reason to hoard, live extravagantly, or perpetuate injustice because we have true and lasting contentment that comes from living a life focused on the Kingdom in communion with God.

  • 2 Signs You're Swayed by Satan | James 4:7-8

    23/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    When most of us think of resisting the devil, we might imagine something like demonic possession, exorcism, or a dramatic and visible display of blatant evil. But the devil’s influence in the world is more subtle than that. Throughout the scriptures, Satan’s primary tactic isn’t force, it’s deception. From the beginning of time, Satan has used lies to distort God’s truth, turn people away from the way of Jesus, and live according to the world and flesh. And if we’re not aware of his tactics today, we can unknowingly give in to these lies as well. But James 4 promises us that the more we learn to resist the devil, the more we can find freedom through Christ from Satan’s deception.

  • Renouncing the World & Its Empty Promises | James 4:4-5

    16/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    In James 4, we learn that on some level, followers of the way of Jesus are at odds with the world we live in. While we have a responsibility to love the created world, steward our lives to make it better, and love the people in it, it’s clear that the cultural air we live in is becoming more and more hostile to the way of Jesus. From sexuality and gender to justice and violence, the world normalizes rebellion against God and retaliation against man. To resist the world, followers of Jesus must choose to accept Christ’s love over the world’s promises. James 4

  • The Gridlock of Conflict | James 4:1-3

    08/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    We live in a culture today that encourages us to satisfy any and all of our desires as we pursue our “true selves.” The only caveat the world gives us is that our desires shouldn’t hurt other people. Otherwise, those desires are good. But what if the people we really hurt in satisfying our desires is ourselves? In James 4, we learn that not all desires are good, fulfilling, or even authentic to who we’re made to be. When the church buys into the lie that giving in to all our pleasures will bring us joy, James reminds us that this actually results in more conflict and sin. Instead, James invites us to deny our desires, stop the waging war of passions within us, and humble ourselves in confession before God. Doing this feels like self-denial, but it’s the God-designed way for us to experience true grace, healing, and satisfaction. James 4:1-3

  • Hijacking God's Mission with Selfish Ambition | James 3:13-18

    01/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    One of the greatest dangers plaguing the church today is also one of the oldest — selfish ambition. Since the church was first established, the people of God have experienced conflict, disagreement, and division, and often times these circumstances provide an opportunity for us to become bitter, envious, and boastful. But James 3 shows us what it looks like to endure conflict well. Rather than give in to the bitterness and envy that comes naturally to us in conflict, James instructs us to practice godly wisdom. We reject selfish ambition and instead choose to be people of peace, mercy, and good fruit. James 3

  • The Sin of Favoritism [James 2:1-13]

    18/09/2023 Duration: 37min

    It’s part of our human nature to play favorites. We often move towards, look up to, and speak highly of those who have wealth or achievements while also looking down to, ignoring, or withholding mercy from those who lack these things. Christians aren’t immune from this sin of favoritism, and it goes back to the very beginnings of the church. James likely witnessed his half-brother Jesus correcting this sin by extending mercy to the poor, the ignored, the marginalized, and the outcasts. According to Jesus, the Kingdom belongs to the least of us. As a leader of the early church, James applies the way of the Kingdom to how we treat others. By accepting the free mercy of God as a gift rather than as something we have to achieve, we can then extend that same mercy to everyone regardless of their wealth or status. But to try and earn mercy or to withhold it from others is to neglect the heart of the gospel itself. James 2:1-13 CSB

  • Slower & Stronger [Jame 1:19-27]

    12/09/2023 Duration: 41min

    James 1 confronts us with a painful reality: life will be hard. We’ll be persecuted, gut-punched, and exposed as we continue practicing the way of Jesus in our everyday lives. But James 1 also gives us a vision for the kind of people we can be if we endure these hardships with humility and patience. The church is at its best when we’re people who speak graciously, serve selflessly, and live holy. To become this type of church, James invites us to examine how we react when people offend us, and when the Bible confronts us. When in conflict with others we often react with anger, and when exposed by the Bible we often react with apathy. But to learn to submit ourselves to God in both of these situations will allow us to mature into the kind of church God has called us to be.

  • Simplicity of Speech (Simplicity E3)

    20/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    When most of us think of simplicity, we think of digital minimalism, materialism, and wealth. But few of us would consider the practice of simplicity as something that involves our speech and relationships. And yet, when we examine how often we use sarcasm, exaggeration, and flattery to manipulate people and get what we want, we might be surprised to see that our speech is not simple or wholesome by default. Jesus himself says that our speech is an automatic result of what’s already in our hearts, and the apostle James warns us that our speech has the ability to stain our whole bodies. Left to our own, we can find ourselves trying to manipulate others, gain status and approval, or win arguments. To fight against these impulses we practice simplicity of speech; we speak honor in place of flattery and contempt, secrecy in place of gossip and exaggeration, and silence in the place of rage and manipulation.

  • Material Simplicity (Simplicity E2)

    14/08/2023 Duration: 38min

    As Americans our identities are often shaped by the quantity and quality of the stuff we own. Security, stability, and satisfaction are only possible when we buy and accumulate more wealth. And while we’re really after deep contentment, we falsely believe that the very joy we’re searching for is still on the other side of the next purchase. Cue our endless cycle of buying more so we can desire less. But Jesus offers us a better way. He does this by confronting our attachment to our stuff and our lack of trust in him, and also by modelling a life of simplicity. When we study the Scriptures, we find a deeper truth than the lie we’re trained to believe — real contentment is actually found by limiting what we own and increasing what we give.

  • A Call to Digital Simplicity (Simplicity E1)

    06/08/2023 Duration: 40min

    We live in the age of the attention economy. From social media ads and online shopping to streaming and news, our hearts and minds are often cluttered and rewired for discontentment. We live chasing accumulation, or what Jesus calls “the worries of this age, the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things.” And for most of us, this discontentment comes directly from our digital consumption. But the way of Jesus is an invitation to simplicity — learning to be content with less, not more. To start this practice, we must first train ourselves to curate our digital consumption. By limiting our digital intake, we can rewire our brains towards contentment and train ourselves to be more present and attentive to God and to those around us. For resources on simplicity, go to: TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Formation is happening whether you like it or not. 2:20 - Mark 4v1-20 7:48 - Nothing crowds our time and attention like the digital world. 19:05 - The Practice of Simplicity

  • Recapping Revelation + How We Fight

    31/07/2023 Duration: 29min

     Let the timer begin. Revelation 1, we looked at, at the beginning of summer, we talked about how there's, just based off that one chapter, there's three ways to interpret the rest of the letter. We learned that St. John is a theologian. What that means is when you read the book of Revelation, it's more important to read it Christologically, meaning where's Christ in this passage, than it is reading it Chronologically, we think the biggest mistakes people make is thinking this was all written in a right order. And now that Revelation 15 just happened last week, now we're ready for 16. It doesn't happen that way. It's all over the map. It's just by which John saw the next vision. It doesn't mean that's when it happened. Another thing we learned is he's a pastor to the seven churches, which means he has a pastoral heart. And so when we read all of Revelation, the focus needs to be on discipleship, not on decipherment. It's not like the National Treasure, where we gotta take a candle, pour some lemon juice on it

  • Seduced by Babylon (Revelation E8)

    24/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    In the 20th century, two books were written to predict our future: "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley in 1931 and "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell in 1949. Both books had different ideas about how our future could be grim. Neil Postman compared these books in his work "Amusing Ourselves to Death," where he said Orwell feared the truth would be hidden and people would be controlled by pain, while Huxley feared the truth would be lost in irrelevance and people would be controlled by pleasure. In the book of Revelation, some people read it like "Nineteen Eighty-Four," seeing evil events happening through force and obvious tactics. Others read it like "A Brave New World," where evil systems and powers subtly deceive and seduce us away from Jesus. Revelation 17 talks about a Prostitute, representing a seductive force in the world. Babylon in the Bible is like a city without God, and it symbolizes any place that goes against God. The Prostitute in Revelation seduces people by making sin seem normal and b

  • Team Dragon (Revelation E6)

    10/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    People often get excited about predicting the future or trying to figure out when the world will end, but Revelation is more about understanding what is happening in our present time. The dragon in the story wants to harm people, and he uses two other creatures to carry out his plans. One of them uses the power of the government to intimidate and control people. This can be seen in history when leaders have used their authority to manipulate and oppress others. The other creature uses deception and propaganda to trick people into believing false information or ideas. It’s like when advertisements or media twist the truth to persuade us in certain ways. The message Revelation 12-13 is that we need to be discerning and wise in our understanding of the world around us. We shouldn’t be easily swayed by false ideas or manipulated by those in power. Instead, we should seek truth, be critical thinkers, and strive to live according to what is right and good. So, rather than getting caught up in trying to predict the

  • 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation E4)

    28/06/2023 Duration: 43min

    The book of Revelation talks about judgments and the suffering of people. It reminds us not to feel superior and gives hope to persecuted Christians. The judgments are meant to soften our hearts and lead us to salvation. They come in groups of seven, like seals, trumpets, and bowls. The book also tells us about the four horsemen representing deception, tribalism, injustice, and sickness. But in the end, God will make things right and there will be no more suffering.

  • Get Out of the Matrix (Revelation E3)

    19/06/2023 Duration: 41min

    Revelation is a book that shows us a different way of understanding the world. It tells us that things are not always what they seem. Jesus, who is both powerful like a lion and sacrificial like a lamb, is the one who can save the world. By focusing on Jesus and His sacrificial love, we can find hope, purpose, and power in our lives.

  • The Church Jesus is Against (Revelation E2)

    12/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    In chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, John writes letters to seven different churches. He affirms them for what they are doing right and corrects them for what they are doing wrong. It’s like a teacher giving feedback to help them become all they were designed to be. For example, the church in Ephesus is commended for avoiding false teachings and enduring hardships, but they are told they have forgotten to love God and others. The church in Pergamum is praised for being courageous, but they are criticized for tolerating wrong behavior. And so on for the other churches. The main point for us today is that Jesus wants us to be a people of love who avoid false teachings and endure hardships. We need to love God and others, and not be swayed by wrong beliefs. It can be tough, but Jesus promises us a reward if we stay faithful.

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