Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 483:51:50
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Welcome to the Cashflow Diary, where new and experienced investors come to take confident action towards their goals. Your host is a family man, a real estate entrepreneur, investor, coach and instructor. As a master facilitator of Robert Kiyosakis Cashflow 101 game, hes inspired many to begin their journey into creating cashflow for themselves and their families. Mr. J. Massey has nearly a decade of experience in the areas of financial services and real estate. He currently serves as President and Owner of West Egg Enterprises, Inc. and West Egg Properties, LLC, which together hold over 200 units of residential property. In the last 3 years, he has personally completed over 100 real estate transactions in 8 different states. Mr. J. Massey has proven to be particularly adept at the art of getting difficult deals completed and finding creative solutions to avoid potential deal-breaking problems. He has invested a significant amount of time studying and executing transactions in multiple markets using many different strategies. From these experiences, he has not only learned numerous useful lessons and techniques, but has also created profits for both himself and his investors. In addition, he has helped to beautify and improve neighborhoods and provide jobs and revenue to communities. Through his expertise, he has helped many people build their cash flow and wealth using real estate, both inside and outside of their retirement plans. Prior to real estate investing, his background was in insurance and financial planning as a licensed representative with the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the California Dept of Insurance (CDI), and as a Registered Investment Advisor Representative (RIAR). However, he does not currently operate or hold any of these licenses. He currently functions as a landlord, lender, consultant, real estate developer, investment manager, speaker, author and mentor. In his spare time, Mr. J. Massey enjoys photography, reading and family activities with his 3 daughters, son, and wife in Orange County, California.


  • The Slicing Pie Model of Funding Your Company

    09/09/2019 Duration: 56min

    Mike Moyer is the author of the bestselling books Slicing Pie: Fund Your Company Without Funds, and the new book Bird's Eye Business: A Primer on How Companies Work. He is an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.  Moyer is an entrepreneur who has started a number of companies including Bananagraphics, a product development and merchandising company, Moondog, an outdoor clothing manufacturing company; Vicarious Communication, Inc, a marketing technology company for the medical industry;, a site that helps students find the right college; College Peas, LLC which provides publications and consulting on college admissions; and Trade Show Samurai, LLC a company that teaches trade show exhibitors how to capture lots and lots of leads.  In addition to his experience as an entrepreneur he has held a number of senior-level marketing positions with companies that sell everything from vacuum cleaners to financial data serv

  • Credit Unions Are The Solution You Didn’t Know You Needed

    06/09/2019 Duration: 43min

    Mark Ritter is the CEO of MBFS and an expert in credit unions and business lending. His primary role at MBFS is overseeing the strategy of helping credit unions assist members with business needs and consulting with credit unions on planning the delivery of services to their membership.  In 2002, Mark started Members 1 st Federal Credit Union's business lending program as "one person and a desk" with no policies, products, staff, systems, or business members. That program grew to be one of the top ten in the nation in the number of loans and balances outstanding for federal credit unions. In addition, Mark developed a participation program that grew to one of the top buyers and sellers of credit union business loans in the eastern United States. He has done extensive work with branch retail staff, business lending operational and sales staff, and credit unions to educate and train them on the merits of business lending.     Podcast Highlights   Who is Mark Ritter?    Mark always tells people

  • Tower Capital and Financing The Real Estate Business

    04/09/2019 Duration: 49min

    Adam is the Founding Partner and Principal at Tower Capital, a Phoenix-based Commercial Real Estate Finance firm. Since 2015, the firm has been involved in over $500 million in successful debt and equity placements on behalf of investors across all major asset classes.  Adam is an active member of Forbes Real Estate Council and has been featured and published in numerous national and industry publications including Forbes,, National Real Estate Investor, Phoenix Business Journal, Commercial Executive Magazine, Multi-Housing News, and many others.   Podcast Highlights   Who is Adam Finkel?    Adam is a regular guy from Boston, Massachusetts. When he turned 18 he headed out west and went to school at Arizona State University. It was there where he found an opportunity to get his foot in the door of doing commercial real estate from some of the older members of his fraternity. Prior to that Adam didn’t have any experience in the industry, he just saw the opportunity that was available and went

  • EverybodyFights and the Quest to Make Fitness Free

    02/09/2019 Duration: 49min

    George "Monk" Foreman III is an entrepreneur, professional boxer, trainer/coach, founder of EverybodyFights, and son of businessman and former two-time heavyweight champion George Foreman. He serves as the business manager and Executive VP of his father's business empire George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. He also starred on the E! network's reality series Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive.  He opened a boxing fitness gym in Boston called "The Club by George Foreman III". In an effort to further promote the core beliefs of the gym's culture George eventually changed the name of the gym to EverybodyFights. In 2016, the company received a series-A investment from Breakaway in the form of $4 million and soon after announced the opening of another location in Boston. Since then, Everybody Fights has opened 5 locations and plans to open over 20 new locations by 2020 for growth in other major cities across the U.S.     Podcast Highlights   Who is George Foreman III?    George describes him

  • Tom Tancredo Talks Shop in Mobile App Development - Replay

    30/08/2019 Duration: 52min

    Tom founded DOM & TOM, a mobile application development shop, in 2009 and has since grown the company (along with twin brother Dominic) into one of the INC 500’s fastest growing companies in 2015 with over 45 employees. D&T has worked with clients including: Priceline, Fitch, Bloomberg, GE, CliffsNotes, PowerRangers, the Emmy’s and more on over 250 digital projects. Tom is also a fervent entrepreneur, having personally invested in multiple start­up ventures in New York City, including John Brown’s Smokehouse, which was named Best BBQ in New York City in 2012 by the Village Voice. Tom has given presentations on digital culture at multiple events including Hearst, AOL Ventures, Tabula Rasa, and sat on multiple digital engagement panels.  

  • Marital First Responder Hits $100K in SEVEN DAYS!! - Replay

    28/08/2019 Duration: 52min

    Are you a marital first responder? If people confide in you about their relationship, you might be! Or you could be if you want to be. That’s just one of the things that Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Elizabeth Doherty Thomas from The Doherty Relationship Institute discusses in this episode. Discernment counseling is something Elizabeth talks about in this episode. But what is it? That is something you’re going to want to learn more about, but it is based in using discernment in your responses to other people when counseling them… even if you aren’t a therapist! The interesting thing is that Elizabeth must have struck a nerve with her approach because she had an impressive six-figure launch of her business in August 2014. And forget the $100K month; she achieved that figure in a much shorter time frame.... just SEVEN DAYS!! Today Elizabeth's multifaceted business revolves around ways to strengthen marriages where possible and allow a graceful divorce if that is where the couple ends up. So, was Elizabeth

  • Kevin Kruse is All about Wholehearted Leadership and Employee Engagement - Replay

    26/08/2019 Duration: 54min

    In my continuing Cash Flow Diary podcast series focusing on individuals who’ve earned $100K in a month, I’m talking to Kevin Kruse, a true employee engagement and leadership strategies superstar. The cool thing is that Kevin hasn’t just earned $100K in a single month; he’s earned a whole bunch more than that… like a million dollars in a month. But here’s the deal… Kevin wasn’t always wealthy nor did he have the skills necessary to earn the figures he does today. Kevin said that he decided as a pre-teen to become wealthy. He wrote his goal of wealth in his journal! That’s after he witnessed a visit to his father’s home by a scary, one-armed man who was there to collect a debt. Harder lessons were to come, but the good news is that Kevin made it through his circumstances to succeed as an adult. That path started right out of college, when Kevin started different businesses fresh out of school. Though Kevin moved through a series of failure events, he didn’t let them stop him. He kept moving toward his goal of f

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Don’t be a Fraidy Cat. Fear of Success is NOT an Option… - Replay

    23/08/2019 Duration: 24min

    You might think it sounds funny, but some people are just as afraid of achieving success as they are of failing. It’s true. That’s what I share with you today in my 7th installment of the 8 Things to Give Up series of my Cash Flow Diary podcast.  Hey, success can be scary. It’s sort of like “senioritis.” You know… where you’ve been going to college for four years and you’re in your final months before graduation. It dawns on you that life outside the campus awaits… Some people seize up while others seize the new adventures ahead. Maybe you’ve known someone struck down by their fear of success? They work really, really hard. They get to a pinnacle of success that causes onlookers to drool. They have the cool house, the nice cars, and the fat bank account… and then suddenly “something” happens and they lose it all.  Why?  The answer can be shocking. Truth is that they subconsciously made that “something” happen. They didn’t feel like they deserved the success. It’s more comfortable for them to live within thei

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Criticizing Others Says More About You Than You Think… and It’s Gotta Stop! - Replay

    21/08/2019 Duration: 25min

    We are into another new year now and I hope you’re off to a great start. That’s why I’m doing this 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP series in my Cash Flow Diary podcast. So far I’ve covered three of the things you need to toss out the window. Go back and listen to those episodes if you haven’t already.  Today I share with you why you don’t want to put your time into criticizing others. Criticism just leaves you looking (and feeling) harsh, vindictive and cruel. Criticizing others may make you feel superior to others, but in reality that’s not the truth. How in the heck does that serve you, especially as a real estate investor? It doesn’t.  Real estate investing (and most other businesses) require you to build relationships. How are you going to do that if you are hyper-critical?  Let’s take the example of a property. You’re walking the property and you are there to assess it so you can make an offer and figure out how you can help the seller. If you walk around with a superior attitude, tearing the property apart with yo

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Get Used to Failure Events… Cuz That’s All They Are. - Replay

    19/08/2019 Duration: 26min

    As I continue with my “8 Things to Give Up” series today, I take you where you may not want to go. In this episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast, I ask you to do something for me… for yourself… for your loved ones. Give up your fear of failure! In fact, I’m asking you to look at failure in a whole new way. I want you to embrace it!  Any successful entrepreneur has had plenty of failure events, and that’s how you have to look at things when they don’t go as planned. They are not “failures” in the truest sense of the word. They’re just events in your life and your business that didn’t pan out as you expected.  So what? Now what? Next… You have to learn to move past hold-ups, challenges, issues, problems and unexpected twists and turns. That’s part of life. None of us magically know how to do things the right way the first time. Everything takes practice… or do you think I suddenly and without hard work and PRACTICE became a successful real estate investor, coach, educator, author and speaker?  When I first sta

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Negative Thinking Serves NO ONE… - Replay

    16/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    As a real estate investor, success comes to you once you understand whom you serve. So, let me ask you something… Are you serving anyone well (or at all) by allowing negative thoughts to intrude the corners of your mind and walk all over your goals? You’re certainly not doing yourself any good, and unless your intent is to attract negativity to your life, you need to stop negative thinking now. I MEAN RIGHT NOW. That’s what this episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast is all about. It’s the second in an eight-part series dedicated to the things you must stop doing immediately if not sooner to allow success to enter your life. (If you didn’t listen to part one, go back and do that now.) The funny (or not-so-funny) thing is that we can all be big negative thinkers from time to time. (That means being our own worst enemy, too, by the way.) Truth is negative thinking kills. It kills opportunities… it kills relationships… it kills deals… it kills goals. So why participate in something that isn’t going to help you ge

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Wanna Reach Success? Dump the Doubt! - Replay

    14/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    Recently on Facebook I shared an image of what you need to give up if you want to be truly successful. In short, there are 8 things: Doubting Yourself Negative thinking Fear of Failure Criticizing Others Negative Self-Talk Procrastination Fear of Success People Pleasing This is such an important list that I thought it would be neat to do a special Cash Flow Diary podcast series on these topics. So that’s what I’m doing over the next 8 episodes. I hope it helps you move your needle forward. Today I tackle the #1 thing you have to stop doing immediately… that’s Doubting Yourself. (It’s a soul-killer.) It is critical for you to have a belief that you CAN do what you set out to do. Whether that is real estate investing or any other path. When you set out on any new journey, don’t let doubt stop you from trying new things. When you get into a place of doubt, stop and ask yourself… has anyone before you ever done what you are attempting to do? The answer is yes, of course. That tells you what you’re attempting is

  • You Can’t Please Everyone… and You SHOULDN’T! - Replay

    12/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Recently I read an interesting article about how being a people-pleaser is actually a selfish act. Then I found a quote by motivational speaker and life manifestation coach Christine Hassler that lays it down straight. She says, “People pleasing is a terrible investment, because it depletes your most valuable resources: your time and energy. Just think about how much energy you waste by obsessing about what other people think of you or trying to strategize your actions to appease others” I couldn’t have put it better myself! People pleasing isn’t something that works well for real estate investors. That’s because you’re going to have to say NO sometimes. For instance, you’re going to have to say no to some investors. Just because someone has money doesn’t make him/her the right person to invest in your deal. You’re also going to have to learn to say no to deals, to potential partners, to buyers and to sellers. Everything has to be in alignment with your Investor Identity. That’s the secret sauce! As you move

  • You Can’t Please Everyone… and You SHOULDN’T! - Replay

    09/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Recently I read an interesting article about how being a people-pleaser is actually a selfish act. Then I found a quote by motivational speaker and life manifestation coach Christine Hassler that lays it down straight. She says, “People pleasing is a terrible investment, because it depletes your most valuable resources: your time and energy. Just think about how much energy you waste by obsessing about what other people think of you or trying to strategize your actions to appease others” I couldn’t have put it better myself! People pleasing isn’t something that works well for real estate investors. That’s because you’re going to have to say NO sometimes. For instance, you’re going to have to say no to some investors. Just because someone has money doesn’t make him/her the right person to invest in your deal. You’re also going to have to learn to say no to deals, to potential partners, to buyers and to sellers.  Everything has to be in alignment with your Investor Identity. That’s the secret sauce!   As you m

  • Top Tips to Help You Curb Your Fascination with Procrastination - Replay

    07/08/2019 Duration: 31min

    There’s an old adage that tells us, “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” I couldn’t agree more. Procrastinating only serves to hurt you. That’s what I share with you in this episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast.  There are lots of reasons to move tasks from your to-do list to your to-done list. (And, yes, I believe in to-do lists.) One reason is simple; it makes you feel great knowing you took care of business. You didn’t put the to-do’s off; now they’re done and scratched off your list. (I talk about this in this episode, but because it is really important, I also talk about it in my book.) The bigger reason to stop procrastinating is that it’s a bad habit that holds you back from success. Literally. I’m not the only one who thinks so. I found an interesting article in Psychology Today in which you’ll learn that procrastinators sabotage themselves. Here’s the link: This article breaks down the types of procrasti

  • 8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Get Used to Failure Events… Cuz That’s All They Are - Replay

    05/08/2019 Duration: 26min

    As I continue with my “8 Things to Give Up” series today, I take you where you may not want to go. In this episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast, I ask you to do something for me… for yourself… for your loved ones. Give up your fear of failure! In fact, I’m asking you to look at failure in a whole new way. I want you to embrace it!  Any successful entrepreneur has had plenty of failure events, and that’s how you have to look at things when they don’t go as planned. They are not “failures” in the truest sense of the word. They’re just events in your life and your business that didn’t pan out as you expected.  So what? Now what? Next… You have to learn to move past hold-ups, challenges, issues, problems and unexpected twists and turns. That’s part of life. None of us magically know how to do things the right way the first time. Everything takes practice… or do you think I suddenly and without hard work and PRACTICE became a successful real estate investor, coach, educator, author and speaker?  When I first sta

  • Fearless Wealth and Living The Undiversified Life

    10/06/2019 Duration: 46min

    RC Peck, sits at the intersection of money and human behavior. For over 20 years he's helped people hear what their money is trying to tell them. His struggle with dyslexia, watching his parents' life savings get embezzled, and his background in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), taught him to question the obvious. He now uses his ability to see what others can't see which brings clarity and insight to a world that is often described as confusing and overwhelming. His fearless wealth message is clear. Listen to your money. It's trying to tell you how to get the life you want.     Podcast Highlights Who is RC Peck? The first answer that came to RC was a time when he was in 7th grade and taking martial arts. He was able to buy throwing stars for $2 and take them to school and sell them for $8, it was just something made sense for him to do. It just came naturally, he saw the excitement in others and the opportunity became obvious. RC didn’t know that he was dyslexic until his 30’s, all th

  • The E-Myth Entrepreneur: What Every Small Business Owner Needs To Hear

    06/06/2019 Duration: 53min

    Michael E. Gerber is the founder of Michael E. Gerber Companies and E-Myth Worldwide. He has had nearly 100,000 business/coaching clients over his career and has consistently been called “the World’s #1 Small Business Guru” — the entrepreneurial and small business thought leader who has impacted the lives of millions of small business owners and hundreds of thousands of companies worldwide for over 40 years. He is the #1 New York Times' bestselling author of The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, Awakening the Entrepreneur Within: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Companies, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World-Class Company, The E-Myth Real Estate Investor: Why Most Real Estate Investment Businesses Don't Work And What To Do About It, The E-Myth Contractor: Why Most Contractors' Businesses Don't Work and What

  • How Property Management Can Change The World

    03/06/2019 Duration: 59min

    Jason Hull’s personal mission statement is “to inspire others to love true principles,” which means he is passionate about learning what works in business and life, and sharing what he learns with others. As a world-leading property management growth expert, Jason devotes much of his time to finding unique ways to help property management business owners to grow their companies. He believes that good property management can change the world, by impacting thousands of families & lives. He is the founder & CEO of DoorGrow, a company whose mission is “to transform property management businesses & their owners.”   Jason leads a contribution-focused community, the #DoorGrowClub, a Facebook group full of property management entrepreneurs that believe in this vision. He also shares his wealth of industry knowledge with others through his podcast, the #DoorGrowShow, by helping thousands of property managers throughout North America to pinpoint powerful ways to take their businesses to the next level.   Po

  • Mobile Home Park Investing with Ryan Narus

    30/05/2019 Duration: 45min

    -Wake Forest University undergrad degree in Psychology/Statistics.  -MBA also from Wake Forest University with concentrations in Business Analytics, Operations and Marketing. -Former award winning car salesman, selling over 800 cars in 4 years, then author of the book "Car Deal Hacks" discussing how to buy a car for the best price using Psychology. -Self taught in Spanish (es malo pero funciona). -Co-Founder of Archimedes Group LLC, an owner-operator company that specializes in Mobile Home Parks with equity in 8 MHPs (roughly $20MM in purchase prices) spanning over 500 lots all acquired within the last 3 years. -Started with nothing: no money, no experience, and no network.   Podcast Highlights Who is Ryan Narus? Ryan Narus is a kid who does not quit. In his own words he’s a boring, vanilla, Irish Catholic kid who just shows up everyday and puts in a little bit of work. Apparently Ryan was a lazy kid who never really cared until around grade 10, at which point he had a fire lit under his butt that

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