Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 362:33:54
  • More information



Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Saved From Wrath, but Live Soberly

    17/07/2016 Duration: 35min

    1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Paul reminds us that we will escape the wrath to come. He also challenges us to live seriously in a world caught up in trivial things. The world around us needs to see the light of Christ in our lives. We must offer the world the same hope Jesus has shown to us so that they may experience, the faith, hope, and love that we have found in Christ.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - He is Coming Again

    10/07/2016 Duration: 38min

    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - For those of us who are in Christ, death and the future are not something to fear. But we need to use our time wisely to share Christ with those who do not have that hope. Jesus is tarrying His coming to reach as many people as possible, but today could also be the day He comes for His children. We need to make sure we are ready.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 - Living a life that is Whole

    03/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 - God desires for each of us to live a life that is whole, full, and complete. He wants us to stay away from immorality, to love properly, and experience a life that is rich.

  • 1 Thessalonians 3 - Share Your Story

    26/06/2016 Duration: 31min

    1 Thessalonians 3 - We are reminded to show a genuine burden for people. To help others as they establish a strong Christ centered foundation for their life. Often that happens when we share our story and pray for God to use our story to help them.

  • Fathers Day 2016

    19/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    Fathers Day - While the choice of Mary to be the mother of Jesus was important, the role of Joseph as the earthly father of Jesus was just as significant. Joseph's life reminds us that God desires us to be Hard working, compassionate, merciful, Godly, patient and understanding

  • 1 Thessalonians 2::9-20 - Its About People!

    12/06/2016 Duration: 39min

    1 Thessalonians 2:12-20 - People are watching us this week. We may be the only example of Jesus they see. Our words, actions, attitudes should reflect the teaching of God's living Word in our lives. This is a spiritual battle with eternal consequences. Invest in people this week and allow them to become you joy!

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 - Characteristics of Ministry

    05/06/2016 Duration: 38min

    1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 - People are looking for something that is real and life changing. We have been entrusted with the Gospel to share it with those around us. They must see the love of Jesus in our lives. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it all.

  • Memorial Day 2016

    29/05/2016 Duration: 34min

    Mourn, Remember, Honor - This week, we need to accept what we cannot change and remember and treasure what we have been given. We focus on what we have, not what we have lost. We remember and honor the lives that have touched our life.

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

    22/05/2016 Duration: 33min

    1 Thessalonians 1:4-10 - We have received an incredible gift of salvation. The world has to see it in our daily life. Make your faith real each day and keep your focus on the living and true God.

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3

    15/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    1 Thessalonians 1:1-3- Paul's example encourages us during difficult times to remain faithful in spite of circumstances. God desires to use ordinary people who are committed to faithfully following Him. And he reminds us to be grateful for the people God has put in our lives.

  • Mothers Day 2016

    08/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    We are reminded that we have a responsibility to the next generation. Every day we are teaching and impacting the kids and people around us. The greatest legacy that we can leave them is a person who loved God with their heart, soul and mind. They need to see Christ in all we say and do.

  • Ecclesiastes 12 - Last Words

    01/05/2016 Duration: 34min

    Ecclesiastes 12 = Solomon describes life very accurately and reminds us that we are all aging. Young people need to focus on God while they are young. Older folks need to teach what they have learned to younger people. We are all together in this thing called life. We must keep our focus on God and do what He says.

  • Ecclesiastes 11 - Avoiding the pitfalls - (part 2)

    24/04/2016 Duration: 36min

    Ecclesiastes 11 - Solomon teaches us that Life is a rare gift. We need to be generous with our time, talents, and resources. We are not in control of our life, but we can determine what we do with the day we have in front of us. Make today count.

  • Ecclesiastes 10 - Avoiding the pitfalls - (part 1)

    17/04/2016 Duration: 31min

    Ecclesiastes 10 - Solomon reminds us that our actions and attitudes matter. He challenges us to live as wise people in this world and not act foolishly. We can make an impact on this world for better or worse. The choice is ours.

  • Ecclesiastes 09 - Making it Count

    10/04/2016 Duration: 46min

    Ecclesiastes 9- You have this day as a gift from God. Do not trust your own abilities or focus on your comfort. Use today to create a life of significance that makes a difference in the kingdom of God. Make it count, because you are 1 day closer to the day you leave this world.

  • Elijah & Widow - Church Meeting

    03/04/2016 Duration: 41min

    1 Kings 17 - Elijah and the widow woman follow God with their whole heart. May you be obedient in the things He is asking of you. We must not give up or quit when things get difficult. We must follow God's plan for our lives and not our own will.

  • Easter Sunday - What if . . . there were no Ressurrection?

    27/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    1 Cor 15:3-19 The Easter Story is focused o the fact that Christ is RISEN Indeed. It gives us a solid foundation for preaching, a faith is real and life changing. Our sins have been forgiven and we are to be grateful and content for all that Jesus has done for us.

  • Palm Sunday 2016

    20/03/2016 Duration: 40min

    Luke 19: - God will not force Himself upon you, but it breaks His heart when people do not realize what He is offering them. because He did not do things the way they thought it should be done, they missed Him. They were more concerned with their agenda than really listening to and following Jesus. Let's not make the same mistake.

  • Galatians 5:13

    18/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    Pastor Jim was out of town, so Lael (one of our Board Members) led the service with a time of testimonies, followed by a short challenge.

  • Ecclesiastes 08 - Things Could Be Better

    06/03/2016 Duration: 38min

    Ecclesiastes 7:22-8:17 - If you focus on "life under the sun", you will become disillusioned and discouraged. Life here is but a small piece of your eternal life. Focus on how God is at work in your circumstances and situations. Apply God's wisdom, principles, and teaching to your life. See life "beyond the sun".

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