Your Career With Mike Palumbo

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 34:50:00
  • More information



"Your Career with Mike Palumbo is a talk show dealing with career issues - Mike Palumbo's weekly Career Insider's Tip of the Week! will motivate you in YOUR CAREER and help you find employment - in any market!


  • Interviews = Job Offers

    19/09/2017 Duration: 13min

    In order for you to get job offers you need interviews, right? So you must do whatever is necessary to get an interview! You must get creative. There are really three types of interviews - listen now! Good luck to you!  Mike Palumbo  

  • Help Wanted Ads are "Wish Lists"

    29/08/2017 Duration: 10min

    There is a lot of employment terminology used in help wanted advertisements that might be keeping you from pursuing excellent opportunities, don't let this happen to you. Proceed! Listen now!  Mike Palumbo Career Advice  

  • There is Plenty Room at the Top

    15/08/2017 Duration: 09min

    The old saying is true, "There's plenty of room at the top" but do you know why? If you think there are a ton of reasons why you're wrong! Listen Now!  Mike Palumbo    

  • Be Yourself When Interviewing!

    08/08/2017 Duration: 13min

    Your qualifications are part of the interview, but it's not the biggest part! You must be yourself when you're interviewing. Listen now! Mike Palumbo  

  • Want to Shorten Your Path to Success?

    18/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    Is there a way to shorten your path to success? I'm not talking about a short cut, but is there a way to shorten your path? Yes, it's called an advisor or mentor. Listen Now! Mike Palumbo  

  • Failure is NOT an Option!

    05/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    In all of your dealings in life, whether it's looking for your first job, changing careers, interviewing for your dream job, or even going through something in your personal life, you have to believe that failure isn't an option! Listen Now! Good Luck to you!  MIke Palumbo   

  • Are Recruiters Friend or Foe?

    20/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    The truth is, whether a recruiter works for a large corporation or within an independent recruiting firm they all have one thing in common. They all want to fill positions for their company or client. Period. So make recruiters your friends not foe! Mike Palumbo  

  • Wait! Back-up! Start Over! (...if it's not working)

    13/06/2017 Duration: 07min

    If you're not getting the results you want in your job search. Wait, back up, and start over immediately. If the research in the beginning of your job search is off the entire job search and interviewing process will be off. Everything! Listen Now! Mike Palumbo  

  • Jobs of the Future? Planes, Trains, Ships & Automobiles!

    06/06/2017 Duration: 08min

    Where are the jobs of the future? If you're a business or an individual looking for a future look into planes, trains, ships and automobiles! Transportation isn't going away anytime soon. Listen Now!  Good luck to you!  Mike Palumbo  Construction Recruiter

  • Are You Buying a Job?

    30/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    If you're looking to get into business for yourself, stay-at-home or otherwise, make sure you're not buying a job. So make sure you do your research so you're not about to buy a job. What do I mean by "buying a job?" Listen now! If you're looking or need more career consulting help go to

  • Concerned about a Traveling Position?

    17/05/2017 Duration: 11min

    When you're conducting your job search, don't assume anything, especially when it comes to traveling positions. Traveling can mean different things to each company. Make sure you find out  what "traveling" means to that specific company. Listen Now!  For information about our recruiter training go to recruiter training

  • What's it All About...Anyway?

    02/05/2017 Duration: 09min

    Okay, let me get this straight. You wake up in the morning. Put in a days work. Come home. Eat. Go to bed. Repeat. What's it all about...anyway? Listen now! For more career tips go to: Mike Palumbo Career Advice If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Recruiters for Construction YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice If you're a recruiter and you are looking for recruiter training go to:  Recruiter Training

  • The Peaks and Valleys of Job Searching

    25/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    There will be good days and bad days when you're searching for a new position. So keep your head up, it's part of the process. Listen Now! For more career tips go to Ask Mike Palumbo If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Construction Recruiters YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice If you're a recruiter and are looking for recruiter training got to Best Recruiting Strategies  

  • Wait! Isn't this My Dream Job?

    18/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    What happens when your dream job turns into a nightmare? Everything you thought about your career turned out to be wrong. Now what? Take a Listen! For more career tips go to Ask Mike Palumbo If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Construction Recruiters YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice If you're a recruiter and are looking for recruiter training got to Best Recruiting Strategies

  • Interviewing is a Two-Way Street

    10/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    Whatever you do, don't sit in your interviews and just answer the questions that are being asked. Wrong! You need to get proactive when you're interviewing. You need to get serious about the opportunity in front of you and start asking the company questions. Interview the company! Listen Now! For more career tips go to Ask Mike Palumbo If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Construction Recruiters YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice  

  • Don't Focus Exclusively on the Fortune 500 for Your Job Search

    04/04/2017 Duration: 05min

    If you're focusing exclusively on the fortune 500 for your job search, you are making a mistake. There are more opportunities in medium to smaller firms than you might think. Listen now! *I apologize for the audio on this episode, I was doing this one on my boat! For more career tips go to Ask Mike Palumbo If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Construction Recruiters YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice  

  • Your Company is Stuck with their Problems - You're NOT!

    28/03/2017 Duration: 07min

    If you're working for a company that has some serious problems, it's important for you to find another company before it affects your career. The company is stuck with those problems, not you. The longer you stay with this company the likelihood of these issues sticking to you increases. Listen Now!   For more career tips go to Ask Mike Palumbo If you're interested in information about our recruiting firm go to Construction Recruiters YouTube channel is Professional Career Advice  

  • You Can't Go Wrong...Doing the Right Thing!

    21/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    Most people know the right thing to do in their life and career, but far too many people won't do the right thing anyway, why? Are you doing this? Listen Now! If you have construction recruiting needs in Seattle go to: Seattle Construction Recruiters    

  • Don't Look to Politicians for YOUR Happiness!

    14/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    It doesn't matter which political party is in charge you need to stay focused on what you want in your life and career. Your attitude should be politicians be damned, I am going to succeed! Listen Now!  If you want to stay up witht the news wars go to: If you have construction recruiting needs in Los Angeles go to:  

  • Is Your Industry Fading?

    07/03/2017 Duration: 10min

    Do you think the industry you're in will be around in the future? How about the near future? There are a lot of industries that are fading fast, so you must get your head out of the sand and start making plans – now! Listen Now!     If you have construction recruiting needs in Phoenix go to: Phoenix Construction Recruiters

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