Last Coin At The Arcade



This isn't like any other gaming review show you've ever heard before. Hosts Luke, Luc, and Kevin will regale you with accounts of games new and old, good and bad, published and indie, and also their thoughts on what's happening in the industry. Join up so you can be part of their scoping of the gaming world for its quirks, disasters, hidden gems, and those "wow" moments that will make you go back no matter what.


  • S1E6 - Shaq Fu


    We're reaching far back to the days of SNES and Sega Genesis to bring to you this delightful gem, Shaq Fu. You may be just as surprised as we are that Lucas and Kaye managed to fill a full episode with nothing but Shaq kung fu goodness. Well, mostly. You can't help but go a little off topic with something like this. 

  • S1E5 - DayZ


    What is that you say? How dare we review DayZ, that's a good game? Well, actually, you're right. Good friend of the show, Kevin Wickswat, sits down with host Lucas Wilson and discusses their experience playing this extensive zombie mod for the PC game Arma II. We'll just call this new segment, Last Coin's Games that Don't Suck. 

  • S1E4 - Legendary


    Luke, Matt, and Kaye plunge into Legendary, and find a world threatened by mythological monsters and a terrifyingly bad plot. You thought Twilight's werewolves were lame? Wait until you hear what ones created by incompetent game developers are like!

  • S1E3 - Geist


    Matt and Luke suffered through Geist, a 2005 "survival-horror" game, so you wouldn't have to. Find out what the duo have to say about the game, covering topics such as demonic possession (the game's central premise), plants as a staple in a ghost's diet, and a terrifying scheme called Project Z (they couldn't have thought of a better name?). Plus, read Matt's notes for additional insights and focal points not covered in the episode!

  • S1E2 - Darkened Skye


    SKITTLES! SKITTLES FOR EVERYONE!! That's all you'll be craving when you play this promotional action/adventure game for the popular snack. Or you could just listen to Kaye and Lucas ramble on about how ridiculous it is. Your choice really. But seriously, listen to this episode. It's delicious.

  • S1E1 - Damnation


    The time has come to reveal our third jelly-filled show, Last Coin at the Arcade! Kaye and Lucas took up the uncomfortable task of playing the steampunk Civil War disaster known as Damnation. Listen as they share their romp across the war-torn landscape of . . . the Grand Canyon? Hell, we don't know, this game was awful. Only if there could have been Mecha-Lincoln . . .

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