Safety Experts Talk

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 15:15:16
  • More information



Safety Experts Talk offers relevant, on-topic insight in interviews of up to 30 minutes, with industry leaders in safety, 5S, Lean, Six Sigma and other continuous improvement genres. From PPE to safety software and tools, from visual workplace case studies to GHS labeling standards to Kaizen principles, you'll find a rich library of safety related topics in these podcasts, a service of Creative Safety Supply. See our website at for transcripts of Safety Experts Talk, plus important links and graphics.


  • Electrical Safety At Work

    23/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    How can a safety manager, who is not an electrician, look for electrical dangers? Jon Koppari, Specialist Instructor for OSHA, answers that question and many more in this podcast. Jon is an OSHA certified trainer in construction safety, CPR/AED, NFPA 70E electrical issues and many more topics. In the private sector, Jon was a safety manager in industry. He knows his stuff, and can answer the age-old question “Why Don't Birds On Power Lines Get Shocked?” So, sit back and listen! Dan Clark interviews Jon from his office at the OSHA Directorate of Training and Education in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

  • Ladder Safety - 10 Questions

    22/04/2015 Duration: 18min

    Ladder safety increases with tips from expert Dave Francis. 3 points of contact/control, fiberglass vs. wood, correct footwear and more are discussed. Dave Francis works for Little Giant Ladder Systems as their National Safety Director. Dan Clark asks Dave 10 ladder questions. Topics include fall protection/prevention, sun damaged fiberglass, leveling a ladder on an uneven surface, and more. Dave also refers to “grandpa's ladder.” Everyone can picture this old, rickety ladder. He urges workers to avoid using it. Mr. Francis explains that nearly all ladder accidents can be avoided if employees follow training. Don’t be lazy and try reaching difficult places with the wrong ladder, or a ladder substitute.

  • An Earthquake At Work

    21/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    Earthquake safety at work? A quake could happen while employees are on the job. Prep with workplace emergency supplies, equipment and evacuation drills. American Red Cross staffer Melinda Davis says doorway thresholds are unsafe. Previous emergency protocol advised people to stand in doorways. Now, safety experts say door frames are weak and could collapse, and swinging doors can injure. Employers should have emergency supply kits and equipment, plus evacuation and fire drills. Workers should have personal emergency kits in their car or truck, and at their desk or work space.

  • Safety Management System Improvements

    08/04/2015 Duration: 14min

    Safety Management. Has it helped workplace safety improve? Safety management systems expert Maureen Johnson, of IBM, rates 30 years of safety. As the Integrated Health Services Program Manager for IBM, Maureen describes strides made in safety management systems since she entered the industry in 1985. Dan Clark interviews Ms. Johnson about the different types of safety management systems (SMS), including OSHA’s Sharp, OSHA’s VPP, I2P2, OHSAS 18001, or ANSI Z10.

  • Safety Recognition Programs That Work

    30/03/2015 Duration: 18min

    Safety recognition programs that cost the least work the best. Hear a former OSHA trainer explain how to have a better recognition program inexpensively. Steve Geigle worked for 16 years with OSHA, Oregon. He’s seen safety recognition programs fail miserably. Hear Steve detail the reasons for the failures, such as too much emphasis on rewards. Steve says tracking leading indicators (near misses) is better way to eliminate injury. Many companies track lagging indicators (injuries, accidents), which are inferior indicators.

  • Respect For People And A3

    20/03/2015 Duration: 21min

    Respect For People is a crucial part of lean and A3. Lean guru Bill Greider tells how A3 teams can implement continuous improvement in an organization. 
Bill heads P4 Lean Strategy Consulting, coaching companies on using A3 teams to eliminate accidents, increase production and rectify customer issues. The A3 exercise employs Respect For People, which originated with TPS (The Toyota Production System). A3 is a way to problem solve, named after a European paper standard size. A3 is about the same size as 11 x 17 sheets in the U.S. Our podcast guest says to lay out your problem on an A3 sized sheet of paper. Then process the problem with DMAIC—Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.

  • OSHA Inspections - What To Expect

    13/03/2015 Duration: 13min

    OSHA inspections can create panic in every safety manager. Relax. An OSHA Enforcement Manager responds to 18 questions on inspections, revealing the facts. Gary Beck, Enforcement Manager of OSHA, Oregon, explains what any company owner or safety manager should expect during a safety inspection. Dan Clark interviews Gary on how to prepare for their surprise appearances, and how keeping workers safe is OSHA’s reason for being there. Many other questions about facility safety and signs are answered by Gary. Topics include hazard communication, NFPA, GHS, confined space, ArcFlash and more.

  • A New Unsafe Generation Of Workers

    08/03/2015 Duration: 15min

    Millennials entering the workforce are unskilled and unsafe. Hear safety expert Elaine Cullen explain why it’s not their fault. Many are quick to judge these new employees as stupid, but she is quick to defend them. Elaine says their lack of training is due to many reasons, including changes in school curricula, budget cutbacks in schools, and, yes, video games. Elaine co-authored the National Academies of Science study. It basically says they are safety hazards looking for a place to happen.

  • Lean IT and Business

    06/03/2015 Duration: 24min

    Lean IT expert Steve Bell helps solve the long-standing battle between a company’s goal of Continuous Improvement and IT's perceived lack of agility. It’s a constant friction between management wanting computer/network changes now, and IT wanting to slow the pace and do it right. Hear about Kaizen, and how IT departments are now considered strategic partners in business planning, due to so much online interaction with the public. Steve is author of three books on Lean IT, and is winner of the Shingo Research Prize. He is also a faculty member at the Lean Enterprise Institute.

  • Do A Combustible Dust Test

    18/02/2015 Duration: 17min

    Dust explosions can happen without notice in a confined workspace. Dr. Ashok Dastidar is a dust and flammability expert with Fauske & Associates, and in this podcast explains the Go/No-Go test, and how to collect a dust sample.   See a links about combustible dust tests in the transcript to this podcast at

  • High Noise Levels Cause Injuries

    18/02/2015 Duration: 07min

    A new study says high noise levels put you at a higher risk for on-the-job injuries. And if you already have noise-induced hearing loss, injury risk is substantially greater. Dan Clark interviews Prof. Tony Leroux of the University Of Montreal. See a link to Prof. LeRoux's study in the transcript to this podcast at

  • Ending Deadly Workplace Accidents

    18/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Predictive Solutions’ primary goal is to end deadly workplace accidents by the end of this century. Their General Manager, Griffin Schultz, details how this can become a reality. Their website is

  • Are Workers Good Safety Observers?

    18/02/2015 Duration: 12min

    Workers are asked to monitor workplace safety. But can you count on them? “Safety Cary” describes how average Joes can help the safety pros. Cary Usrey writes a regular blog for predictivesolutions/safeycary/.com

  • No-Itch Flame-Resistant Clothes

    18/02/2015 Duration: 07min

    Chris Holcombe VP, GM of Bulwark FR, describes their breakthrough in flame-resistant clothing. Clothing that is NOT hot, heavy, stiff or itchy. With their partner Milliken & Company, Bulwark is creating light and breathable clothes which give protection from flash fires and arc flash.

  • The Safety Iceberg

    18/02/2015 Duration: 16min

    Only 10% of safety issues are visible to us. Rosa Carrillo suggests that 90% lurk below the waterline due to cultural lack of awareness. Rosa is a safety consultant, speaker, author and MSOD. She is the president of Carrillo and Assoc. of Long Beach, CA.

  • The 5-Second Rule Is Real

    18/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Is it safe to eat food you dropped on the floor in the employee lunchroom? Prof. Anthony Hilton reveals the results of his microbiology study at Aston University, Birmingham, England. See a link to the study in the transcript to this podcast at  

  • Be A Safety Role Model

    18/02/2015 Duration: 19min

    Krista Hoffmeister of the University Of Colorado did a study of leadership and safety. It raises some interesting questions and provides even better answers.If the boss sets a good example, does on-the-job safety improve?See a link to Krista Hoffmeister’s study in the transcript to this podcast at

  • Free Safety Resources

    18/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Dave Weber says “My father and my uncle were both seriously hurt in on-the-job accidents…I get a lot of satisfaction from sharing information and resources with other folks so that they can help to prevent other people’s fathers and uncles from being hurt on the job.” Dave, formerly of OSHA provides links to free safety resources on his website.

  • Starting Continuous Improvement

    18/02/2015 Duration: 18min

    Jeff Hajek discusses the paths a company takes when creating a continuous improvement culture, and what kind of structure they need to support it.

  • Lean Success Stories

    18/02/2015 Duration: 11min

    Matt Wrye is a Lean implementer with a passion for continuous learning on all subjects related to business and Lean. He gives examples from his own career about 5S and Lean improving safety, improving processes, eliminating waste, saving money.

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