Kettlebrook West Bend

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 77:57:06
  • More information



Messages from the Kettlebrook West Bend site...


  • Living as Family

  • 2022 Vision Sunday: 2 Timothy 2:2


    Join us for a day of celebration of the ways God is working in and through our family. We'll also cast vision for the new year, "2022: Disciple-Making Disciples" based on 2 Timothy 2:2, "and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men (and women), who will be able to teach others also." Discipleship Plan document:

  • Kettlebrook Combined Gathering


    RESOURCES: Guided Prayer Stations for Kids: Prayer Guide - Hearing from God:

  • Little Children, Luke 18: 15- 17

    08/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. Share a story of either your own dependence upon an adult when you were a kid or a child you know depending on you. What was that like for you? 2. Read Luke 18:9-14 for context of the encounter in verses 15-17. Which of the two individuals mentioned can you most identify with and why? 3. Read Luke 18:15-17 out loud. In your group, try to imagine this encounter. Try to describe the scene as it comes to mind. Describe how you imagine the parents, the children, the disciples, and Jesus. 4. Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these (children).” What about this statement might bother you? What might encourage you? Why? 5. The people wanted Jesus to touch their children (exert a modifying influence), not simply touch at a surface level. In what ways does your life reflect either a desire for Jesus to exert life changing influence or just a surface blessing? 6. In what ways might you be “hindering” the next generation in coming to Jesus? 7. What step mig

  • Lamp on a Stand, Luke 8: 16- 18

    01/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. Have you ever been responsible for something & epically failed? What was that like? Share the story and how you felt afterwards. 2. How would you feel if GOD entrusted you with responsibility? Do you think he does? Do you think he has expectations for that responsibility? 3. The context for Luke 8:16-18 is the parable in Luke 8:1-15. What do you suppose the connection is? What is the ‘seed’ in that parable (v.11). What does God expect based on the parable of he sower? Why is that important for the verses that follow? 4. What do you think the light is in verse 16? What does it mean to put it on a stand so people can see it? How have you seen this done in your life or the lives of people you are in community with? 5. Cross reference the following verses: v.16 —> Matthew 5:14-16 v.17 —> Matthew 10:26-27 v.18 —> Matthew 25:28-29 (actually read the whole parable from v.14-30) In each of these verses, what is the point Jesus is trying to get across? Now, go

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