Pastor G



John E. Girton, Jr. (Pastor G) has decades of Christian entrepreneurial experience. empowers those who desire the most that life has to offer.


  • The Answer to "Why Me?"

    07/09/2014 Duration: 41min
  • Anger Part 2

    03/09/2014 Duration: 50min
  • Anger part 1

    27/08/2014 Duration: 37min
  • Lust

    20/08/2014 Duration: 09min
  • Gossip

    13/08/2014 Duration: 47min
  • Spotlight Indy Interview with Pastor G

    11/08/2014 Duration: 14min

    Pastor G joins host Glee Renick-May from WIBC and Hank-FM in Indianapolis, Indiana on Sunday, August 10, 2014. Pastor John Girton, Jr. discussed the community based work of the Indiana Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition, Inc. and how their fatherhood and family strengthening classes proactively help strengthen communities.

  • Necessary Sins: Lies

    06/08/2014 Duration: 47min
  • Christ

    06/04/2014 Duration: 01h04min
  • Christ

    06/04/2014 Duration: 07min
  • Daniel Fast Part 4-5 w/ Virtual Pastor G

    29/11/2013 Duration: 08min

    Virtual Pastor Girton shares the foods you should consider during the Daniel Fast along with foods you should avoid. Remember that we encourage you to consult your physician or pharmacist if you suffer from a medical condition, are pregnant or nursing before you begin any fast.Remember to register at our blog for more free and downloadable resources. You can also follow us on twitter: @jgirton

  • Pastor Girton: Daniel Fast Part 1

    16/11/2013 Duration: 04min

    In part 1 of the Daniel Fast Study Pastor Girton covers the following information:1.) Online Study Schedule2.) How to Register online3.) The Corporate Fast ScheduleYou can register for the study at at anytime before December 1st. For questions email

  • Stand Your Ground: Virtual Pastor Girton

    16/11/2013 Duration: 01min

    Pastor Girton understands that there are people who've become addicted to winning at any cost. What's the cost? They lose equity in their name and the people around them become frustrated communicating, working, living and playing with them. It's not confined to sports. It can be material gain, job/career advancement, relationships, or keeping up with the Jones'.

  • Watch Your "Why?"

    15/11/2013 Duration: 01min

    It's possible to do all the right things all the wrong way. In other words, love, support, forgiveness, kindness, generosity are good when given the right way. To simply say "I did this or that for you...!" means nothing if it's done with selfish, calculated, manipulated intent. God sees more than what you do. God sees your heart. Watch out there now!!!Pastor (I'm just saying) G

  • Watch Your "Why?"

    15/11/2013 Duration: 01min

    It's possible to do all the right things all the wrong way. In other words, love, support, forgiveness, kindness, generosity are good when given the right way. To simply say "I did this or that for you...!" means nothing if it's done with selfish, calculated, manipulated intent. God sees more than what you do. God sees your heart. Watch out there now!!!Pastor (I'm just saying) G

  • Verbal Violence

    23/01/2013 Duration: 01min

    We often hear the old phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It is a good comeback on the playground, but the truth is in life negative talk can pierce the thickest of skin. (Proverb 17:20….”he who has a perverse (or negative) tongue falls into evil.” The bible is full of warnings against using words as a weapon. So, if you know someone who’s guilty of verbal violence and is struggling to overcome it, I encourage you to pray for him or her“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, o Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14)

  • How to study the bible 2

    24/10/2012 Duration: 18min
  • How to study the bible 1

    17/10/2012 Duration: 07min
  • How to study miracles

    26/09/2012 Duration: 28min
  • Fight for the Faith

    16/09/2012 Duration: 29min

    The problem with most believers today is, some of us don’t know when to fight. There are times when after you’ve gone through the fire and gone through the floods; after you’ve been through the storm and the rain; suffered heartache and pain; there are times when after you’ve prayed and cried for deliverance from the issues and challenges of life… that you reach the point of your breakthrough and the devil is standing there trying to convince you that you don’t deserve your release, you don’t deserve your deliverance, you don’t deserve your miracle, and you don’t deserve your breakthrough.And many times we as Christians stop short of our blessings because we don’t recognize a good fight when we see one.

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