JavaScript Jabber

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 660:18:51
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Weekly podcast discussion about Javascript on the front and back ends. Also discuss programming practices, coding environments, and the communities related to the technology.


  • 064 JSJ Ember Tools with Ryan Florence

    21/06/2013 Duration: 49min

    PanelRyan Florence (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:28 - Ryan Florence IntroductionInstructure Canvas Network 03:04 - Ember 101 05:03 - Ember.js Workflow047 JSJ Specialized vs Monolithic with James Halliday and Tom Dale ember-tools 07:14 - CommonJS vs RequireJSr.js browser-build 09:58 - prego 11:39 - Generators 14:45 - Testing 16:15 - YeomanYeoman generators 20:49 - ScaffoldingHandlebars.js 21:33 - Ember blessing ember-toolsEmber.js - Making Ember.js Easier 24:19 - Using ember-tools in RailsCreating Browser Apps as Part of Express of Rails (etc.) 25:27 - Scaffolding (cont’d) 26:53 - Adapting an existing project to ember-tools 29:59 - Dbmon 30:59 - CanvasEdu Apps (learning apps built on LTI™) 32:44 - node.js 34:24 - Modules 38:59 - Contributing to ember-tools 41:46 - StatePicksvim-clutch (Merrick) Star Wars: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Za

  • 063 JSJ Burnout

    14/06/2013 Duration: 48min

    PanelJamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:47 - BurnoutGoogle: define burnout 04:57 - Pair Programming 06:19 - Burnout GuiltThought-workers vs Laborers 10:15 - Positive Reinforcement 11:18 - Causes of BurnoutProlonged periods of high stress Crappy jobs Long hours OCD Organizational challenges Fighting Bikeshedding Difficult work environment Twitter Comparison 20:41 - Overcoming BurnoutRest Do something else Gratitude Talk to your boss Twitter / @bmf: Burnout is not caused by working hard. Burnout is caused by not shipping. Measurable progress 28:17 - Short-term BurnoutExercising You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG) Meditation Take lunch 32:17 - Reaching out to others who may be burning out 35:50 - Preventing BurnoutPositive environments Motivation Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink [YouTube] Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates

  • 062 JSJ Dojo with Dylan Schiemann

    07/06/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    PanelDylan Schiemann (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:57 - Dylan Schiemann IntroductionThe Dojo Toolkit CEO of SitePen 01:14 - DojoTD Ameritrade The Wall Street Journal JPMorgan Chase & Co TD Bank Esri 04:40 - Why is Dojo relevant today?Peter Higgins: #dadt (Dojo already did that) 07:00 - AMD and RequireJSPerformance Benefits CommonJS 10:34 - DijitForm Controls Layout Widgets Other Widgets (i.e. grids, rich text editor controls, trees, etc.) Polymer 15:32 - Browser SupportThe Awesome Bar Removing Code Aspect-oriented Programming 20:01 - Dojo 2Dojo Mobile Responsive Dijits Local Storage Better Grid Widgets Cleaner APIs 32:52 - Marketing DojoDojo Tutorials Good APIs Demos Target Environments 27:55 - Graded SupportGraded Browser Support - YUI Library 30:56 - Maintaining the old version while moving ahead with the new version 33:01 - S

  • 061 JSJ Functional Reactive Programming with Juha Paananen and Joe Fiorini

    31/05/2013 Duration: 49min

    PanelJuha Paananen (twitter github blog) Joe Fiorini (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:20 - Joe Fiorini IntroductionInteraction Developer at Designing Interactive in Cleveland, OH 01:42 - Juha Paananen IntroductionSoftware Developer at Reaktor in Helsinki, Finland 02:30 - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) vs Functional Programming057 JSJ Functional Programming with Zach Kessin 04:25 - Declarative Programming 05:55 - Map and Filter 07:05 - bacon.jsFlapjax 09:10 - Mapping and filtering event streams 10:40 - Asynchronicity and Promises 14:28 - Using FRPReactiveCocoa Complex UIs TodoMVC with Bacon.js, Backbone.js and Transparency.js by pyykiss 20:02 - Ember.js and FRP 22:04 - MVC frameworks and FRPJuha Paananen: FRP, Bacon.js and stuff: Chicken, Egg and Bacon.js 24:35 - Learning FRP 25:49 - Where did FRP come

  • 060 JSJ Development Environments

    24/05/2013 Duration: 58min

    PanelAJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:09 - Mac, Windows or Linux?tmux Emacs Homebrew DigitalOcean 05:41 - ToolsJenkins CI TeamCity 07:49 - Editors and IDEsVim MacVim MacVim Alloy Fork The NERD tree Sublime Text Chocolat TextMate JetBrains WebStorm David Laing: Customise your .gitattributes to become a Git Ninja 16:03 - Software & Tools cont’dGrunt.js RequireJS Test Runner Mocha Karma istanbul Compass Google Chrome Git Tower Kaleidoscope 20:26 - Terminal Setups and DatabasesiTerm2 tmux tmuxinator oh-my-zsh bash-it nvm Homebrew MacPorts 25:03 - MusicGoogle Play Explosions in the Sky Sigur Rós Album Leaf Spotify OverClocked ReMix "Masters of Classical Music" on iTunes Joe Satriani Aurgasm 30:04 - EquipmentBose QuietComfort 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones Performance MX Mouse Ultrasone HFI-580 S-Logic Surround Sound Professional Headphones GOgr

  • 059 JSJ jQuery Mobile with Todd Parker

    17/05/2013 Duration: 26min

    PanelTodd Parker (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:53 - Todd Parker IntroductionFilament Group 01:21 - Indiegogo Campaign 01:55 - jQuery MobilejQuery UI 04:13 - Responsive web design 06:17 - Mobile & Proxy BrowsersWebKit Opera & Opera Mini Amazon Silk 14:06 - Enhancements 17:11 - Plugging jQuery Mobile into Desktop Applications 19:11 - Using client-side MVC frameworksAngularJS jQuery Mobile Resources Page 21:52 - Filament Group and jQuery projectsThemeRoller The Filament Group on Github Microsoft Contributions 28:26 - ThemingStructure vs Style Object-oriented CSS Widget Factory 37:25 - Accessibility058 JSJ Building Accessible Websites with Brian Hogan ARIA 44:18 - Progressive EnhancementBootstrap Designing with Progressive Enhancement: Building the web that works for everyone by The Filament Group Visualize PicksDisenchanted b

  • 058 JSJ Building Accessible Websites with Brian Hogan

    10/05/2013 Duration: 50min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013!PanelBrian Hogan (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:55 - Brian Hogan IntroductionHTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrow's Standards Today by Brian Hogan tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development by Brian Hogan Web Development Recipes by Brian P. Hogan, Chris Warren, Mike Weber, Chris Johnson, Aaron Godin Development Editor with Pragmatic Bookshelf Professor at Chippewa Valley Technical College 01:48 - What Accessibility Means 02:56 - Making Websites AccessibleYSlow People vs Users 06:06 - “The Right Things”VersaBraille Responsive Web Design 09:00 - Tools & TechniquesFahrner Image Replacement (FIR) Web Fonts ⌘+ 14:56 - Manipulating the DOMARIA - HTML5 Ember.js 16:54 - Screen Resolution 19:24 - Typeahead 20:58 - TestingJaws VoiceOver 23:11 - ResourcesWebAIM Web Co

  • 057 JSJ Functional Programming with Zach Kessin

    02/05/2013 Duration: 43min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013!PanelZachary Kessin (twitter github Mostly Erlang Podcast) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:55 - Zach Kessin IntroductionProgramming HTML5 Applications Building Web Applications with Erlang Product Structure Mostly Erlang Podcast 03:01 - Functional ProgrammingHaskell LISP Scheme Erlang Underscore.js chain 06:44 - Monadq Maybe monad 11:33 - Functional Languages vs JavaScriptNo side effects 18:09 - Why Functional Programming?037 JSJ Promises with Dominic Denicola and Kris Kowal Higher order functions Ext JS 24:35 - Tail_callRecursion cdr car 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 32:54 - Programming LanguagesSeven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages (Pragmatic Programmers) by Bruce Tate 33:38 - Functional Programming Librariesvalentine q 3

  • 056 JSJ Marionette.js with Derick Bailey

    19/04/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013!PanelDerick Bailey (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:03 - Derick Bailey IntroductionKendo UI 02:11 - Marionette.jsBackbone.js Zombie Views 06:57 - How backbone.js helps with large-scale applicationsScalability 08:42 - High-level application architecture path with Marionette.jsBBCloneMail BBClone Mail Source Code 13:02 - Breaking down Marionette.jsmarionettejs / backbone.babysitter marionettejs / backbone.wreqr 16:02 - The value of using Marionette.jsTree views Table rendering 18:23 - Application Structure 20:17 - backbone.wreqr 26:20 - Memory ManagementSingle-page applications Simplicity & maintainability 34:23 - RoutingSingle responsibility principle boazsender / backbone.routefilter 41:40 - Compatibility IssuesTho

  • 055 JSJ Web Developer Skills

    12/04/2013 Duration: 39min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! Panel AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Discussion 00:57 - What does it mean to be a “web developer” “T-shaped skills” 11:01 - Minumum level entry skills you need to become a web developer HTML CSS JSHint Jade less.js jquery 19:39 - CSS Jade 24:24 - Mid-Senior level skills you need to become a web developer Networking HTTP Wireshark Build systems node.js NoSQL Netcat MVC frameworks Preprocessers REST Picks Prime Workers (AJ) Adobe Illustrator (AJ) Vagrant (Merrick) Puppet (Merrick) Mountain West Ruby Conference (Jamison) TXJS (Jamison) Breeze.js (Joe) edge.js (Joe) 'Arrested Development' Comes Back On Netflix On May 26, So Get Extra Sleep Now: Linda Holmes (Joe) Intro to Networking with Netcat and NodeJS (AJ) Intro to HTTP with Netcat, Node, Connect (AJ) Next Week Marionette.js with Derick Bailey Transcrip

  • 054 JSJ JavaScript Parsing, ASTs, and Language Grammar w/ David Herman and Ariya Hidayat

    05/04/2013 Duration: 59min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013!PanelDavid Herman (twitter blog Effective JavaScript) Ariya Hidayat (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:48 - David Herman and Ariya Hidayat Introduction044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 023 JSJ Phantom.js with Ariya Hidayat 01:54 - Parsing JavaScript and ASTs and Language Grammars 04:44 - Semantics 06:08 - Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)Esprima: Parser SpiderMonkey 10:37 - Lexer 12:16 - Writing your own languagecreationix / jack The C Programming Language 17:41 - Parser GeneratorsJavaScriptCore 21:04 - Evolving a Syntax Automatic Semicolon InsertionPost correspondence problem Halting problem 28:05 - Language DesignThe Rust Programming Language 30:35 - GrammarRegular Expressions (Regex) Backus–Naur F

  • 053 JSJ Software Team Dynamics

    29/03/2013 Duration: 46min

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! PanelJoe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 02:48 - External ConflictsDealing with people outside your own team 07:04 - Areas of Expertise 08:45 - Expectations and DeadlinesMultiple Layers of Hierarchy Differences in Goals 13:47 - Flatter Structure Approach 15:21 - The Search for DevelopersFinding the ideal people What makes an ‘A Player’? Intellectual Capability 19:47 - Team Scaling/ Scaling AgileScaling Agile @ Spotify How Stripe Builds Software, with Greg Brockman 25:10 - Team Diversity 29:57 - Team DynamicsAttitude Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd by Youngme Moon (Joe) 35:00 - Specialization 40:08 - Dealing with someone you don’t likeCircumventing Confrontation 50:52 - Dealing with a non-engaged personPicksHonest and open conversations (Merric

  • 052 JSJ Node & NPM with Isaac Schlueter

    22/03/2013 Duration: 01h40s

    Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! PanelIsaac Schlueter (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:33 - Isaac Schlueter IntroductionNPM Node 02:33 - Node Backstoryv8 SpiderMonkey Joyent 05:37 - Node and New FeaturesNode.js v0.10.0 Manual & Documentation v8 13:30 - Language AccommodationsTC39 Luvit libev libuv eventmachine @ GitHub Zedd Shaw 22:32 - C++LibEVN - Node in C 25:19 - New Streams API30:37 - Semantic VersioningExperimental versions 33:01 - NPM39:30 - Issac’s Future41:06 - DiscoveryRecommendation Engine Exposing Quality of Modules Code Quality 47:18 - Advice for Adopting NodeJoyent The Node Firm StrongLoop Iris Couch PicksWild at Heart Revised and Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul by John Eldredge (Joe) The Aquabats (Jamison) User Feedback: Is

  • 051 JSJ Finding a Job

    15/03/2013 Duration: 52min

    PanelAJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:02 - Panelist employment backgrounds04:34 - Programming job marketNetworking 06:31 - How to get a job doing what you likeBetterServers Skunkworks project 09:36 - Qualifications11:40 - How you find jobsBeing active in online and offline communities Mailing list advertisement Recruiters and job boards 15:51 - Resumes19:27 - Interviews“I don’t know.” Pairing 24:50 - Company fit095 RR People and Team Dynamics with Joe O’Brien Contract to hire work 30:47 - What makes somewhere a good place to work?Autonomy 40:32 - FreelancingThe Ruby Freelancers Show PicksPsych Season 7 (AJ) The Fradio - MediaBox (AJ) Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate Mechanical Keyboard (Jamison) 48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal by Dan Miller (Chuck) No More Mondays: Fire Yourself -- and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work by Dan Miller (Chuck) 48 D

  • 050 JSJ QUnit with Jörn Zaefferer

    08/03/2013 Duration: 33min

    Panel Jörn Zaefferer (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:15 - Jörn Zaefferer IntroductionjQuery QUnit 02:32 - QUnitjQuery Mobile Introduction to Unit Testing | QUnit 06:59 - Built-in support for HTML fixtures for your tests08:50 - Unit Testingjoshuaclayton / specitmmonteleone / pavlov11:57 - Assertionsfn:deep-equal 15:49 - Why use QUnit?unit testing - QUnit vs Jasmine - Stack Overflowstacktrace.js 023 RR Book Club: Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns with Kent Beck26:01 - User experience for user interface30:03 - Continuous integration setupsJenkins CI PhantomJS 023 JSJ Phantom.js with Ariya Hidayat jquery / testswarmjQuery's TestSwarmBrowserStack 36:55 - Testing in JavaScriptSauce Labs: Cloudified Browser Testing Testacular SeleniumHQ 43:35 - Add-onsPicksMYO - The Gesture Control Armband (Jamison) Mailbox (Jamison) Testing Clientside JavaScript (Joe’s Course) (Joe) DragonBo

  • 049 JSJ MooTools with Valerio Proietti and Arian Stolwijk

    01/03/2013 Duration: 46min

    PanelValerio Proietti (twitter github) Arian Stolwijk (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:08 - Arian Stolwijk IntroductionMooTools Developer Symbaloo 01:39 - Valerio Proietti IntroductionMooTools Creator Spotify 02:21 - What is MooTools?Github - MooTools 07:04 - The Class Systemmootools / prime 09:36 - Milk10:25 - Design GoalsGhost 11:19 - Primemootools / wrapup CommonJS 14:18 - MooTools vs jQuery19:53 - Using MooTools and jQuery togetherObject Oriented jQuery with MooTools @jQuery Conference: Ryan Florence 21:08 - MooTools for Frameworksepitome neuro Github - MooTools 23:48 - ChainingMooTools Demos - Chaining 26:59 - Request API for Ajax calls29:11 - Favorite MooTools-using WebsitesSpotify 9GAG 29:45 - AccomplishmentsClass System wrapup arian / prime-util 31:36 - The history of moo.fx PicksWasteland 2 (Joe) The Lost F

  • 048 JSJ Why JavaScript Is Hard

    22/02/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    PanelJoe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Discussion 00:56 - Why JavaScript is hard to learn02:30 - This05:30 - Bind09:11 - Browsers11:01 - Class-based inheritancePrototypal inheritance 16:37 - New function18:51 - Closures20:51 - JavaScript is asynchronous22:14 - Variable scopingHoisting 26:14 - Numbers and math(AJ joins the podcast) == ’s vs === ’s 32:15 - Things that make JavaScript hard after learning JavaScriptPackage management 35:06 - Numbers (cont’d)Crypto Bitwise operations Strings Effective JavaScript by David Herman 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 40:16 - Changing/Evolving JavaScript43:31 - Environmental reasons that make JavaScript HardTooling 48:25 - Few projects are primarily JavaScript49:07 - Adolescence and the JavaScript Ecosystem53:59 - Running JavaScript PicksSharpie Metallic Silver (AJ) The how and why of auto-executing functions (i

  • 047 JSJ Specialized vs Monolithic with James Halliday and Tom Dale

    15/02/2013 Duration: 57min

    PanelTom Dale (twitter github blog Tilde Inc.) James Halliday (twitter github AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:52 - James Halliday Introductionbrowserify 02:37 - Tom Dale IntroductioniCloud Ember.js Big Data & Hadoop 04:47 - Specialized vs Idiology Micro Libraries 14:13 - Learning Frameworks18:04 - Making things modular25:23 - Picking the right tool for the job27:44 - voxel.js & emberjsemberjs / packages BPM - Browser Package Manager NPM - Node Packaged Modules testling-ciBackbone.js38:19 - Module SystemsCommonJS41:14 - Cloud9 Use Case43:54 - BugsjQuery Source Code PicksjQuery 2.0 (Merrick) ECMAScript 6 Module Definition (Merrick) AMD (Merrick) Yiruma (Joe) Elementary (Joe) Miracle Berry Tablets (AJ) The Ubuntu You Deserve (AJ) Bravemule

  • 046 JSJ Staying Current

    08/02/2013 Duration: 44min

    PanelJoe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 03:19 - The Future of JavaScript and ES6es-discuss -- Discussion of ECMAScript @esdiscuss six ES6 in node.js @brendaneich (Brendan Eich)@rwaldron (Rick Waldron)10:18 - Getting News about JavaScript@derickbailey (Derick Bailey) @tjholowaychuk (TJ Holowaychuk aka Vision Media) @substack (James Halliday) @maxodgen (Max Ogden) Peter Cooper’s JavaScript Weekly Peter Cooper’s HTML5 Weekly @badass_js (Badass JavaScript) @seb_ly (Seb Lee-Delisle) 12:43 - BlogsBen Alman James Burke LosTechies Alvin Ashcraft’s Morning Dew The Changelog reddit 17:02 - FilteringReadability Pocket (formerly Read It Later)Instapaperthree.jsUTOSC 2012 Machine Learning in JavaScript Jamison Dance VIDEO002323:21 - The CommunityAirbnb Meetups Addy Osmani: Articles for Developers Utah JS Utah Software Craftsmanship Group Ruby Rogues Parley 27:33 - Podcasts and Video

  • 045 JSJ jQuery

    01/02/2013 Duration: 53min

    PanelAJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:11 - jQuery vs Prototype vs MooTools10:50 - JavaScript Going MainstreamFast Browsers Firefox Web Developer Tools V8 Web Stack 13:21 - Usable JavaScript17:05 - jQuery ProsCross-Platform CSS Selection Chaining 20:16 - jQuery Mobile20:48 - QUnit21:21 - Running jQuery in NodeScraping 22:32 - CSS Manipulation24:14 - jQuery UI25:19 - jQuery Community26:31 - jQuery PluginsAJ’s imageMerrick’s image29:52 - Ender & Zepto.js33:44 - jQuery ConsCustom Selectors Plugin Documentation API is too large How to build your own jQuery52:15 - AJ lied about jQuery PicksThe Robert C. Martin Clean Code Collection (Joe) Old Man’s War by John Scalzi (Joe) Human Connectome Project (Merrick) pahen / node-madge (Merrick) Hype Machine (Merrick) Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick (Jamison)

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