Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 97:23:00
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This show will provide intriguing and life transforming wisdom regarding the process of ascension or spiritual awakening in a simple and easily understood manner.


  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant

    10/10/2013 Duration: 31min

    Through our journey of awakening we are beginning to truly understand such statements as, "we are spirits having a human experience," and that we are truly "made in the image and likeness of God."  We have begun to awaken the sleeping giant within that seeks to reflect back to us the magnitude of our soul's essence.  We are no longer asleep to our direct connection with the source, which is having an impact on the physical world around us.  The more we awaken, the more we encourage the growth and expansion of not just ourselves but of the entire planet.  You don't want to miss this show that will discuss how to awaken the sleeping child within and so it becomes an awakened spiritual adult.

  • Creating Heaven on Earth W/Dr. Richard London

    03/10/2013 Duration: 01h00s

    It is obvious that we are in the midst of not just one major shift but several shifts culminating in this Ascension process. Some of us have liftedthe veils of illusion, released the old 3rd dimensional programming and aised our frequencies exponentially. We are beyond the cusp of Ascensinand have arrived at the home stretch but what do we so once we get there? How do we bridge the gap and create Heaven on earth? Here to give us some insight into how we can navigate within an Ascended world is world renowned Life and Wellness Coach, Dr Richard London. To connect with Dr. London check out his website or email him at

  • Releasing 3D reaction, embracing 5D creation

    26/09/2013 Duration: 32min

    As the energies on this planet become quickened and the rules of the game distorted, everything we think we knew must be re-evaluated at every level. This process of waking up can be grueling as everything we have been becomes exposed. There is no rule book that will specifically teach you how to deal with these expositions, as it is an individual process of release. This show will discuss a few ways that we can release old 3D and not just raise our vibration to the 5D reality but to remain there, sealed in our divinity and free to create a world that reflects our new higher vibrational frequency. You won't want to miss this show!

  • The Innerverse w/Jason Lincoln Jeffers

    19/09/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    As a species we have been so dependent on the outside world for answers that can only be understood by going inward, but what does going inward entail? What does it look like? Here to speak our all encompassing Innerverse is Jason Lincoln Jeffers. Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a spiritual teacher, life and wellness coach, author, mystical expressionist fine artist, evolutionary astrologer, philosopher, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and self-taught authority on metaphysics,  transpersonal psychology, and alternative medicine. Mr. Jeffers is also the Author of the transformative new book The Next Human. You definitely do not want to miss this show!  For more information on Jason Lincoln Jeffers check out his website

  • Romantic Companionship Divine Union w/Dr. Richard London

    12/09/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    So many people are in hopes of finding a Divine Relationship based on divine love, freedom and a deep connection in a shared partnership. This is the type of relationship we are evolving into. No more relationships based on need, insecurity, jealousy, possessiveness or mistrust. Hear to speak about the nature of Divine Union Romantic Companionship is my mentor, life, wellness and business coach Dr. Richard London! You won't want to miss this show! The call in number is (347) 996-3263.    For additional information on Dr. Richard London click on And for a free 15 minute session with Dr. London you can email him at  or call him at (720) 213-8021. Mention the show or my name Jessica Spencer for your free 15 minutes! It'll be the best 15 minutes you've ever spent!

  • Releasing Fear, Utilizing Discernment

    05/09/2013 Duration: 31min

    We often hear or read of the importance of releasing fear in relationship to expanding spiritually and creating a life truly worthy of our living. When we are taught fear based thinking and it is reinforced throughout our lives, how do we begin to release something that has become part of our every day lives? This show will give you the tools for releasing fear and practicing discernment so that we connect with our inner guidance system rather than operate from fear. Tune in and turn on Ascended Radio, where we are authentically becoming our Divine Selves!   For any questions or thoughts on the conversation call in at (347) 996-3263 or email me at Misspencer05@gmail.c

  • Being in the Flow & Raring to Go W/Michele Whittington!

    29/08/2013 Duration: 01h00s

    What does it look like when one is on the path of awakening?  What does ones energy feel like when on a path of awakening?  What can one create on their path to awakening?  I can guarantee you that my guest today; Michele Whittington epitomizes what it looks, sounds and feels like to be on a path of awakening! Michele is in the energetic Divine Flow and 100% raring to go!  You won't want to miss this show, on which Michele will share  tools for being in the Divine Flow and not only how to awaken to your innate Divine Energy, but to maintain it!  If you would like to contact Michele you can email her at or you can call her at tel:425-999-2994.

  • Allowance Vs. Resistance

    22/08/2013 Duration: 42min

    As humans we have created illusions of separation and the experience of struggle as a result of our addiction to resistance and lack of allowance.  Fear has created within us a world that is run on resisting or judging what is so about who and what we are being in the present moment.  In order to continue to grow and expand we must learn how to allow the good to pour into our lives and overflow into the lives of those around.  As Lightworkers, we were called to remember the Divine Love presence that we are so that  love may spill outward into the world around us.  Join me for his discussion on how you can maintain a life of abundant sharing through the allowance of your gifts being fully expressed.  If you have any examples of how your life has transformed by simply allowing the good to flow into your life, call in at 347-996-3263 or join the live chat room!  Thank you for listening to Ascended Radio...where we are becoming our authenitcally Divine Selves. Also check out my youtube interview with Suzanne Lie

  • Starseeds and Ascension w/Dr. Richard London

    15/08/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    As one begins to deepen in their process of awakening, conscious expands to encompass aspects of existence that were previously unknown or un-remembered. Through my own process of waking up and being open to many more possibilities the possibility and probability of life on other planets and in different dimensions become a reality. I am honored and pleased to welcome back to the show Dr. Richard London. For additional information on Dr. Richard London click on for a free 15 minute session with Dr. London you can email him at Richardalondon@gmail.comor call him at (

  • Religion in the Ascended World w/Dr. Richard London

    08/08/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    As we progress down the path of ascension we are beginning to envision a world based on Divine Love and creativity. We imagine a world that has released old ways of being that no longer serve the planet and its inhabitants.  One of the most influential institutions that has affected humanity in a profound way has been Religion.  On this show we will discuss with my mentor, Transformational Expert, Business, Life and Wellness Coach Dr. Richard London, the role that Religion will play in the Ascended world. In his renowned workshop "Winning in the Divine Game of Life" Dr. London reveals how to know, use all 10 natural laws in your Life.  You will learn how to create a plan that suits your personal and professional lifestyle, release all negative energy, guilt, allegiance to others people's games and become an Authentic Human Being, living and being the person your "Soul" intended to be.  In our time together you will become a certified as a Wellnessaire --  living a life filled with Abundance and Balance in We

  • Thinking beyond the 3rd Dimensional Box

    31/07/2013 Duration: 37min

    We have moved beyond the energy of the more dense 3rd dimensional existence and into the energy of the 5th dimensional transcendence. Many of the old ways of being are coming to a climax, erupting in different forms of expression all around the world, pleading with humanity to start thinking beyond the 3rd dimensional box. On this show we will discuss elements of how one can wake up to this transition and align oneself with the energy of higher realms of consciousness. You won't want to miss this show.

  • Veils of Illusion

    24/07/2013 Duration: 29min

    A veil is something that covers your eyes and hinders your ability to see and be seen. In the spiritual sense a veil actually blocks the connection to your inner vision. During this time of awakening the veils are being lifted and the truth is being revealed. This show teaches you how to consciously participate in lifting the veils of illusion of oneself and the world around them so that we re-member the true reality of our Divinity. It is essential for all those seeking to awaken to identify those veils and ultimately release and transcend them. For "eyes that look are common but eyes that see are rare." Quote by Myles Munroe.    For a free15 minute session with World renowned life and wellness coach Dr. Richard London just mention this show and you can email him

  • The Sacred Feminine and Masculine Ego

    18/07/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    In modern society, the role of the Goddess/Sacred Feminine has been removed or distorted from all major aspects of many religions, belief systems and history books. In contrast, the masculine aspect of society has dominated. We are shifting into a level of consciousness that balances both the Sacred Feminine and the Masculine to create a Divine Union of consciousness that is needed for collective ascension. Here to speak about the Goddess/Sacred Feminine and the contrasting Masculine ego is an author, business owner, painter, astrologer, energy healer and  show favorite, Mr. Jason Lincoln Jeffers.  Tune in Wednesday, July 17th at 6:30pm PST for a show discussion you won't want to miss. For more information about Jason Lincoln Jeffers, email him at or click on  

  • Re-volution: from light-working to light-sharing

    10/07/2013 Duration: 32min

    As light workers and wayshowers we have focused on "do-ing" the work necessary to usher in this huge evolutionary shift from a 3rd dimensional experience into a 5th dimensional experience and beyond. Because we are also continuing to evolve and transform, so are our roles. We are moving from "do-ing" to "BE-ing" and from being light-working to light-sharing. We are learning to ground and integrate the new energies we are receiving rather than draining ourselves to enlighten others. Join this re-evolutionary discussion.

  • The Second Coming

    04/07/2013 Duration: 33min

    We have often heard of the long awaited arrival of the "second coming" of Christ and because all truths are equally respected, the details of his arrival is not in question on this show.  But I am posing an alternative possibility that that which we call Christ never left.  As a Divine emodiment of the infinite presence of all that is, how could we ever be in it's absence.  What if that which we call the annointed one has been present on this planet all along?  Join us for this very interesting and elightening conversation that will empower and intrigue you.  

  • 5th Dimensional Awareness

    27/06/2013 Duration: 30min

    On show we have discussed the idea of moving from study to demonstration, being in the world but not of the world, the multidimensional universe, the secret revealed and much more. The purpose in discussing such topics is to ignite and reignite spiritual transformation, resulting in a better world that works for all. We are in the thick of these transformation and this show will provide the tools necessary to continue to transform and grow

  • Divine Clarity

    19/06/2013 Duration: 47min

    During this evolutionary shift of humanity it is imperative that we all obtain clarity.  When one is truly in alignment with the vibrational frequency of creation, they can begin to manifest miracles in their lives until miracles become a regular expression of the Divine.  We must obtain clairty in order to move forwad in our expansive awareness.  Join us for this discussion about how to quiet your mind, silence your doubt and obtain clarity.  

  • Manifest Destiny

    13/06/2013 Duration: 45min

    In the secular world there has been the acknowledgment of the large disparity between the rich and the poor.  I would say that altough this is strikingly true, we must re-exam what we define as rich and whom we describe as poor.  As a result of the shift we are going through it is imperative that we all begin to re assess old belief systems, ways of being, speaking and thinking; henceforth, the statement that "the meek shall inherit the eart."  On this show we will delve deeply into the current shift of awakening and how we are thought by thought, word by word, inaction by action...manifesting our destiny.  Join us for this stimulating and life enhancing show.


    06/06/2013 Duration: 31min

    Today's show is centering around our necessity to go inward and find our own truth, knowing that our own unique truth is always an expression of the One truth that emanates from Love. When we commit to going inward for all questions and solutions, we begin to detach from the influence that the outside world has had on us. For we create the world based on the focus of our attention and the power of our intention. Join me for this powerful discussion.  The call in number is (347) 996-3263.  You won't want to miss this show!

  • Love in Action

    30/05/2013 Duration: 32min

    Many years ago I was intuitively told that Life is love in action and if we accept that God is love than another way to say it is that Life is God in action. In this life we are given the opportunity to express love through our embodiment of it.  No large amount of effort is required to simple Be as we were intended to be. Resistance is what calls forth challenges that we shrink away from or expand beyond.  Humanity is one thought, one way that God has replicated itself and named it each one of us.  In this show we will discuss practical ways to express your true authentically divine nature everyday of your living so that this one life that we are all living into is fully actualized. Please join us for a truly enlightening and thought provoking conversation.

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