Father Simon Says

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 85:22:45
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Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Father Simon Says - July 15, 2024 - Hosanna! [Encore]

    15/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    Enjoy this Encore show about today's readings from July 11, 2022! Bible Study: (2:07) IS 1:10-17 What were animals used for in ancient world?  MT 10:34-11:1 Has Jesus come for the sword?  Letters (20:32) How should I refer to my transgendered niece?  When does the soul enter the body?  Word(s) of the Day: Hosanna & Host (36:03) Callers  (39:22) What are your thoughts on donating eggs to clinics for families to have children? (41:31) My co-worker blasphemes God, what should I do?  (43:49) Why don't we say, 'Thine is the kingdom' at Mass?  (47:33) If a Protestant dies for their faith, do they go to heaven? (48:49) Truth about IVF (50:04) I agree with Fr. Simon about IVF

  • Father Simon Says - July 12, 2024 - Innocent As Doves

    12/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:52) Bible Study: Hos 14:2-10 Father shares some obscure facts around this passage Jn 16:13a; 14:26d What does it mean to be shrewd as serpents? Father explains (20:10) Break 1 (21:43) Letters: Father answers questions about the vulnerability of the Eucharist, the covenant with Abraham, demonic possession and the book of Daniel (33:47) Break 2 (36:04) Word of the Day: Innocent (38:22) Phones: Kedar - Question about the Gnostic Gospels.  Why did the early Church leaders remove the thought that Christ was risen figuratively? Francine - Fr. prays 'hearts of the faithful'  we should be praying for all people.  What do you think? Jerry - I'm 82 years-old, live by myself.  Is it okay to go to Saturday Vigil Mass?  Is a spiritual communion and radio mass, is that effective like going in person? Joe - From Our Lady of Fatima Saints Podcast, The Angel came from heaven and gave the body and blood to the younger child.   Could you explain about that.

  • Father Simon Says - July 11, 2024 - Judaism

    11/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:24) Bible Study: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9 How did Saint Matthew use this verse? Father explains Mt 10:7-15 Father talks about what it means to proclaim with authority. (25:14) Break 1 (26:00) Letters: How do people with mental illnesses get involved with the parish life, why God would tell Hose to marry a harlot and how is the devil defeated? Father Simon answers these and more! (39:14) Break 2 (40:12) Word of the Day: Keep (42:22) Phones: Agnes - Diff b/w conservative and the Liberal Judaism groups?   Greg - I'm a Eucharistic Minister, and after Sunday mass, the Sacristan, approached me if I could give her communion.   Gina - Predestination, is that true sometimes?

  • Father Simon Says - July 10, 2024 - Looking Holy

    10/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:52) Bible Study: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 --Just because someone looks holy, that that doesn’t mean they’re holy.  To be holy is to belong to the Lord.   Mt 10:1-7 --Some of the disciples don’t get along, but Jesus brings them together. (25:04) Break 1 (25:45) Letters: About using a dead body for medical purposes, Apostolic Succession, about a Eucharistic prayer said to Fatima children (35:18) Break 2 (35:58) Word of the Day: Aven (37:37) Phones: Victoria-Question about euthanasia for animals. Is it moral and ethical when our pets are suffering and in pain? Rose-How much power does the devil and demons have over good practicing Catholics? Fred- Are you familiar with the inclusive bible?

  • Father Simon Says - July 09, 2024 - Master of the Harvest

    09/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:42) Bible Study: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 Father talks about the temples of the northern kingdom of Israel and the golden calves Mt 9:32-38 What does it mean that they were like sheep without a shepherd? Father explains. (21:20) Break 1 (22:24) Letters: Catholic solution to the Gideon bible in hotels, how do you welcome a new pastor who seems bitter to be transferred, how to make sure you make it to purgatory and how you understand being saved by works. (34:55) Break 2 (35:47) Word of the Day: Master of the Harvest (40:00) Phones: Bob - Could you give the Etymology of the word 'evil, in the Our Father' Lisa - I'm an executor of a friend's will, and it says she'll be cremated and ashes are dispersed.  She's semi practicing her faith.   What should I do? Ashley - I've had homicidal thoughts b/c of what I've gone through. in my life, and in my family situation. Debbie – what is the difference between mortal and venial sin?

  • Father Simon Says - July 08, 2024 - Tassel

    08/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:56) Bible Study: Hos 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22 The difference between religious images and statues worshiped as God. Mt 9:18-26 Learn about the importance of the number 12 in this reading (20:10) Break 1 (21:40) Letters: Is it necessary to do benediction during Eucharistic adoration, why is obedience so important, how you should understand first Corinthians and what does it mean that women will be saved through childbearing? (34:56) Break 2 (35:54) Word of the Day: Tassel (38:54) Phones: Rose - Catholics who don't pray the Rosary, are they Protestants then? Ellen - How do people in the Old Testament view the Holy Spirit?  And understanding of that? Kent - If a man dresses in a woman's clothing, is that considered sinful?

  • Father Simon Says - July 05, 2024 - Hearing God Speak [Encore]

    05/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:40) Am 8:4-6, 9-12 Father discusses the manifestations of the Holy Spirit  Enjoy this delightful encore from July 1, 2024, about today's readings! Mt 9:9-13 What was a tax farming system?  Letters (22:51) Why was John the Baptist the least in the Kingdom of Heaven?  Did Jesus drink the fourth cup?  When the Pandemic hit I ceased going to the Pentecostal Church and began going to the Catholic Church but am struggling.  Word of the Day: Telones (35:15) Callers  (37:38) Spiritual direction, about my job situation?  My employer is now to starting to pay for travel for out of state abortions.  What should I do?   (42:16) Can my dog sense evil?  (46:34) I need guidance on how to come back to the Church after missing for a year.  (48:47) Which songs should I play for my wedding? 

  • Father Simon Says - July 04, 2024 - On What Authority? [Encore]

    04/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    Enjoy this delightful encore show from June 30, 2022, on today's gospel readings. Mt 9:1-8 (1:41) Is the covenant with the Jews superseded?  Letters (21:30) Father talks about the faithful having a right to good liturgy I'm distressed that certain Jews support abortion rights Does someone need to be in a state of grace to be a lector?  Can I pray in my car?  I've been married and divorced three times, can I get married again in the Catholic Church?  Word of the Day: Orthodox (33:08) Callers (36:30) How could I get my son to forgive me?    (43:47) Question about IVF.  Responding to what you said, 'If we don't believe in the teaching of the Church, you're not Catholic'.  So if you believe in IVF, are you not considered Catholic? (47:42) Caller asks Fr. Simon about a Scott Hahn book, "The Fourth Cup"

  • Father Simon Says - July 03, 2024 - Saint Thomas

    03/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:42) Bible Study: JN 20:24-29 What is the take away from this passage? Jesus is always with us EPH 2:19-22 What does it mean to be a corner stone? Father explains in an interesting way (19:48) Break 1 (20:46) Letters: Father Simon answers questions from first Corinthians and how Paul could be an Apostle. (32:06) Break 2 (32:51) Word of the Day: Capstone (39:10) Phones: Jesse - Mark 2:17, why the difference in interpretation compared to different bibles as one version said, 'to repentance'? Matt - Question about freemasonry?   How to explain to a friend what freemasonry in.  My friend doesn't have a Christian background? Gloria - You said that if Luther got a hold of the Dead Sea Scrolls, he'd think differently about works.  Could you explain? Jason - deciding b/w episcopalian and Roman Catholic.  Almost seems indistinguishable.  Question about the Papacy?

  • Father Simon Says - July 02, 2024 - Trust

    02/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:09) Bible Study: AM 3:1-8; 4:11-12 Father explains how the Jews struggled with monotheism MT 8:23-27 Father explains the purpose of prophecy (22:07) Break 1 (22:51) Letters: Father answers questions about whether or not you can make up your own act of contrition for confession, can you wear polyester scapulars, how to respond to someone who says Catholics are not Christian and what is the proper wine need for consecration. (32:50) Break 2 (33:54) Word of the Day: Rebuked (36:49) Phones:  Carolyn - Question about Sunday's readings?  and the significance of the number 12 for the number of years in hemorrhage and 12, the daughter's age? Bill - Must I pray for only world peace in my rosary, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, could I pray for other intentions as well? Julie - I've been invited to a baptism at a Baptist church.  If I do go, what should I NOT do? Thomas - I went to a wedding for my cousin's daughter.  Would a church recognize a wedding where they had a woman minister? Greg

  • Father Simon Says - July 01, 2024 - Gift of Children

    01/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    (3:05) Bible Study: Am 2:6-10, 13-16 God doesn’t send us to hell, He finds us there. Mt 8:18-22 Father unpacks the difficulty of this Gospel reading. Why Jesus came to ear (24:08) Break 1 (25:27) Letters: Father answers Questions about how to talk to a child about how babies are conceived and how to deal with worry and death? (34:30) Break 2 (35:24) Word of the Day: Scribe (37:03) Phones: Dinorah - Is it okay to spread ashes in the ocean? Johnathan - Question about having sexual relations with my wife, at the risk of being pregnant again after having several kids and adhering to Church' teaching? Nicole - Luke 2:23:  Question about 'Law of the Lord' and where is that?

  • Father Simon Says - June 28, 2024 - St. Irenaeus

    28/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (6:35) Bible Study: 2 KGS 25:1-12 Father Talks about the temple MT 8:1-4 Father talks about leprosy. And the power of centurions (20:16) Break 1 (27:37) Letters: Father answers questions about what it means to offer it up, the separation of Church and state and answers Questions about today’s reading. (36:58) Break 2 (37:31) Word of the Day: Chaldean (39:41) Phones: Ken - You do such a great job! I listen to you every day! So grateful! Olga - Was the Book of Esther written before or after the return from exile? Young Thomas – Was Jesu all knowing? Ed - I think your mom taught me in La Grange, IL. Is that where you are from? Linda - Ezekiel Chapters 2 and 3. 'Eat what is before you.' Does this prefigure the Eucharist?

  • Father Simon Says - June 27, 2024 - Forgiveness

    27/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:49) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 24:8-17 Father talks about the history of these readings. Mt 7:21-29 How do you know you are from the Lord? Father answers this. (20:55) Break 1 (21:50) Letters: Father answers letters about the orthodox Church, the meaning of the word Jew, whether a person can be Buddhist and Catholic and the Traditional Latin Mass vs the Novus Ordo. (37:24) Break 2 (38:13) Word of the Day: Fool (40:54) Phones: Christina - Question about forgiveness, how to forgive someone? Don - Is it okay to pray the shorter version of the St. Michael prayer? Nathaniel - Is it okay to have lay people do communion services and is that necessary? Cathy - Question about those fear at the boat in the Gospels? At mass, they were talking about Apostles in the boat being frightened.   Priest said they're fully surrendering to God.

  • Father Simon Says - June 26, 2024 - Kingdom

    26/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:52) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Father unpacks the history in this reading Mt 7:15-20 Father explains what fruit is. (21:53) Break 1 (22:47) Letters: Father answers questions about how to know when the scripture is literal or figurative, how Eucharistic miracles match up with the spiritual reality of the Eucharist and Is God ashamed of us. (34:41) Break 2 (35:31) Word of the Day: Kingdom (42:23) Phones: Mike - Question about dome of the Rock, do historians know where the Dome of the Rock in situations to the temple.  Was it part of it? John - What's the difference b/w evangelizing with our life and evangelizing by word & deed?

  • Father Simon Says - Junee 25, 2024 - Pearls Before Swine

    25/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:51) Bible Study: 2 KGS 19:9B-11, 14-21, 31-35A, 36 Father gets into some really obscure stuff which you probably haven’t heard. PS 48:2-3AB, 3CD-4, 10-11 Father talks about what it means to not throw your pearls before swine. (21:15) Break 1 (21:55) Letters: Father answers questions about the great pyramids, where the best place to donate gifts, who are the psalms addressed to, how baptism works, and the meaning of the Sunday Gospel. (36:31) Break 2 (37:17) Word of the Day: Thlipsis (40:59) Phones: Donna - What do you think about particles that fall on the floor during communion, would that be casting your pearls before swine? Daniel - When we pray the rosary or any prayers that are repeated like the Our Father, Hail Mary, why repeat? Patrick - Could I baptize my grandson in the hospital, until I could get him officially baptized? Claire - A funeral today in a Catholic and the man is a known Mason, and not Catholic.  Why would a funeral be there, and should I say something to the past

  • Father Simon Says - June 24, 2024 - Solemnity of John the Baptist

    24/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:47) Bible Study: Father talks about Saint John the Baptist (19:43) Break 1 (20:24) Letters: Father answers why deacons can be married, how Jesus experienced God the Father and gender roles, what it means to be in communion, (32:33) Break 2 (33:29) Word of the Day: Solemnity   (38:59) Phones: Bill - Gen 1:3 What did he mean by light when he says let there be light? What kind of light is he talking about? Nathan - when was the pope recognized as the pope. I heard they went to constitute instead of the Pope back in the day. Why did they do that and when did it change?

  • Father Simon Says - June 21, 2024 - Athaliah

    21/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:06) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 Father Unpacks this complicated Passage in the bible. You won’t want to miss this! Mt 6:19-23 What does it mean to store up treasure where your heart is. (18:12) Break 1 (18:57) Letters: Father answers letters as to why you should go back to church, if orthodox Jews adopt none Jews, why some Holy days of obligation are not obligatory to all diocese and what do you do if they have Mass but no confession. (40:00) Break 2 (40:17) Word of the Day: Zion  (43:38) Phones: Al - What is the chronological order, Sodom, Gomorrah, Ten Commandments, Moses and the Flood? Winnifred - A Catholic marrying a protestant, they weren't married before a priest.  Are they considered married in the eyes of the Church, and receiving communion?

  • Father Simon Says - June 20, 2024 - The Lord's Prayer

    20/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (1:57) Bible Study: MT 6:7-15 Father jumps right into the gospel today and talks about the Our Father. It’s an important topic so buckle up for a great reflection. (22:04) Break 1 (22:50) Letters: Father answers questions about is the line with cooperating with evil, is God forgetful, how to tell when God is speaking and when He’s not. (36:15) Break 2 (37:14) Word of the Day: Parapiptó (39:49) Phones: Joe - What do you think about passing out cards asking people how did confession heal them? Rob - Question about John 6 53:57 and Jesus doubles down on flesh and blood.  But on 63 he talks about spirit.  Could you explain? Bill - What the ancients meant when they said, in the name of Jesus?

  • Father Simon Says - June 19, 2024 - Hypocrite

    19/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:07) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14 Father talks about the sacred name of God Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Father Simon talks about collection boxes in the court of the women. (23:04) Break 1 (24:11) Letters: Father answers a letter about the question of time, the apostolic blessing, what it means that Jesus has no place to rest his head in the bible and why baptism takes away original sin. (37:18) Break 2 (37:48) Word of the Day: Hypocrite (41:55) Phones: Rose - A friend of mine is involved in some new age stuff, it's a divine feminine energy located at the spine, based on Hindu Philosophy, what should I tell my friend? Norma - My grandson's baptism;  He's one year old and hasn't been baptized yet.  I've been blessing him with holy water, could I continue doing that?    Could I baptize himself? Steve - Is there a noticeable in your lived experience as a Christian if you commit a mortal sinas opposed to venial sin? Rob - John 6 bread of life discourse, and question about that.  Also about spirit that

  • Father Simon Says - June 18, 2024 - Dynesty

    18/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    (2:36) Bible Study: 1 Kgs 21:17-29 Grace is a gift, but we inherit sin. Mt 5:43-48 What is love? (21:49) Break 1 (22:31) Letters: Father answers questions about the word Rubric and if the pope prays for himself at Mass,  (29:18) Break 2 (30:05) Word of the Day: Commandment  (32:28) Phones: Danielle - Could you clarify what the Episcopal Church is? Mary Alice - Did Christ actually take a drink of the wine that day at the last supper? Karen - I teach at a Catholic School, how to teach kids to not use the Lord's name in vain in a gentle way? John - Question about the word 'as' in 'as we forgive'.  Could you explain about that word? Tim - I have a funeral, father in law is Lutheran, can I take their communion? Jill - Had a miracle, my son in law, had 2 years to live, and had a new baby, and had 40% shrinkage cancer, which is a miracle. Laine - What happens to our bodies, before the 2nd coming?

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