No Meat Athlete Radio



The Official Podcast of


  • Rethinking Morning Routines

    09/02/2017 Duration: 50min

    There's no shortage of morning routine recommendations on the internet ... including an older episode of . And it typically goes something like this: Do what I do and you'll be more productive, creative, and cool. But that's not how self improvement works. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to habits, nor is there one for morning routines. Today Matt and I share our new take on the , and the habits and structures we think work (and why other approaches might not).

  • Make Time for Yourself (And Make Yourself Happy)

    02/02/2017 Duration: 53min

    Matt is a wanna-be chess nerd. That's right, when Matt isn't working on No Meat Athlete, hanging with his family, cooking, or going to the gym, he's geeking out on tutorials. And that's probably exactly what he should be doing. It's easy to get so caught up in work, family, and other obligations that you never make time for yourself, and when you don't make time to do things that bring you joy, it's hard to bring joy into the other things you do. In today's episode, Matt and I discuss the importance of hobbies, what makes for a good hobby, and why we think they're so important.

  • Our 12 Favorite Quick and Simple Plant-Based Meals

    26/01/2017 Duration: 38min

    Healthy eating doesn't have to equal hours in the kitchen every day. In fact, Matt and I rely on just a few simple recipes for most of our weeknight meals. They're quick, easy, and completely adaptable to what you have in the fridge. In today's episode we share our twelve favorite plant-based weeknight recipes.

  • Matt's Tony Robbins Experience

    19/01/2017 Duration: 45min

    When I hear the name Tony Robbins, I think of a giant dude, dancing crowds, and walking on coals. And I think of Matt, who for as long as I can remember has been singing his praises. After all, it was a Tony Robbins event that inspired Matt to go vegetarian and start this blog (which has gone on to became his business and my employer). But even after and hearing the stories, I'm still not convinced Tony does anything more than put on a show. In today's episode, just a few weeks after Matt and his wife Erin returned from a 6-day Tony Robbins experience, we hash that out. Can a Tony Robbins event help you become your best self, or is it nothing more than a scam?

  • Is It Ever Okay to Not Do Your Best?

    12/01/2017 Duration: 53min

    "If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all." That's the code Matt and I both try to live by most of the time. But throughout December, with Matt sick and me "functioning" on new-dad sleep, our healthy habits ... well let's just say they haven't been on point. In today's episode we discuss when -- if ever -- it's okay to not do your best, and when it's better to simply let a habit, hobby, or routine go completely.

  • New Year's Resolutions, the Bigger Picture

    05/01/2017 Duration: 35min

    We're back (kind of)! After a few weeks off for travel and babies, we're kicking off the new year with a chat between Doug and Sid Garza-Hillman on new year's resolutions. Do they work? Should you go all in? Today's episode takes a look at the bigger picture behind your 2017 goals.  

  • The Big Holiday Episode of 2016

    25/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    With Thanksgiving behind us, it can only mean one thing ... Time for another holiday extravaganza! In this week's episode Matt and Doug talk holidays, babies, wine, and what they'd do during the holidays if stranded on a desert island. (Also, there are a few big announcements in today's episode, so don't skip it!)

  • 15 Rules to Live By (Update and Replay)

    17/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    After a long weekend at the Remedy Food Festival, Matt has lost his voice. To help save his voice (and your ears) from further damage, we decided to revisit on of our favorite episodes ... the 15 rules we live by. When it comes to food and fitness habits, I don’t think rules are a good thing. Guidelines, sure, but without a little wiggle room, it’s too easy to throw up your hands and give in when your willpower runs dry. But when it comes to living a meaningful life — and ensuring that my system for managing it works — I find it’s actually easier to be less flexible … and to follow a set of real, actual rules. In today’s episode, we share the 15 rules we live by, the firm boundaries that help us live the lives we want and find balance and happiness. They might not all be for you, but I hope you’ll find a nugget or two to add to your own set of rules for living.

  •'s Kamal Patel on Which (if Any) Supplements Vegan Athletes Should Consider

    03/11/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    There are few resources available that so actively strive to be as unbiased as, and it's for that reason that we frequently reference the site when looking for information on a specific health topic. In today's episode, we chat with's Kamal Patel on if and when vegan athletes should consider taking supplements.

  • Matt's Dad on How Going Plant-Based at Age 63 Has Drastically Improved His Health

    27/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Just a few years ago, Matt's father Tim would have never considered going plant-based. Then, after dealing with health issue after health issue, he heard a talk by Dr. Fuhrman on how diet can reverse heart disease. And it has completely changed his life. At the age of 63, Tim has gone plant-based and drastically improved his health. In today's episode, we sit down with Matt's father to talk about his transformation and diet changes.

  • Dr. McDougall and the Healthiest Diet on the Planet

    20/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Today we chat with Dr. John McDougall, one of the biggest advocates for the plant-based diet, on his new book The Healthiest Diet on the Planet. But of course we don't stop with his book. Dr. McDougall's shares his take on why we might be getting too many micro-nutrients, how to adapt his diet as an athlete, and even why the paleo diet may be sexist.

  • What to Do When You Can't Stay Motivated

    13/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    We've talked a lot about motivation over the past 163 episodes ... how to find it, how to keep it, and what to do when you have it. But what do you do when you just can't stay motivated? When even after all the tricks and accountability, you simply don't have the motivation to run, eat healthy, or do whatever habit you're trying to maintain? That's what we discuss in today's episode. And a quick SPOILER: We might not land on what you're expecting.

  • Robert Cheeke on Staying Motivated, Changing Course, and Embracing Imperfection

    06/10/2016 Duration: 01h21min

    There have only been a few people we've invited back on No Meat Athlete Radio for a second episode, so to ask vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke on for a third, you know it has to be for a good reason. In this episode we talk to Robert about how his views on nutrition and lifestyle have changed over the years, how he's embracing his imperfections, and his new book.

  • Dr. Pamela Fergusson on Practical Vegan Nutrition, Speedwalking Ultramarathons, and Living Intentionally

    29/09/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    Dr. Pamela Fergusson is a vegan Registered Dietitian with PhD in nutrition And she speedwalks ultramarathons? Yeah, that's too cool not to bring up. In today's episode we chat with Dr. Fergusson on practical plant-based nutrition, speedwalking, and living with intention.

  • Summer Running Camp, Part 5: Race Day Walk-Through

    22/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    I hate to say it, but summer is officially over ... and with the end of summer comes the end of the NMA Summer Running Camp. But I have good news! This episode tops off the whole summer camp experience with a race day walk-through. Everything you'll want to know (and more) about what to expect on race day.

  • How Not to Suck at Cooking

    15/09/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    Matt is now 20% of his way through the Rouxbe plant-based cooking school, and fired up on cooking like he hasn't been in years. In this week's episode we tackle how to get started with cooking, the essential kitchen gear we recommend, and tips Matt has learned through his new classes.

  • What We Wish We Knew In College (About Food, Exercise, and Life)

    08/09/2016 Duration: 53min

    For students, early September means one thing: The end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. I have fond memories of the first day back to school, especially in college. Nerves were high, but so was the excitement of new classes, roommates, experiences, and friends. And I think I speak for both Matt and I when I say that we had a lot of fun during our college days ... and that we made many stupid mistakes. In today's episode we think back to those mistakes, and share the fitness, nutrition and life lessons or advice we wish we'd known in college. Here’s what we talk about in this episode: Brown rice ... not fried rice Why a terrible marathon was Matt's best decision ever The books we wish we'd read in college Looking outside the box The life lessons we wish someone told us

  • Summer Running Camp, Part 4: Advanced Marathon Training and Racing with Coach Jason Fitzgerald

    02/09/2016 Duration: 53min

    Most of the information and advice we've shared during the first three weeks of running camp has been geared towards beginners. This week, that changes. We've invited Jason Fitzgerald, running coach and founder of, to discuss advanced marathon training, marathon specific workouts, and how to take your racing to a new level.

  • Summer Running Camp, Part 3: How to Prevent Running Injuries

    25/08/2016 Duration: 55min

    And we're back with our third week of Summer Running Camp. We covered consistency and running form in the first two weeks, and in this episode Matt and I tackle injury prevention. We dive into warm-ups, strength training, recovery, and oh so much more. So slap on that sunscreen and we'll see you by the lake...

  • From the Vault: Our Daily Rituals for Health and Well-Being

    18/08/2016 Duration: 01h13min

    We're digging deep into the vault once again while Matt is off traveling along the west coast, and this time we reach back to one of our very first habit related episodes. In today's replay, we talk about our daily rituals or habits for healthy living. From routines to foods, this is what we do on a daily basis.

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