Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast



Talking Headways is a podcast hosted by Streetsblog USA and Jeff Wood of The Overhead Wire. We explore the intersection of transportation, urban planning, city living, and anything else that piques our interest.


  • Episode 4: Car Brain

    05/12/2013 Duration: 32min

    Jeff and Tanya discuss the impressive turnout -- and possible pitfalls -- of London's 1,000-person die-in for cyclists' rights. We try to contain our envy (but not our amazement) at Paul Salopek's seven-year journey tracing the path of Homo sapiens from the Rift Valley to Tierra del Fuego. And we admit that yes, even passionate transit advocates know what it means to embarrassed about taking the bus.

  • Episode 3: Visit Your Grandma

    25/11/2013 Duration: 34min

    This week, Jeff and Tanya take on the Atlanta Braves' terrible, no-good, very bad decision to move their stadium to Cobb County, Georgia. We discuss cities that are (and are not) shaped like wedding cakes, and whether that means you need to smoosh your spouse's face in it. Tanya makes a pedestrian-rights argument against high-heeled shoes (and Jeff abstains from taking sides). We parse the differences between "shared streets" -- without marked-out space for cars, bikes, and people on foot -- and vehicular cycling. And we speculate on what DC would look like without height limits, make fun of neighborhood parking bullies, pity the mega-commuters, and most importantly, shame the transit riders who fail to cede their seats to those who need them because they have their heads stuck in Angry Birds.

  • Episode 2: The Happy Place

    12/11/2013 Duration: 33min

    Streetsblog Capitol Hill Editor Tanya Snyder and Reconnecting America's Jeff Wood talk about the war on bikes, the end of the Klein/Sadik-Khan era, and a whole bunch of sprawling messes down in Texas. And then we go to our happy place.

  • Episode 1: Keeping Your Candy

    04/11/2013 Duration: 23min

    Streetsblog's first podcast. Capitol Hill Editor Tanya Snyder and Reconnecting America's Jeff Wood talk about the pitfalls of regional planning, the hijinks of Florida Governor Rick Scott, and the ins and outs of fantasy maps.

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