Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • How Our Values Impact Our Transformation w/ JB Glossinger (Pod #233)

    10/08/2016 Duration: 27min

    [33% Off Pain Relief Miracle] Before I commit to working with a new client we have a conversation to see if we will be a good fit for each other. First, I ask the potential client what they would like to change in their life. At this point they usually give me a clear description of what is wrong and I follow up by asking what they would like instead. They are often unable to answer the question because they are so stuck in their problem that they can't clearly see what they would like instead. Without a clear understanding of what we want it’s hard, if not impossible, to move forward. One the key components of knowing what we want is having a clear idea of what we value. JB Glossinger found that once he was able clearly to name his top six values, changing his life and his lifestyle became much easier. In this conversation JB and I talk about the importance of naming our values, how to do just that, and how we can take action after our values are clear. Guest: JB Glossinger, MBA, Ph.D Contact: web @ glossing

  • All About The Tapping Points w/ Beth Kearn (Pod #232)

    03/08/2016 Duration: 42min

    33% Pain Relief Miracle Even those just starting out with tapping know that Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) works via the meridian system. I know that when I am explaining tapping to the uninitiated I will just say, "It is like acupuncture without needles." When Roger Callahan first developed Thought Field Therapy (TFT), the precursor to EFT, he devised a system of tapping in which specific points were matched to particular issues. When Gary Craig developed EFT he decided that instead of determining which exact point would be best to tap on, it would be better just tap on all of them. For years I have wanted to learn more about the complexities of the meridian system. I have also wondered if that knowledge might improve my tapping. In this week’s podcast my conversation with Beth Kearn, an acupuncturist, helped me to figure that out. Guest: Beth Kearn Contact Beth: web @ louisvillewellcenter.com About Beth: Beth is a fully licensed acupuncturist in the State of Colorado. She is a certified Diplomat (Dipl.A

  • EFT For Facing Past Choices (Pod #231)

    27/07/2016 Duration: 18min

    33% off Pain Relief Miracle | Ask a question for a future podcast. My favorite phrase that I hear from my clients when we are in the middle of a session is "this probably has nothing to do with it, but…" and then they share some story that seems unconnected. We usually find that a story coming out of left field like this has everything to do with it. It never ceases to amaze me how much we carry our past into each moment of our lives and how much that past impacts us. I have spoken to a number clients in the last few weeks who have felt that they weren't worthy of something good in the present because of a poor choice they made in the past. It is important that we take responsibility for our choices, but that does not mean that we have to remain a prisoner to our choices for all time. Here is a tap-along to help you face those past choices of which you are not proud.

  • EFT For Bitterness And Resentment Caused By A Lack Of Recognition (Pod #230)

    20/07/2016 Duration: 17min

    -- 33% off Pain Relief Miracle -- It is natural to want credit for the work that we do. Being given credit and recognition feeds our healthy human need for being acknowledged as significant. It’s normal to want to feel as though your contribution matters. Conflict can come up when we do not receive the credit we feel we deserve. When there is a sense of unfulfilled deserving it’s easy to feel hard done by, which in turn can give rise to bitterness and resentment. This week I have a tap-along audio to help you when you are feeling bitter and resentful about not receiving the credit you are due. Even if this isn't an emotion you are aware of on the surface, I am willing to bet that is lurking at a deeper level.   Do you have a question about tapping or topic you would like us to cover? Ask here! Download your free 10 part guide to stop self-sabotage with EFT 33% off Pain Relief Miracle

  • Responding To Catastrophic Events With EFT w/ Jenn Goddard (Pod #229)

    13/07/2016 Duration: 30min

    - 33% off Pain Relief Miracle - We can find ourselves in the middle of catastrophe in an instant. A catastrophe can impact us personally (like a fire in our home) or can involve our entire community (like a natural disaster or mass violence). When this happens we are faced with dealing with the issue in the moment and also its aftermath. In this conversation Jenn Goddard and I talk about how to respond in the moment, what to do in the short term, what to do in the long term, and how to gain perspective. We also do some tapping which could be helpful in such circumstances. This audio can be used two ways. First, it is useful to equip yourself with tools so that if you find yourself in a catastrophic situation, you are prepared. Second, in the middle of something tragic the tap-along will provide relief. Guest: Jenn Goddard Contact Jenn: web @ AriseToday.com; twitter @eft_coaching; radio show @ EFT Tapping Team About Jenn: Jenn lives and works in Orlando, Florida. She is an EFT expert practitioner and trainer t

  • Transforming Beliefs With EFT w/ Steve Wells (Pod #228)

    06/07/2016 Duration: 40min

    - 33% off PRM - There is a complicated relationship between reality and what we believe about the world. We behave as if our beliefs are true. We act as if our beliefs are reality. On a subconscious level we experience our beliefs as reality, which can create complications in daily life. In this interview with Steve Wells we talk about: the five categories of beliefs how these beliefs impact us day to day how to identify beliefs that are inaccurate or no longer useful how to transform unuseful or unhealthy beliefs One of the reasons I love interviewing Steve is because he has such a practical approach to transformation. This interview is no different and you will be able to put into action what he recommends right away.   Guest: Steve Wells Contact: web @ EFTDownunder.com; email @ admin@eftdownunder.com; More interviews with Steve @ TappingQ&A About Steve: Steve Wells is an international leadership coach and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. He helps people to overcome the h

  • Healing The Wounds Of Sexual Injury With EFT w/ Alina Frank (Pod #227)

    29/06/2016 Duration: 33min

    -- 33% off Pain Relief Miracle -- Responding to the consequences of sexual violence is complicated. First, it can affect those parts of life related to sexuality, intimacy, and relationships. Second, sexual violence doesn't have include physical violence to be damaging and violating. There are many times when victims don't recognize that they have been victimized. In this conversation with Alina Frank we talk about the ways that sexual violence can impact lives and how we can work towards healing these wounds. This is a frank conversation about a difficult topic. If you are not comfortable or it is not safe for you to listen to this type of conversation, then please make sure you make a good, healthy choice. Also, this is provided as information and is not a substitute for treatment. Sexual violence (and related issues) can be very complicated it is best to seek help from a qualified professional when working on any kind of sexual trauma. Guest: Alina Frank Contact Alina: web @ TapYourPower.net; twitter @tapy

  • How To Choose A Different Emotional Response with EFT w/ Deborah Miller PhD (Pod #226)

    22/06/2016 Duration: 32min

    33% Off Pain Relief Miracle When we are in the middle of a strong emotion it is hard to believe that our emotional state is a choice. In those moments it feels like an outside force has taken over our body and our experience. It is possible for us to gain more control over our emotional state and even get to a point where we are able to choose our emotional response. In this conversation Deborah Miller and I talk about how we are impacted by our emotions, what we can learn from that, and how we can change negative emotions into more positive ones. This interview is filled with a number of tools that you can start using and tapping along to right away.   Guest: Deborah D. Miller PhD Contact Deborah: website and Tapping Guides @ DeborahMiller.org About Deborah: Deborah D. Miller, Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology is passionate about helping people feel empowered and capable of maintaining a healthy state of mind and body. Deborah is an EFT Expert and Trainer, Deeksha Giver, Reiki Master, Nutritional Guide, Pe

  • EFT to Lift Your Mood (Pod #225)

    16/06/2016 Duration: 15min

    We have control over very little in this world. We can control our thoughts, actions, and emotional responses. And that is about it. Because of this it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the barrage of negative news (of which we have had more than our fair share this week). When I am able to recognize what I do control and how powerful that control can be in my own life, the easier each moment is and the more powerful my action becomes. Here is a simple tap-along to help lift your mood (and bring hope) when it feels as if there is just too much to manage every day.   EFT For Emotions In The Wake Of Tragedy

  • Gaining Clarity with EFT w/ Carol Look (Pod #224)

    08/06/2016 Duration: 31min

    33% 0ff Pain Relief Miracle Before I ask a client what they want, I first ask them what they don't want. We are often unclear about what we want. We only know and want to stop what is uncomfortable, disappointing, and displeasing. In this conversation with EFT Founding Master Carol Look we talk about how we can use tapping to get clear about what we want and how to trust our judgment when we are making choices. This may seem like a simple and obvious skill to master, but once you do it will make a huge difference in your daily interactions. Guest: Dr. Carol Look Contact: web @ CarolLook.com; twitter @CarolLookEFT; About Carol: A pioneer in the Energy Psychology field, Dr. Carol Look has brought unprecedented innovations to the application of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and has produced outstanding results for her clients around the world. Don’t forget to check out all of Carol's other podcast interviews

  • Becoming Comfortable In Your Own Skin w/ EFT (Pod #223)

    01/06/2016 Duration: 57min

    33% off Pain Relief Wiracle When I talk about the tapping work I am doing on and for myself, the phrase I always return to is "being comfortable in my own skin". When I am comfortable with who I am in a situation, it is a lot easier for me to be my authentic self. When I am my authentic self, I don't make perfect choices, but I am much more likely to make the choices and take the actions that I will be happy with in the big picture. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to present at the Spring Energy Event outside New York City on this exact topic. In the presentation I share the reasons why we aren't comfortable in our own skin, how our life changes when we are, and a simple tapping exercise you can use to move towards being more comfortable in your own skin. You can hear the full presentation here:  

  • Is There A Right Way To Do EFT? w/ Gwyneth Moss (Pod #222)

    25/05/2016 Duration: 35min

    [33% Off Pain Relief Miracle] The first set of EFT training videos were recorded by Gary Craig over 20 years ago. Gary developed EFT after he trained with Roger Callahan in the tapping protocol Thought Field Therapy, which was developed 10 years prior to that. In the last 30 years there have been many names for and many presentations of tapping. This week I have a conversation with Gwyneth Moss about whether or not there are right or wrong ways to do tapping. Guest: Gwyneth Moss Contact: web @ EFThelps.com; email @ contact form; web @ Annual EFT Gathering About Gwyneth: Gwyneth Moss is one of the original EFT Masters and the founder of the EFT Gathering annual community conference which has run since 2009. With a degree in Physics and an MBA she is known for the clarity and depth of her teaching style and for her innovative techniques which include EFT Imagineering; Protective Distancing; Projection Tapping; The Surrogate EFT Protocol and more. Gwyneth teaches EFT in the glorious countryside of Yorkshire and

  • EFT For The Emotions Animals Pick Up From Their People w/ Susanne Peach (Pod #221)

    17/05/2016 Duration: 37min

    -- 40% Off Adv. Tapping Training | 33% Off PRM -- Animals are highly perceptive when it comes to understanding human emotion. So much so that many animals will pick up and take on the emotions of the humans they are with the most. In this week's podcast I have a conversation with Susanne Peach who has dedicated her career to working with and tapping for animals. She shares what happens when animals take on the emotions of their human companions and how best to tap for them. Susanne's Contact Info: web @ Animaleze.com, phone @ 303.926.5414, e-mail @ contact page About Susanne: Susanne Peach, Animal Energy Behaviorist, has been surrounded by animals her entire life. She has had the opportunity to study the energy of animals in many instances, from time spent on her godmother's farm in Germany to a designation as a certified wildlife rehabilitator. After successfully using EFT on humans, she learned by trial and error how to apply it to animals. She has dedicated her life to helping animals have emotionally happ

  • Rewriting Your Personal Story with EFT w/ Jacqui Crooks (Pod #220)

    11/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    -- 40% Off Adv. Tapping Training | 33% Off Pain Relief Miracle -- As humans, one of our natural dispositions is to create stories about why the world functions the way it does. This is a primitive skill that kept our ancestors safe. For example, when we see tracks in the mud we write the story "These tracks were created by a large animal that will mistake me for dinner. I had better walk in the other direction." Because the function of these stories is to keep us safe, our subconscious mind is not satisfied if we don't have a story and will create one in its absence. That’s why our actions can be influenced and guided by stories that are not true. This can happen with the stories we tell about ourselves about why we are the way we are and who we can be. In this conversation, Jacqui Crooks and I discuss these stories we have about ourselves that are no longer true and useful. She also shares how we can transform these stories.   Guest: Jacqui Crooks Contact Jacqui: web @ JacquiCrooks.com About Jacqui: Jacqui i

  • Pod #219: Creating Space For Deep Healing w/ Joanne Callahan

    04/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    -- 40% off Adv Tapping Training | 33% Pain Relief Miracle -- One of the reasons that EFT is so powerful is because of how easy it is to use, anytime, anywhere. You don't need someone else to tap with and it is super easy to have a daily tapping practice. But sometimes that is not enough. Sometimes you need help from the outside. It can also be beneficial to take time away from your daily life to work in a concentrated way. This week I talk with Joanne Callahan about the importance and power of going on a healing retreat. Guest: Joanne Callahan, MBA Contact: web @ Thought Field Therapy; web @ Well-Being Retreat About Joanne: Co-developer of Thought Field Therapy with her husband Roger, and CEO of Callahan Techniques, Ltd. Joanne Callahan, is a graduate of the University of California Santa Barbara and received her MBA in Healthcare Administration from California State University San Marcos. Joanne Callahan is Director of the Thought Field Therapy Training Center and publisher and co-editor of The Thought Fiel

  • Pod #218: How To Use EFT More Effectively When Tapping On Your Own w/ Ann Adams

    27/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    --33% off Pain Relief Miracle-- Just because you know the basics of EFT doesn't mean that you can use it effectively when tapping on your own. This week in the podcast I talk to Ann Adams, who I believe is one of the best EFT trainers in the world. In our conversation we talk about the roadblocks people run into when they are tapping on their own. In her typical fashion, Ann provides very practical ways to be more effective with your tapping. Even if you are an old pro with tapping you will find ways to be more effective. Guest: Ann Adams Contact: web @ FromTheDeskOfAnnAdams.com About: Ann Adams’ vision is to train and mentor EFT practitioners and other helping professionals to integrate the powerful tool of EFT into their existing toolkit in the most effective way so that the work they already do with others becomes even more powerful, effective and efficient. She offers several EFT workshops per year. She’s known for her ability to explain concepts clearly and make learning new skills fun. Ann is known as T

  • Pod #217: EFT For Social Media Overwhelm w/ Jenn Goddard

    20/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    --33% Off Your First Pain Relief Miracle Order-- A reality of modern life is our connection with others on social media. Social media in itself isn't good or bad; it's simply a tool we can use. On one hand social media channels can help us to find information we wouldn't know about, stay connected to loved ones, and connect with like minded people we wouldn't have met otherwise. On the other hand it can create a flood of information that can overwhelm us. Every time we check in we can see how others are doing so much better than us, which can create a feeling of shame. This week I have a conversation with Jenn Goddard about how we are impacted by social media and how we can tap to have a healthier experience with social media. Guest: Jenn Goddard Contact Jenn: web @ AriseToday.com; twitter @eft_coaching; radio show @ EFT Tapping Team About Jenn: Jenn lives and works in Orlando Florida. She is an EFT expert practitioner and trainer through AAMET, a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and trainer, a certified hypn

  • Pod #216: EFT For Radical Self-Love w/ Gala Darling

    13/04/2016 Duration: 22min

    [33% Your First Pain Relief Miracel Order] If I were to sum up all of my own personal development work for the last decade I would say it has been a process of becoming more "comfortable inside of my own skin". For me that phrase describes not only being OK with myself, but being in a place where I recognize my own worth and feeling comfortable in acknowledging that worth. When I operate from that mindset I find that my daily life is easier and I make better choices. When author Gala Darling talks about the same concept she uses the term "radical self love". In this week's interview we talk about what radical self love means to her and what we can do to have more of it in our lives. One of the reasons that I wanted to interview Gala is because, unlike many of my interviewees, she is not a tapping practitioner but is someone who has found tapping to be a powerful tool in her own life. Guest: Gala Darling Contact: web @ GalaDarling.com; instagram @galadarling About: Gala Darling is an author, teacher, and speak

  • Pod #215: Why Did EFT Stop Working For Me?

    06/04/2016 Duration: 19min

    33% off Pain Relief Miracle There is an interesting phenomena that crops up when using EFT. Sometimes you can be using tapping successfully for a while, but then it stops working. There are two main reasons why this happens. In this week’s podcast we are going to explore both of these reasons and what you can do to make your tapping effective again.

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