Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast



Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • The Only Way


    Matthew 24:14 — In the midst of a prophecy of gloom, there is a good news. In this sermon on Matthew 24:14 titled “The Only Way,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the Messiah of the Old Testament. The world without God is under the wrath of God – where is the hope? It is a different message and perspective, giving the only light in the midst of all darkness. The history of the world and the kingdoms of humankind are competing with the history and kingdom of the eternal God. No one can earn entrance into this kingdom; Jesus Christ is the only door to the kingdom of God. Christ did not come to reform the world politically or socially; His kingdom is completely different. God’s kingdom remains in the spiritual realm until Christ returns. Learn not only what Christ has done and continues to do, but also discover what He will do. The Bible recounts the wonderful works of God. The eternally pure Christ looked into the face of sin and bore the punishment of death; He is the only door to salvation. No one can cleanse

  • Entering the Kingdom of Heaven


    Matthew 24:14 — The chaotic world and the glorious kingdom of Heaven are in juxtaposition. In the world there is constant trouble, discord, rebellion, and estrangement from God. The kingdom of Heaven offers hope, safety and relationship with the Creator. There is no impending destruction in God’s kingdom. There is no fear, or terror, or alarm as in the world. In Matthew 24 the Lord Jesus Christ not only foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, but also the destruction of the world. What should the response be to this terrible judgment? Can it be escaped? How may one enter the kingdom of Heaven? In this sermon on Matthew 24:14 titled “Entering the Kingdom of Heaven,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener of the utter importance of such questions and where the ultimate answer is found. It is found in the gospel. God offers a way to escape the terror. All must repent and be born again. Entering the kingdom of Heaven requires looking at Christ the King. As He is looked to with faith and hope, and a confession

  • The Kingdom of God


    Matthew 24:14 — In this sermon in a series on Matthew 24:14 titled “The Kingdom of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches on what the gospel is, not just what it is not. What is the way of escape that is offered to followers of Jesus and what is the kingdom of God found so often in the gospels? First, the gospel is good news. This good news is about God’s action, not humanity’s, and it is directly related to the kingdom of God. This is the realm in which God rules and reigns in the hearts of people. This kingdom is related to the good news of the gospel because it is a demonstration that God has not given up on humankind, thus becoming a beacon of hope for a lost world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes with addressing God’s relationship to history. First, He is in control of all things. Second, God has acted, and is still acting, throughout history. From the very first pages of Scripture, God’s hand in the movement of history is clear: from the fall of humanity, to His promise to Abraham of a coming ruler, to the cros

  • The Christian Message and the World


    Matthew 24:6 — Opponents of Christianity will say that the gospel is too narrow and that Christians must conform their worldview. How should Christians respond to this charge and the subsequent challenge? In this sermon on Matthew 24:6 titled “The Christian Message and the World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through these issues, showing the incompatibilities of the competing worldviews. The world tends to think of people together in groupings. Yet, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones duly notes, Jesus addressed the individual and not the whole. He preached the gospel to all but He was clear in stating that individuals must make decisions themselves about whether or not to accept His offer of forgiveness since they alone will be held responsible for their eternal state. Another area the world falls short in is that it puts care and worry of the body ahead of the soul. Scripture clearly emphasizes that it is useless to gain anything in this life if the soul is lost in the end. Christianity gives its followers hope because

  • The Destruction of the World


    Matthew 24:3-14 — Some make the charge that the gospel failed because the world is not a better place. In this sermon from Matthew 24:3–14 titled “The Destruction of the World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks through these questions and how to analyze them from a biblical perspective. First, Scripture never claims that its purpose is to reform the world and make it better. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that this is a teaching derived from an evolutionary worldview in which everything gradually improves over time. Second, in stark contrast to this evolutionary teaching, Scripture actually claims the opposite—that things will continue to get worse until Jesus returns. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that this is another reason Scripture can be trusted. Unlike false worldviews, the Bible can explain and account for the present realities in the world. Third, Scripture explains why things are the way they are—the lust of the flesh. If one is seeking to change the world, make it a better place, and long to see right prevail over wr

  • The Living Temple


    Matthew 24:1-2 — What is the meaning of life? If history is compared with today, it seems that humanity has been going in circles. Wars continue to occur, evil people are in charge of the nations, crime abounds, and it seems that hope is hard to come by. Many put their hope in modern humanity and the achievements they have accomplished in the technological revolution. Bigger strides in medicine and technology have been made in the past hundred years than in all of human history. In this sermon on Matthew 24:1–2 titled “The Living Temple,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines how Jesus shows His disciples that nothing on this earth will last. Jesus correctly prophesied the destruction of the Jewish temple (an architectural feat in itself) to show that the only lasting hope that anyone can have is in Jesus Himself. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that although humanity has had technological innovations, the basic problems still plague humanity. Listeners will learn of the hope that Jesus promises to be, that sins can be for

  • The Free Gift of God's Grace


    Matthew 20:1-16 — Don’t misunderstand the kingdom of God. In an age where people clamor for fairness, it can be hard for Christians to stand strong on the biblical teachings regarding salvation and eternal life. The parable in this sermon reinforces that all are in grave danger of misunderstanding the kingdom of God. In this sermon on Matthew 20:1–16 titled “The Free Gift of God’s Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones emphasizes that the claims of the kingdom of God oftentimes come as a surprise and against the grain of what people would assume to be true. Yet, it is through these very truths that Scripture also helps them glean crucial truths about God and eternity. This parable, he explains, shows the difference between a true and a false salvation. Many misunderstand the kingdom of God and hold to a false salvation that is rooted in the belief that eternal life is a reward for a good life on earth. But besides offering no hope to a sinful person, it misses the entire glory of the free salvation in Christ — everyo

  • A Clean Heart


    Matthew 18:1-4 — Amidst all of the chaos that rules on a global scale, humanity still believes that the key to peace is self-help and self-improvement. In this sermon on Matthew 18:1–4 titled “A Clean Heart, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that, just like the disciples, people today have a false understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Jesus tells His disciples that they must be like little children to enter His Kingdom. Jesus meant that everyone must be entirely reliant on Him for everything, including making them humble. Dr. Lloyd-Jones goes through the Bible, expounding on how humanity is hopeless to change themselves. No matter how hard they try, they still cling to sin: lust, anger, greed, and pride all continuously ravage souls, even those who are Christians. Yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows the true difference between the Christian and the unbeliever, and that is the desire for a pure heart.

  • The Great Question


    Matthew 16:26 — In this sermon on Matthew 18:1–4 titled “The Great Question,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows how Jesus taught that souls are of greater importance than anything else on the earth. This sermon shows that without Christ, the condition of the soul is lost and no one can find satisfaction in the temporary things of this world. Everyone on this planet has a soul in one of two conditions: it is either lost or it is found. The condition of one’s soul determines whether or not they will spend eternity alongside God in His goodness, or under the eternal wrath of God. In conclusion of this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges the listener to soberly consider the current condition of their soul.

  • A Knowledge of God


    Matthew 11:28 — What is one of the main reasons people give for rejecting the claims of Christ? In this sermon on Matthew 11:28 titled “A Knowledge of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that many claim that it is narrow and dogmatic to claim to have all the answers to life, particularly Christians who believe that the Bible is God’s word and that Jesus is the only Savior. The reason for not believing in Christianity is not ultimately born out of intellectual objections to Christianity, but it is a result of spiritual blindness. Because all are in sin and depravity, they are unable to judge the merits of Christianity in a rational and objective way. All those that oppose Christianity do so because of their sinful nature and spiritual blindness. This problem of sin cannot be overcome through clever argumentation and evidences, but ultimately only through the power of the gospel. There are no truly modern objections to Christianity, but only old ones in new forms. Christians should be encouraged that it is no

  • Woe Unto Thee


    Matthew 11:21-28 — What did Jesus mean when He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened”? What is the burden? In this sermon on Matthew 11:21–28 titled “Woe Unto Thee,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the necessity of seeing Christ’s gentleness as well as His severeness. Many today preach only on God’s love, believing that a loving God cannot possibly condemn anyone. If that were the case, what was the point of Jesus’s death on the cross? Dr. Lloyd-Jones dispels the false idea that God cannot punish sinners, and instead shows that God must punish sin, whether that is through Jesus or through the sinner. It is the gospel that determines who takes the wrath of God. The most important question a person can ask themselves is where they stand before God, and their eternal soul depends on the correct answer. God has promised that He will give salvation and rest to those who humble themselves and believe God is who He says He is. However, for those who try to shape God into their own being, Dr. Lloyd

  • Art Thou He that Should Come?


    Matthew 11:2-6 — In this sermon on Matthew 11:2–6 titled “Art Thou He that Should Come?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-looks at the question John the Baptist asked during his imprisonment. Getting the answer correct to this question is of the highest importance, but it is an answer that makes many people feel ashamed. Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that it is impossible for the natural person not to be ashamed of the answer. Many people have preconceived notions about how Jesus was to redeem humanity. Some believed He was to be a great military leader, while others see Him as a good, passive, and moral teacher. Jesus’s actions are ones that turn logic on its head and show that His ways are so much higher than humanity’s ways. Jesus did not come to this earth to answer to people, but so that they could turn to Him for the forgiveness of their sin.

  • Sheep Without a Shepherd


    Matthew 9:36 — What are the essentials of the Christian gospel? In this sermon on Matthew 9:36 titled “Sheep Without a Shepherd,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones analyzes this passage in which Jesus sees a multitude of people and has compassion on them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones recognizes the unique authority of Jesus, the truth of the sinful disposition, and the comfort that only Christ can bring as essentials of the gospel. He examines the human condition and finds that all are still sheep without a shepherd. Despite the appearance of development and progress, life is the same. The multitude is rightly related to sheep in the way they are fainting, scattered abroad, harassed, mangled, and distressed. They are sheep at the mercy of thieves and robbers, dogs and wolves. Men and women are in a state of bewilderment and all have gone astray. The world is without a shepherd—no politician, no statesman, no philosopher, or thinker can give rest from this bewilderment. Yet, Jesus Christ looks upon humanity and is moved with compassi

  • New Wineskins


    Matthew 9:16-17 — What is at the center of Jesus’s message? What is at the heart of all the parables and teachings of Jesus? In this sermon on wineskins from Matthew 9:16–17, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is not the external ritualistic religion found in many churches today, nor is it the message of works righteousness. But at the heart of the message of Jesus is the truth that the gospel is the power of God to save. It is the truth that Jesus is the Messiah who came to die for sinners. By the working of the Holy Spirit, sinners can repent and believe in Jesus. They can be set free from sin and the wrath of God because of the gospel. The very presence of the gospel transforms people and confronts sin; it destroys the old life and breathes new life in Christ. What does this message mean for each and every person? The gospel is a call to believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. It is a call to experience the new life in Christ free from sin and evil. The gospel calls all to repent of their sins a

  • The Effect of Christianity


    Matthew 9:14-17 — What is it about Christianity that brings about such strong reactions from people? In this sermon on Matthew 9:14–17 titled “The Effect of Christianity,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how believers and unbelievers both have strong opinions on Christianity. Some are hostile to Jesus and His claims, some want to reduce Him to a mere teacher of morality, and others claim that He is the Savior of the world. All these responses were present in the days of Jesus when some believed in Him and became His disciples, while others rejected Him and ultimately put Him to death. Jesus was opposed because He contradicted the false and hypocritical religion of the day. While many were only concerned with the outward appearances and looking good, Jesus taught that true religion was a matter of the heart. No one can make themselves holy or pure before God. That is why Jesus came to die and suffer in the place of sinners. This idea of Jesus dying for sinners is as offensive today as it was in the time of Jes

  • What is Christianity?


    Matthew 9:10-13 — In this sermon on Matthew 9:10–13 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers questions that will determine a person’s eternal destiny. Learn about the wrong idea of Christianity and what living a “good life” really means. A Christian should not assume that they are a Christian as this is dangerous. The Pharisees were among those who were farthest from understanding the truth, yet they thought they were the wisest. God demands the spirit not merely sacrifices. The Christian must consider both the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. Religion must require sacrifice, but it is not merely about external observances. Listeners are encouraged to consider their view of themselves, religion, and others. Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses the doctrine of repentance and the necessity to understand the weight of one’s own sin and acknowledge the need for mercy. Christ has come for the sinner to make them an heir and child of God. There is hope in the midst of utter hopelessness and h

  • Follow Me


    Matthew 9:9 — In this sermon, "Follow Me", from Matthew 9:9, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener understand the meaning when Jesus says “Follow me.” Much more serious than being lost in a strange place, all of humankind is completely lost in their sin. Jesus says that all are blinded by their sin, dead in their trespasses, and condemned before a Holy God. When Jesus says to follow Him, He means that He alone must be followed. Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that salvation means to follow Jesus and to become a slave to Him. It is not a light decision, but the rewards are worth it. To follow Jesus may mean loss of friends, persecution, and even death; but it also means that all sins are forgiven, the blessing of the most loving companion, and measurable joy. If anyone is burdened by sin today, they can lay them down at Jesus's feet and see that He will gladly take them if one will only follow and trust His way.

  • The Call of Christ


    Matthew 9:9 — What does it mean to be called by the Lord Jesus Christ? In this sermon on Matthew 9:9 titled “The Call of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks to the example of Matthew, a tax collector whom Jesus called one day. Matthew responds to this call by leaving his old sinful life behind and committing himself to Christ. This demonstrates that the call to be a Christian is a call to leave behind the old way of living and to seek Christ Jesus and His kingdom. It is an uncompromising commitment to love God and follow His commandments, not out of self-preservation, but out of a new love for God and neighbor. To be a Christian is to follow Jesus and to obey His commandments. This is done first and foremost by believing in His gospel and the fact that He is the Savior sent from God. How does this apply today? Being a Christian in modern times is fundamentally the same as it has always been because it is about following Christ and believing in His gospel. It is about trusting in Jesus in the midst of suffer

  • Reconciled to God


    Matthew 9:1-8 — What is the greatest need in life? Perhaps a person is in a financial bind, has some broken relationships, or a physical ailment. But if those all were fixed, would they have a perfect life? In this sermon on Matthew 9:1–8 titled “Reconciled to God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through the account of the paralyzed man whose greatest need was fixed by Jesus. This man had heard that Jesus could heal him and had faith that Jesus could do it. His faith brought him to have his friends lower him through a roof to get to Jesus; he was a desperate man. Yet Jesus offers something so much more than just the physical healing of the man—Jesus forgives his sins. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds listeners that unless sins have been forgiven, no one is able to live a truly happy life regardless of how “good” their situation may be. Jesus is the only one who has the power and authority to forgive anyone of their sins. He alone can save, and all must come to Him with faith like the paralytic. The Savior is always r

  • Right Priorities


    Matthew 6:33 — In this age of anxiety, does the Christian gospel offer a distinct message? Is the Christian life a different way of looking at the world? In this sermon on Matthew 6:33 titled “Right Priorities,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that humanity’s trouble in life is due to a false view of the world. In this way, the Lord Jesus Christ offers Christians an entirely different way of understanding the world around them. The Christian does not think like the Gentiles do. Instead, they have different priorities. The Lord teaches that while food, drink, and clothing are essential to being human, these things are not the priority in the Christian life. Rather than having fear, worry, and anxiety about such things, the Christian life is marked by their relationship to God and His kingdom. The Christian seeks after the kingdom of God and His righteousness rather than material goods. But how does one obtain the righteousness of God? How do they become heirs of God’s kingdom? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones lifts the

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