Grace Alone

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 40:10:47
  • More information



The work of the Holy Spirit through Christian History in the past and present. "For it is by grace you are saved through faith, not by works lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Bilingual podcast (English/Spanish). (Download the companion timeline here: ) Use this practical Christian History timeline to view Grace Alone episodes in chronological order as they occurred throughout history from Antiquity to the Modern Period.


  • Ep. 13: Part 1--The Reformation Spreads

    05/10/2006 Duration: 33min

    Hear about Martin Luther's crucial role in the spread of the Reformation throughout Germany and Europe.

  • Ep. 12: Martin Luther's Conversion

    22/09/2006 Duration: 27min

    An in-depth look at the most pivotal event in Luther's life and the effect that his conversion had not only upon Christianity but the course of history as a whole.

  • Ep. 11: Savonarola and the Medieval Church

    11/09/2006 Duration: 26min

    He brought forth reform and renewal to the area of Florence, Italy in the 1400's. The reward he received for his efforts was to be burned at the stake by the church authorities.

  • Episode 10: The Gutenberg Bible

    28/08/2006 Duration: 28min

    Access to the written word and especially the Word of God would take a turn towards great availability for the common person when Johann Gutenberg invented and developed the printing press in 1456. This in turn greatly fueled the coming Reformation a few years later.

  • Episode 9: Bryan's Testimony--Audio only

    18/08/2006 Duration: 28min

    In the audio version, Bryan shares his personal testimony: the adventures in his life that took him from competitive surfing and professional modeling to traveling minister. The Lord has blessed him by getting to not only preach in places like Europe, Latin America and Asia, but also getting to surf some of the best waves in the world in those areas!

  • Episode 7: John Hus

    10/08/2006 Duration: 29min

    Out of the former Czechoslovakia came another of the early lights of the Reformation. Scholar John Hus was burned at the stake by the Catholic leaders for pointing the people of Prague back to the Bible and faith in Christ.

  • Episode 6: John Wycliffe--The Morning Star of the Reformation

    28/07/2006 Duration: 29min

    Approximately two centuries before the Reformation proper, Wycliffe sought to turn the Body of Christ back to the essentials of salvation by faith through grace as well as working to translate the Scriptures to the common English tongue. He so angered the tradition-bound church institution that, although he avoided martyrdom, his bones were dug up and burned after he died.

  • Episode 5: The Waldensians

    19/07/2006 Duration: 28min

    They were forerunners of the Reformation and sought to follow Christ to the uttermost. Yet “kill them all and let God sort them out” was the cry of the Papal Legate as the Third Crusade was launched against these committed followers of Christ. Though condemned as heretics by the Pope, the Waldensians were actually evangelically-based, Bible-believing, orthodox Christians. Rejecting many of the pagan-like rituals of Medieval Catholicism and reaching out to the poor, sick, and lost; they were more Christian than the institution and its leaders who were condemning them as heretics and persecuting them, according to scholar and historian Ruth Tucker. Though many were killed and massacered, enough survived to be counted as part of the Reformation when it came around 400 years later.

  • Episode 4: Overview of Signs and Wonders in the Medieval Church

    10/07/2006 Duration: 28min

    Contrary to some views, signs and wonders have not ceased with the closing of the Biblical Canon, but have continued throuought the history of Christianity and have been a part of the work of the Kingdom from beginning to end.

  • Episode 3: Signs and Wonders in the Early Church

    30/06/2006 Duration: 26min

    Contrary to some views, signs and wonders have not ceased with the closing of the Biblical Canon, but have continued throuought the history of Christianity and have been a part of the work of the Kingdom from beginning to end.

  • Episode 2: The Real St. Patrick

    20/06/2006 Duration: 27min

    Few know the true story of Patrick, missionary to Ireland: he was neither Irish nor Roman Catholic. Listen to the real story versus the watered-down fables which conspire only to obscure the truth about this radical missionary evangelist.

  • Episode 1: Martin Luther and the Reformation

    27/05/2006 Duration: 28min

    One of the most pivotal figures in history, Luther initiated the Reformation and with it shook the foundations of Western Civilization, Christendom, and the whole world.

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