The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic



Have you ever noticed that what is pleasing to one body is not necessarily pleasing to all bodies? What if our bodies like to be pleasing and to gift pleasure to others and to receive pleasure? We start out with magical little bodies that turn on everybody. Babies are always having people come up to them and compliment them on their beauty and get really excited to be in their presence. What would the world be like if we stopped judging ourselves, our bodies and others? How much more fun and joy is possible on this planet if we choose to be explorers? Whose ready for an adventure??? Milica Jelenic "Pleasure Do's, Don'ts & Maybe's, List."


  • Totally Different Pregnancy, Birthing and Parenting


    Have you shut off your pleasure zone and blamed it on “the kids”? Have you bought the idea that if you have children your life is over, or it is the only thing that will fulfill you? Have you bought the lies of what the experts tell you that parenting should be? Have you been feeling stressed and upset about birthing, pregnancy and parenting now and in the future? What if you know way more about all of this than you think you did? Join Petrina Fava, Out of the Box Nurse, Mom, Wife, Bars Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and Agent of Change Monday June 8th, 2015 at 8pm EST.

  • Are You Enjoying Your Life as an Ice Cream? Guest Daria Hanson


    Would life be more fun, delicious and nutritious if you were choosing to enjoy you as the ice creamy yumminess you truly be?  Have you ever really licked an ice cream and it turned every cell of your body on orgasmically?  Would you be willing to receive more than you could ever imagine from being the ice cream or licking ice cream? Are we talking about blow jobs?  Hmm, possibly!! Are we talking about the joy of being the invitation to receive more of us through playfulness? The Pleasure Zone is so pleased to have Delicious Daria, Ice cream enthusiast, Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Alchemist of Actualization and major contributor to consciousness and the planet.

  • Sexualness: Intimidating or Inviting? Guest Natalie Krishna


    When you see someone you find attractive do you expand your being to be the sexiness you be or do you contract and resent that you are not like them? What if you didn’t have to judge you for not measuring up to what others say is sexy? What if you had some tools in your tool belt that you could use at anytime that would allow you to step into even more of your beautiful sexy self? This week’s guest, Natalie Krishna is an access CF, RRFY Facilitator, Bars Facilitator, Make-up Genius, Fashion Blogger and truly walks the walk of bringing you’re your inner beauty out!  I am so excited to be playing with her on this show, what a treasure!

  • Being Bodacious and Balkan with Guest Vladica Djordjevic


    What if you are aware of people that are 8,000 miles away? What if you can tap into the energy of anything from anywhere and have a knowing about it? Would you be willing to be bodacious? Join Milica Jelenic and her Guest Vladica Djordjevic as they discuss all areas to do with Being & Bodies!

  • From Refraction To Everlasting with Guest Alex Mei


    What if there is no coming down from an orgasm? What if your life and body could expand it and continue to choose it? What would your life be like if your orgasm and the energy of orgasm contributed to your whole life, not just your sex life?

  • Pleasure of Really Living with Guest Donna Porteous


    What if you created your life from total adventure and out of definition? That is what this week’s guest is choosing.  Come and find out what she is creating as her life and the what sparked her to choose more….and more!

  • Golden Showers Bring May Flowers


    Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • Adding Toys to Your Toolbox


    As a kid did you ever like getting new toys and seeing what they could do?  How much fun was it to get the new toy and explore with it?  Has your body been asking for toys that are fun for it?  We will explore some history on sex toys and explore how much fun they can to add to your sex life with you and with others!  What do you know about how fun sex toys are?  Would you like to come and play and share what you know?  Join the chat room or call in! What contribution to your body and others bodies can we be with this candid conversation? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is

  • Cheater, Cheater, Pants on Fire


    How many points of view do you have that monogamy is the only and right way? How many points of view do you have about the monogamy not working? Monogamy and Polygamy, what else is possible, and what if there is not right or wrong?  Would you like to come explore what is available beyond feeling you have been a cheater or cheated on? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • Receiving the Sex and Money You Desire


    How much money and sex are you willing to receive? More or less than what you have now? Would you like to know more about receiving the sex and money you desire? The Pleasure Zone is pleased to play with some clearings, tips and tools on that!

  • Being the CEO of Your Sexual Reality!


    Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • Loving The Gender You Are In! with Milica Jelenic


    What if your the gender you are in could be a contribution to your life and living? What if making gender less relevant or irrelevant would contribute to greater possibilities for you? What can the gender you are in do for you and what can you do for it?

  • Sex and Relationships with Guest Susan Lazar-Hart


    Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.  

  • What Is Your Right Body? with Guest Donnielle Carter


    Have you ever had a moment in your life where you were totally at ease with your body? Would you like to have more of that? Would you like to have that more than just for a moment? What if you could have greater ease with your body? Come and find out what else is possible in your life when you have greater ease in and with your body with Right Body For You Facilitator and major contributor to the book of the same name Donnielle Carter!  

  • Slavery, what Slavery?


    Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change. - 

  • “Are you willing to make money your slave?” With co-host Lorrie Scott


    Do you use money as an excuse to not choose more pleasure in your life? Have you made yourself a slave to money? Are your choices from a place of lack? What if money could work for you? Would money also like to contribute pleasure to you?

  • Are You A Prisoner of Love?


    Just in time for Valentines’ Day!  Have you made finding “the ONE” super significant? Have you become a prisoner to love and what you have fantasized it will offer you? Have you been trying to unshackle yourself from something you thought was love and turned out to be something totally different? What is love to you, and are you a prisoner to definition of it? Join Lorrie Scott on The Pleasure Zone for all of February!  How did we get so lucky?  

  • Are You A Slave or a Master With Sex? with co-host Lorrie Scott


    Have you ever felt like you were not the one in a position of choice with sex? Have you felt like you are totally out of control and have no room for choice, just reaction? Have you ever felt that you are not choosing, just to be totally in control and be the master of your sexualness? What else is possible beyond the roles of Slave and Master with sex?  How much fun can it be to know when to choose what energy of these will be a contribution? What if neither is wrongness? Join Lorrie Scott on The Pleasure Zone for all of February!  How did we get so lucky?  

  • Say YES to Pleasure: How women over 50 can have the best sex of their lives


    Do you have the point of view that after 50 your life will be sexless? What lies have you bought that sex after 50 is not possible or not attractive? Are you willing to come and listen to a different point of view on that with the Pleasure Zone guest Carla Sanders? Here are some ways to connect with Carla: To connect with Milica:  

  • Pioneering Pleasure with Milica


    Are you choosing out of the box dating, out of the box sexual experiences, out of the box relationships, out of the box ways of generating money? Did you know that wherever you are stepping out of what is comfortable for everyone else, you are a pioneering a new path? Would you like to be more aware of where you are being a pioneer in your life?  

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