Beat conventional advice on personal finance, investing, and business with the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. Get ahead with his pull-no-punches style of challenging the advice we’ve all been given on money, investing, and the economy. Frustrated and frightened by the financial advice being given by the mainstream talking heads, Robert Kiyosaki sits down with professionals from the world of money, investing, business, and personal development. Listeners will be provided various viewpoints on how to set themselves up for financial success. If you’re looking for get-rich-quick tips and tricks to investing, move on. Listeners dedicated to the craft of finance and a better life, subscribe! New podcasts released weekly!
Beating the Bears and the Bulls
02/06/2021 Duration: 28minThe global money supply is $90 trillion and in the grand scheme of money, Bitcoin plays a very small role. Today’s guest warns listeners against investing in Bitcoin to “get rich quick”. Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano, the host of The Pomp Podcast, and a respected voice in the cryptocurrency asset says, “The entire drop from $60,000 to $30,000 was all new investors selling their Bitcoin.” Seasoned investors know better. They know that markets always go up and down. They know that when a bull market is hot, it will come crashing down at some point in time—and the higher a market rises, the faster and harder it crashes. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Anthony Pompliano discuss the key factors to surviving bear and bull runs in cryptocurrency. Listen to Anthony Pompliano on The Pomp Podcast at www.anthonlypompliano.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Rise of America
26/05/2021 Duration: 50minRobert Kiyosaki’s mentor, Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller talked about the pace of technology and how we were “entering the world of the invisible.” To him, technology was advancing so rapidly that many people were blind to it.This is exactly what is happening right now as Green technology. It is taking off fast and quickly becoming more efficient than energy from coal, oil, and gas. But most people don’t see it.Marin Katusa, the author of the best-selling book “The Colder War” says, "The mainstream media in America tends to project a lot of doom and gloom about the direction of things, from the failure of the great American experiment to the collapse of the U.S. dollar. The reality is quite the opposite. Don’t get me wrong, there will be major economic dislocations, changes in patterns of international trade, new political alignments, and tensions, etc. But the winner is going to be America.”In his book The Rise of America, he looks at the history of the U.S. monetary system and its struggles, outlining clear weak
Biggest Asset Bubble in History
19/05/2021 Duration: 42minThe world economy is in a precarious state, and the US economic problems are at the heart of the world's fears. At the center of the US economic problems is a weakening dollar, and today’s guest reminds us that all assets are in a bubble. Harry Dent is a best-selling author and one of the most outspoken financial editors in America. He predicts “the biggest crash ever” and will most likely hit by the end of June, if not sooner. “Fake earnings, fake GDP, fake interest rates and super-high valuations” make for an increasingly untenable situation, he warns. The expanding market bubble has been building since 2008. But the Federal Reserve keeps averting the next huge crisis by continuously “printing money.” Listen as Harry Dent reveals his predictions for the price of Bitcoin, real estate, and commodities like gold and silver. Host Robert Kiyosaki and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Harry Dent discuss what Harry calls the “biggest crash ever” and what you can do to prepare for it. Get Harry Dent’s free newsletter: www.ha
Q/E to Infinity: Why you should escape the fiat currency system
12/05/2021 Duration: 38minAcross the world, assets are in a giant debt bubble—some say it’s the largest in the world's history. Today’s guest says since the financial crisis of 2008 through the coronavirus pandemic, central banks have tried to prevent economic meltdowns by printing more money, and no politician has stepped in to prevent it. John Adams, Chief Economist for As Good As Gold Australia says, “We see a 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus in the US along with a climate change package and numerous executive orders. Besides, they are planning increases in the minimum wage and higher taxes, all of which will have an economic impact.”As a result, the question most people will ask themselves is: where should I put my money to protect my wealth? Adams says, “Portfolio allocation changes dramatically depending on whether you believe we are headed for hyperinflation compared to if you believe we are headed for deflation.”Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest John Adams discuss the economic aftermath of unlimited printing of money and how to prote
Gambling vs investing
05/05/2021 Duration: 34minMost people think of investing as any situation where you put down money with the expectation of getting a return on your money. Unfortunately, what many people think of as investing is actually gambling.For years, most people invested in traditional stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds followed sound economic and business principles. As retirement nears, millions of Baby Boomers are scrambling for deck chairs on the Titanic as the stock market grows into a giant bubble. In this episode, Robert compares how the generation who thought bonds were a safe investment is no different than the speculators in cryptocurrency. Robert gives this warning: with the inflation rate so low, the Fed will do whatever it takes, including launching another round of Quantitative Easing, to make sure that interest rates remain low. That is because the Fed understands that if interest rates go up significantly, the stock market and the property market will fall sharply, causing the US and the rest of the world to go back into a sever
War of the Financial Worlds
28/04/2021 Duration: 41minLast March, the Fed came in and started buying junk for cash by doing that, it has doubled the amount of artificial money flowing to big banks since 2008. As a result, today’s guest says, the Fed, by criminal standards, is laundering money through the banks. Nomi Prins is the author of “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World” and a geopolitical financial expert who says, “You can think of money as a virus, it likes to find an easy host in which it can multiply the fastest such as in financial markets like the stock market.” With the injection of money by the Fed, all of this “extra money” has this artificial effect on the markets.Nomi continues to explain that as the Fed-inflated assets grow relative to real ones, the greater the inequality gap. Host Kim Kiyosaki and guest Nomi Prins discuss what the post-pandemic market will look like and how you can prepare for what’s ahead.Find out more information about Nomi Prins publication “Rapid Growth Opportunities”:
Shocking Prediction: The Price of Bitcoin by 2031
21/04/2021 Duration: 41minThe simple definition of inflation is when prices rise and the purchasing power of a currency drops. It means that you can buy less with your money than you used to be able to.As Charles Holt Carrol said, "Inflation is the surest way to fertilize the rich man's field with the sweat of the poor man's brow."Robert Breedlove is the host of the podcast “What is Money?” and he says, “The US in 2021 is on equivalent monetary footing as France in 1791.” And the US is on track for its money to supply to quadruple by 2035. In this episode, host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Robert Breedlove answer the question of how the falling dollar could cause “hyper-bitcoinization.” Also discussed is: What the next ten years has in store for Bitcoin and the US dollarWhat will happen to the dollar by 2035How every time a currency collapses, societies collapseWhat Robert Breedlove says will disrupt goldListen to more from Robert Breedlove: The "What is Money?" Show Podcast: "What is Money?" Show YouTu
Introducing Wondery’s newest series: Secret Sauce
15/04/2021 Duration: 07minLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bad Money Drives Out Good Money
14/04/2021 Duration: 34minIn economics, Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good". For example, if there are two forms of commodity money in circulation, which are accepted by law as having similar face value, the more valuable commodity will gradually disappear from circulation. Today’s guest says, “This has been happening all throughout history.” In this episode you’ll learn: Bad Money (Fake gold) vs. Good Money (Real gold)Why silver is becoming more scarce and what that means for its priceWhat the future holds for real gold and silverKevin DeMeritt, Founder and Operator of Lear Capital, says, “Silver’s forecast is much better than gold, because the Biden Administration is looking at implementing a $2 Trillion green energy program.”Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Kevin DeMeritt discuss what’s in store for gold and silver in 2021 and where you should be putting your hard-earned dollar. OFFER FOR RICH DAD LISTENERS: Call Lear Capital and learn more about owning physical gold and silver, and
The Feds are Creating a Liquidity Tsunami
07/04/2021 Duration: 39minOn the bullish side, there is a GIGANTIC amount of money being pumped into the financial markets by the Fed, which is creating and injecting $120 billion into the markets every month. On top of that, the Treasury Department has a bank account with more than $1 trillion in it; and it plans to spend all that money over the next few months. All this Liquidity is likely to put more upward pressure on the price of stock, property, gold, and other asset classes.Today’s guest is Richard Duncan who is the author of “The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures.” He says, “There is a liquidity tsunami pouring into markets. Fortunes are going to be made on either side depending on who wins out.” On the bearish side, people are nervous that Inflation is going to pick up sharply. This is causing interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates are making the markets very nervous and could cause a panic attack and a stock market sell-off. Higher interest rates could also cause the price of gold to fall. Hosts Robert and
The IRS vs. Bitcoin
31/03/2021 Duration: 39minIf you sold, mined, or traded cryptocurrencies in 2020, then this episode is for you! Tom Wheelwright, Rich Dad Advisor on Taxes, warns listeners as they prepare for filing taxes this year, “Anytime you use or trade your virtual currency, that’s a taxable event.”But what does trade mean, exactly? According to Tom, if you did anything other than just buy it, then you have to declare it—if you don’t it’s a felony. In addition to the tax rules of cryptocurrencies, Tom and Robert discuss opportunities to pay less taxes on other commodities like gold, silver, oil, and solar. And as Tom predicts, Green Energy investors will be rewarded with incentives in the near future because every government wants cheaper energy. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Tom Wheelwright discuss what changes are happening for gold, silver & Bitcoin, and how you can pay less taxes, legally. To learn more about the IRS Tax code on cryptocurrencies, visit: www.wealthability.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Partner With The Government To Pay Zero Taxes
24/03/2021 Duration: 47minThe average person in a developed country spends 25-35 percent of their life working to pay taxes. That means more than two hours of every workday are dedicated to feeding your government. Today’s guests discuss how instead of working to pay taxes, you can invest to pay zero taxes—legally!Tom Wheelwright, Rich Dad Advisor on taxes says, “The real purpose of the tax law in your country is to provide incentives to business owners and investors. The law would be three pages long if it were not for that. Instead, it has thousands of pages to give these incentives to business owners and investors.”Ken McElroy, Rich Dad Advisor on real estate says, “When we look at real estate, we are looking at it from a long-term, cash-flowing, pay-less-tax-strategy regardless of what’s happening in the market.” Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, and guests Tom Wheelwright and Ken McElroy discuss the exact formula they use for investing in real estate and how they pay zero in taxes.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why You’ll Never Stop Working for Money
17/03/2021 Duration: 43minWe all define retirement differently. For most, it probably involves an island somewhere, a hammock, a good book, and a glass of wine sitting next to you as you relax for the first time in a long time. In this episode, paper asset experts discuss why for so many people across the globe this is a dream they’ll never realize, and how the 401(k) was never designed to make you rich. As Tom Wheelwright, Rich Dad Advisor on taxes says, “These government-qualified retirement plans provide temporary tax benefits, but they’re also the reason most people will never be able to stop working for money.”Andy Tanner a Rich Dad Advisor and the author of “401(k)aos” and “Stock Market Cash Flow” says “If you plan to retire poor, the 401(k) is for you.”Hosts Robert & Kim Kiyosaki and guests John MacGregor and Andy Tanner discuss the tax advantages and disadvantages of paper assets like stock, bonds, mutual funds, and 401(k)s. Tom Wheelwright: www.wealthability.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Government’s Incentives for Entrepreneurs
10/03/2021 Duration: 38minWith a new Administration in the White House, there is a lot of speculation surrounding Biden’s tax plan and the impact it will have on business owners. In today’s episode, the guests discuss how you can take advantage of tax incentives regardless of who is in office. The rich pay very little in income taxes because they don't earn their money as employees do. They know that the best way to legally avoid taxes is by generating passive income out of the right side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant—the Business (B) and Investing (I) side.Tom Wheelwright, Rich Dad Advisor and author of “Tax-Free Wealth: How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes” says, "Tax laws are a series of incentives for Entrepreneurs and Investors. If you're going to make the big bucks and pay less taxes, you better focus on getting to the B / I side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant." Garrett Sutton, the author of several books, including “Start Your Own Corporation” says, “It’s important to set up your entity to protect yourself from p
Why Gold? Why Now?
03/03/2021 Duration: 45minRobert Kiyosaki is well-known for the phrase “Savers are losers” and it’s never been more true than in today’s economy. In his book, today’s guest says, “As history reveals an ugly pattern of governments spending tomorrow’s hard-earned savings today leaving unknowing savers holding the bag.”What most people don’t understand is that this is all a well-orchestrated plan to keep things from collapsing. But if you have to understand what comes next you can profit. EB Tucker the author of “Why Gold? Why Now?” says, “There’s a reason why the world’s elite count gold as a core asset. During periods of financial turmoil, it’s invaluable.”Tucker further explains, “Gold is the only asset that's not someone else's liability. Apartments rely on paying tenants, stocks rely on company profits, bonds rely on stable interest payments. Gold doesn't rely on anyone or anything for its value.”Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest EB Tucker discuss why you need to stop playing defense with your money, and why owning gold today is more i
A Weapon for Capitalism: Financial Education
24/02/2021 Duration: 42minToday it’s clearer than ever, the problem facing millions of people around the world is the lack of financial education being taught in our schools. In this episode, our guests discuss how what the world needs more now than ever is entrepreneurs and investors with a high financial IQ, who have the financial education to understand money and how it works.Robert Kiyosaki learned about how money works by playing Monopoly® with his rich dad. He said, “Rich dad was using the game Monopoly to train me to think like a capitalist.”Rich Dad Advisor and the author of 401(k)aos and Stock Market Cash Flow teaches his two sons about money by playing the CASHFLOW Board Game and says, “The game has taught my kids what Capitalism really is.” He goes on to explain how the CASHFLOW Board Game is a weapon for capitalism. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by Rich Dad Advisor Andy Tanner and Millennial Money Host Alexandra Gonzalez to discuss how to transform yourself financially by playing the CASHFLOW Board Game. Learn
The Game of Hearts & Minds: How to win the podcast game
17/02/2021 Duration: 39minAs of February 2021, there are over 1,750,000 podcasts worldwide and according to, 50% of all US homes are podcast fans. Today’s guest explains how even in a space that might seem crowded, there are plenty of opportunities. Jeffrey Hayzlett the Chairman, and CEO of the C-Suite Network says, “If we were to look at the podcast business as a human, podcasts are in their teenage years.” About C-Suite Radio: It is home to the fastest-growing business podcast network. Hosted by C-Suite leaders, thought leaders, and innovators, our shows take listeners on a thought-provoking journey to explore the challenges, successes, and failures of highly influential business executives.Hosts Robert & Kim Kiyosaki and guest Jeffrey Hayzlett discuss the secret behind a successful podcast and how one who has something to say can get started. Would you like to start a podcast? Reach Jeff at jeff@c-suitenetwork.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Prelude to Inflation: The Best of Times and The Worst of Times
10/02/2021 Duration: 37minFrom universal basic income, mass manipulation of markets, to collateral mortgage-backed securities, today’s guest says, “For the uninformed, the Biden administration will seem like the best of years,” but as the informed already know, we are headed for what Robert Kiyosaki calls the “worst of times.”The CNN “Fear & Greed Index” is indicating “greed” as the emotion driving markets right now. This isn’t a surprise to most people as the pandemic has crippled millions of people around the world and are hoping for some relief. But as Kim Kiyosaki says, “As fear and greed go up, intelligence goes down.” Bert Dohmen, the publisher of the “Wellington Letter” and author of “Prelude to Meltdown” and “Financial Apocalypse,” warns listeners that if you want to survive the next several years, you have to “keep your greed in check.”Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Bert Dohmen discuss mass manipulation in the stock market and the signal for higher inflation, but how this is a time you can make incredible amounts
Short Squeeze Mania: Silver vs. GameStop
06/02/2021 Duration: 48minLast week there was a classic story of David versus Goliath playing out in real life when GameStop mania shook up the stock market. In this special episode of The Rich Dad Radio Show, Robert Kiyosaki and Peter Schiff discuss how to everyone’s surprise, David won.But last Wednesday, our guest predicted a much bigger short squeeze coming in silver. Peter Schiff, the host of The Peter Schiff Show podcast, says, “The one thing silver has in common with GameStop is a short interest.” Unfortunately, the average investor doesn’t understand the fundamentals of the markets, let alone how the stock market is overvalued. They just buy because the market is going up.Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Peter Schiff discuss the overvaluation of GameStop and the correlation to silver, and where you should be putting your money in 2021.To contact Peter Schiff and his team visit: www.europac.comwww.europacificfunds.comListen to Peter Schiff’s Podcast at www.schiffradio.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Decentralized Finance: The Future of Currencies
03/02/2021 Duration: 42minToday, people of all ages—young and old—are in trouble because their ideas about money aren't just old, they're obsolete. With bonds and interest rates at historic lows, residential real estate growing at its fastest pace in 6 years, stock markets at all-time highs, there’s really not many places to earn a yield on money right now.Crypto is taking a lot of the spotlight for that very reason. Crypto is up 300%. This is only going to cause more people and financial institutions to add crypto to their portfolios as FinTech companies open up more and more accessibility to getting it.Jeff Wang, cryptocurrency and blockchain expert says, “We didn’t expect the pandemic to create so much excess money. We’re seeing the stock market, real estate, and crypto at all-time highs.” And he says if you want to bet against the dollar, invest in Bitcoin. If you want to bet on technology, invest in Ethereum. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Jeff Wang discuss the future of money in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and ho