Career Tools



Career Tools is a weekly podcast focused on specific actions you can take to grow and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Career Tools won the Podcast Awards Best Business podcast in 2010 and was nominated every other year it has been eligible. Whether you are interested in jump-starting a stalled career, or sharpening your edge, Career Tools is the podcast for you. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Career Tools has had on their careers and lives.


  • 2009 – Downturn - Annual Resume Update


    This cast recommends changes to resumes based on the 2009 hiring market and beyond.

  • The Rule of 50


    This cast explains a simple way to stay in touch with your professional network.

  • Greetings in DiSC


    This cast explains a simple application of DiSC Behavior on greeting others.

  • Effective Layoff Announcement Response


    This cast explains how to respond to the announcement of impending layoffs at your firm. This is a long overdue cast, based on comments we get by email and on the forums. Far too many of us respond POORLY to an announcement or rumor of impending layoffs where we work. In fact, it's worse than that . . . MOST of us respond TERRIBLY, and HURT OUR CAREERS in doing so. But there's a better way, and there's a playbook to follow, and guess what? Career Tools has it, and that's what this cast shares.

  • 360 Reviews - Providing Input


    This cast explains how to respond to requests for 360 degree input. 360 reviews are a powerful - and growing - part of the Human Resources toolbox. They help leadership teams find out what managers and other professionals "really" are like based on input from the people most likely to "know" them: their boss, their peers, and their directs (if they have any), and in some cases other related personnel. Why NOT ask the consumers of a manager's behaviors whether or not he is a good manager? Unfortunately, 360 reviews, as powerful as they are - and done well Manager Tools strongly recommends them - they are fraught with danger. Here's how to navigate them successfully.

  • Press Relations - Part 2


    This cast concludes our conversation on Press Relations.

  • Press Relations - Part 1


    The Internet and the explosion of communication media and media forms and software have changed the way most of us in our careers will interact with the press. All of us need some simple guidelines for our relationships with the press, if for no other reason than risk mitigation. We have a lot of straightforward ideas to share, some of which will surprise many of our listeners. Think about that: simple straightforward guidance that surprises...a clear indication that attention must be paid.

  • Audio Visual Equipment Use - Part 2


    The conclusion of our conversation on Audio Visual Equipment Use.

  • Audio Visual Equipment Use


    In this cast, we're going to describe how to use the two most common audio-visual tools: slides and flip charts.

  • Handling Exit Interviews


    This cast explains how to handle exit interviews.

  • Attention Management – Distractions, Part 3


    Part 3, and the conclusion, of our series on Attention Management - Distractions.

  • Attention Management – Distractions, Part 2


    Part 2 of our series on Attention Management - Distractions.

  • Attention Management – Distractions, Part 1


    Most of us do a poor job of managing our time - whoops, that's managing our priorities. None of us actually manage time, right? Time can't be managed. But what we DO with our time we CAN manage. One way we manage our priorities is we choose to schedule those things that we believe are in line with our priorities. An example of that is putting meetings on our calendars that help us accomplish our projects and responsibilities. Makes sense. When we schedule a meeting, we're saying, this is worthy of my attention. We're managing what we attend to, we're managing our attention. But unfortunately many of us, no matter how good we are at scheduling those things to which we wish to attend, also are terrible at managing those things that distract us from our priorities. But if we're going to have plenty of time for what we want to accomplish, we better not only schedule things well, but we ought to avoid distractions. And most of us are terrible at that. This cast recommends specific actions to take to reduce the

  • Responding To An Internal Interview Request


    It seems that a lot of people still don't realize that we're all managing our own careers now. Yes, your organization has some say and power in the equation. But that ability to influence our choices is often misunderstood as managing what job we're in, why we're in it, and what other jobs we can have. And one of the situations that confuses us is when our organization asks us to interview for a job without us applying for it. Maybe we really want the job, maybe we would have never considered it. But when they ask US - when the COMPANY seems to know more than we do, and we don't know what the invite MEANS ... it's confusing. And that's why Career Tools is here: to explain what to do and why.

  • Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 5


    In this cast, we finish our conversation on how to work with an angry and demeaning boss.

  • Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 4


    In this cast, we continue with part 4 of our conversation on how to work with an angry and demeaning boss.

  • Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 3


    In this cast, we continue with part 3 of our conversation on how to work with an angry and demeaning boss.

  • Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 2


    In this cast, we continue our conversation on how to work with an angry and demeaning boss. In case you missed it, here is part 1 of the series: Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 1

  • Bad Boss #1 - The Angry and Demeaning Boss, Part 1


    This cast explains how to work with an angry and demeaning boss. We wish we didn’t have to do casts like this, but angry and demeaning bosses are a fact of life. And, for most of us, it doesn’t matter how great a boss WE are if we WORK FOR someone who is angry, demeaning, and generally unprofessional. Despite our recommendations to focus on your team, because that’s where the leverage is, OUR boss still exists. And if she’s a jerk, we’ve got to adapt. Here’s how.

  • New Job Day One - Do It Yourself


    This cast recommends a simple approach to speed up your fitting in to a new organization and role.

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