Metin aj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi ivijo in o njih razmiljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataa Briki (Metina lista) in Alja Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).
055: Prisluhni mi nežno – Rok Kajzer (DELO)
01/08/2015 Duration: 01h08minZ dolgoletnim dopisnikom DELOa iz Zagreba in odličnim poznavalcem odnosov SLO-CRO o razlikah in podobnostih med slovensko in hrvaško politično elito. O medijskih manipulacijah,...
Meta PHoDcast #20: Jernej Sever, philosopher
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minPhilosopher Jernej Sever discusses martial arts, acquiring complex experience and cognitive science. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. JERNEJ...
Meta PHoDcast #19: Irena Makivić, sociologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minSociologist Irena Makivić talks about studying the biopsychosocial approaches of family physicians. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. IRENA...
Meta PHoDcast #18: Mitja Pišlar, pharmacist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minPharmacist Mitja Pišlar discusses the modelling of active substance release in a pill making its way through the digestive system. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta...
Meta PHoDcast #17: Jaka Burja, metallurgist
21/07/2015 Duration: 23minOn metallurgy with engineer Jaka Burja. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. JAKA BURJA holds a BSc in metallurgy...
Meta PHoDcast #16: Ana Gantar, chemist
21/07/2015 Duration: 20minMaterials expert Ana Gantar discusses temporary three-dimensional cellular scaffolds for tissue engineering. Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. ANA GANTAR graduated...
Meta PHoDcast #15: Ana Slavec, sociologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 24minSociologist and statistician Ana Slavec discusses the quality of questionnaires. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. ANA SLAVEC (her...
Meta PHoDcast #14: Rok Rudež, chemist
21/07/2015 Duration: 19minChemist and materials expert Rok Rudež discusses thermoelectric micro-generators. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. ROK RUDEŽ graduated from the...
Meta PHoDcast #13: Jernej Bravničar, biologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minBiologist Jernej Bravničar talks about the conservation genetics of freshwater fish. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. JERNEJ BRAVNIČAR...
Meta PHoDcast #12: Miha Zor, art historian
21/07/2015 Duration: 23minWe discuss medieval manuscripts and Slovenian chansons with art historian Miha Zor. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. MIHA ZOR is...
Meta PHoDcast #11: Martina Starc, psychologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 21minPsychologist Martina Starc discusses studies on spatial working memory and other experiments performed on live human subjects. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or...
Meta PHoDcast #10: Aljoša Bolje, chemist
21/07/2015 Duration: 25minChemist Aljoša Bolje explains what coordination complexes are and what methods are employed in organic chemistry. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our...
Meta PHoDcast #09: Anna Oslizło, microbiologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minMicrobiologist Anna Oslizło discusses the social life of bacteria. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. ANNA OSLIZŁO is a biotechnologist, a...
Meta PHoDcast #08: Anka Kuhelj, biologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minBiologist Anka Kuhelj on communication with and among insects. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. ANKA KUHELJ holds...
Meta PHoDcast #07: Timotej Lazar, computer scientist
21/07/2015 Duration: 21minComputer scientist Timotej Lazar discusses artificial intelligence and a computer that teaches people to code. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed....
Meta PHoDcast #06: Polona Sitar, cultural anthropologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 25minCultural anthropologist and communications graduate Polona Sitar talks about consumerism under Socialism. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. Polona Sitar is...
Meta PHoDcast #05: Jernej Tiran, geographer
21/07/2015 Duration: 25minGeographer Jernej Tiran on city life and trips to the River Iška. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. Jernej Tiran is...
Meta PHoDcast #04: Ambrož Kvartič, ethnologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 22minEthnologist Ambrož Kvartič talks modern folklore and urban legends. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. Ambrož Kvartič is an ethnologist....
Meta PHoDcast #03: Matjaž Deželak, biologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 19minBiologist Matjaž Deželak stops by to discuss the biochemistry behind diabetes and beer-like beverages. #MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed....
Meta PHoDcast #02: Ana Koren, biotechnologist
21/07/2015 Duration: 21min#MetaPHoDcast Subscribe to Meta PHoDcast via iTunes or our RSS feed. Ana Koren is a biotechnologist at Golnik Clinic studying the onset and progression of lung cancer....