America's Most Haunted

America's Most Haunted Radio Explores Shakti Fest 2015



America's Most Haunted Radio welcomes founder Sridhar Steven Silberfein, kirtan music star Donna De Lory, and renowed yoga instructor Sara Ivanhoe to preview this year's Shakti Fest.Shakti Fest celebrates its fifth year May 15-17, at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. One of three annual festivals put on by the Bhakti Fest organization, Shakti Fest is a springtime celebration of the "divine feminine spirit" featuring world-class yoga teachers, kirtan music stars, and wisdom workshops.Fest producer Sridhar Steven Silberfein has been on a personal spiritual quest for over 40 years while blending a life as a pioneering businessman. In 1969, Sridhar brought Swami Satchidananda to Woodstock, the spiritual equivalent of which is now embodied in the three Bhakti Fests. He established the first health food store in Southern California, brought skin care products with jojoba and tea tree oil to America for the first time, and co-founded the Triloka recording label.Donna De Lory has become one of the superstars of world d