The Wall Street Lab

#89 Andrew J Scott (7percent ventures) - From Entrepreneuer to Venture Capital Investor



Andrew Scott is a founding partner of 7percent ventures, a London & San Francisco-based technology VC. Before founding 7percent ventures in 2014, Andrew founded six startups of his own. Among these was the world’s first location based social network (Playtxt 2001; patented), online digital news archive (, 2002), trust graph/recommendation engine using machine learning (Rummble, 2007; patented). In-between he did strategy consulting for VCs and Corporates including Astra Zeneca, AT&T and Alcatel Lucent. Andrew is also co-founder of ICE, a global non-profit network of tech founders and investors, established in 2009.   In this episode we talk about Andrew's journey from serial entrepreneur to Venture Capital investors. Along the way we learn about his selection criteria for investments, lessons learned from being an entrepreneuer, CEO, and then investors. We also talk about how to stand out as someone looking to get into the VC industry.