Insights, Issues & Istook

"Microaggression" is the new term for making racial harmony impossible



America's divides cannot heal when agitators invent new ways to act offended. At Harvard University, a soda machine made in Israel was removed from campus because Palestinian students claimed it was a microaggression against them. The University of Illinois reports that minorities sense microaggression just from being in a room full of white people. That's even when the white people aren't doing anything. The study says therefore all whites should take sensitivity training. Microaggression is the latest mumbo-jumbo term for being thin-skinned, for getting upset because you presume somebody will discriminate against you. The grievance industry makes its living by preventing harmony between races or nationalities. We get pushed to take make-believe offenses seriously. But when all of attention gets spent on made-up grievances, it makes it tougher to address the real ones when they happen. It's like the boy who cried wolf, except now he cries “Microaggression!”