Swain Sinus Show

Ep.7 - Deviated Septum Straight Talk



Download | Subscribe (Free) | Get Appointment In this episode, Mobile Sinus Doctor Dr. Ron Swain, Jr, discusses and explains the very common physical and sinus conditions associated with having a deviated septum. Stacy Wellborn honestly shares with the audience that she thinks that her nose is crooked and wants to know if she needs to have surgery. Plus, Dr. Swain shares how a deviated septum is diagnosed, medical treatment options, and when you should consider a septoplasty (deviated septum surgery) to improve breathing thru your nose.   What You Will Hear: 1. Deviated septum defined and explained. 2. What causes a deviated septum? 3. The benefits of a deviated septum surgery. 4. Septoplasty explained and described. 5. Amount of recovery time required after a septoplasty.   Click here for full show transcription. Do you have any specific questions concerning your sinuses and allergies that you would like to hear us cover on the Swain Sinus Show? Please email us here or call our office at 251-470-8823 with