K12online08 Audio Channel

Pushing the Limits: Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning by Aimee Stoffel and Tanya Gray



Tanya and Aimee have launched a pilot program that would put laptops and Web 2.0 technologies in the hands and minds of seniors in our rural Kansas high school. This presentation will discuss the layout of the class setup and background work needed for implementation, communicate the struggles and successes encountered and show examples of student work. Together we will provide educators with an in-depth glimpse of the possibilities that are out there for 21st century teaching and learning. The participants will go away with a wealth of knowledge of different Web 2.0 applications and how to use them in classroom instruction. The participants will see the layout of the class, hear pros and cons of the experience, and gather ideas for “amplifying possibilities” for technology use in their own classrooms. should be considered.