Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Leading with Grace



Have you ever thought about the role Grace plays in your life? I hadn’t thought much of it before I spoke with John Baldoni, author of Grace: A Leader’s Guide to a Better Us. Our conversation led to a deep dive in the meaning and role of Grace in our lives as well as the powerful impact embodying this quality has on you and the lives of people you touch. Ultimately, Grace allows you to be a catalyst for the greater good and live your life in flow. John shares that being graceful naturally enhances your ability to cut Fresh Tracks. Grace is not a spiritual or esoteric concept – it is in your actions. Grace happens in the doing and is a state of being, like love or joy. Finally, we discuss the role mercy and forgiveness towards our self plays in being graceful. Take a few minutes and grace yourself with the insight’s found in this episode of Fresh Tracks! Show Notes: 4:30 – A look at what Grace is and why it is a valuable trait for leaders 9:45 – The lens you view life through: abundance or scarcity 11:15 – Gen