Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

CORONAVIRUS: An Opportunity to Face and Conquer our Fears



In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with Vincent Genna about the value of using the coronavirus pandemic and the change it has brought the world for our own healing. Vincent explains why we can choose to make this an opportunity for healing and choose to be in a different, better place after the pandemic. We do this by first acknowledging that we want to change and going beyond traditional coping skills to substantive healing. Sound good in theory yet more difficult to implement? Vince shares that it’s natural for our defense mechanisms to kick-in and try to prevent our healing and he provides tips for breaking down these defense mechanisms. We also discuss the importance of eliminating beliefs that prevent our ultimate healing. Creating Fresh Tracks starts with our accepting what is and leaning into the newness in our life. Being courageous enough to connect to our pains and parent ourselves through the often overwhelming inner hurts from the past are key to creating a more fuller and ultimately happier