Encouraging Christian Fathers: Parenting Advice For Men With Vision | Raising Kids, Children, Teens & Teenagers

31-How to Build Even Stronger Relationships With Your Adult Kids



There's plenty of talk around and on this show about the stages of child-raising and how to handle the various challenges. But what about the challenges of handling that new phase of your child's life: adulthood? As the father of grown children ages 31 to 51, Dave has a lot to share on this subject, both from what he's done well and what he hasn't done well. Enjoy! Sponsor: Audible http://AudibleFathers.com Sponsor: Covenant Eyes http://CovenantFathers.com Sponsor: YNAB http://YNABFathers.com Leave us a voicemail: 804-464-3237 (804-464-DADS) Email the show: EncouragingChristianFathers@gmail.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/groups/EncouragingChristianFathers Joshua's other podcast: http://radicalpersonalfinance.com Dave's other podcast: http://anchoroftruth.com