Hank Presents:

Adventures in Quitting



Quitters never win…or do they? Quitting is one of the most essential ingredients to finding your true self and the life you were made for. Personally, I’ve quit tons of things. Dating relationships. High paying clients. Influential leadership roles. And a handful of other opportunities I would have killed for in another season. Everything I learned about quitting I put into this episode. We cover 3 Questions to ask yourself about quitting: 1. Have You Quit Already? 2. Has It Ever Changed? 3. Will You Be A Healthier You If You Quit? I interview my coach and transformation expert Lucia Cottone, who helps us understand the important distinction between Quitting and Transitioning. Finally, I cover these key concepts to help you leave well: 1. Graduation vs. Divorce 2. The Quitter is in Control 3. Cheer for those who will stop cheering for you 4. Be comfortable with the stories that change By the end of this episode, you’ll have the tools necessary to help yourself and your loved ones move into the best o