Gungho Eco

Starhawk's Sequel: Interviewing the prolific writer on her process for City of Refuge.



Many know the name Starhawk, the popular author of twelve books, including the seminal The Spiral Dance, a classic of feminist spirituality. Starhawk is an elder in the permaculture communities, and is a frequent lecturer around the world. The 5th Sacred Thing novel, written by Starhawk and published by Bantam books, has a longstanding, devoted following, a touchstone for activists and social change makers for over twenty years. It’s the book Julia Butterfly Hill read in the branches of the redwoods during her two-year tree sit, that the WTO protestors carried in their backpacks, that Occupiers passed around their libraries. Continuously in print since 1993, it’s sold over a 100,000 thousand copies, translated into four languages. I chat with Starhawk about her newest sequel to The Fifth Sacred Thing, called City of Refuge, which picks up with the characters where we left off. The book is available soon for sale, and it's incredible!