Astral Harvest Podcast

Astral Harvest Podcast Episode #25 Zoii Topia



Zoii Topia is a foxy creatrix who owns multiple businesses, juggles career and family, and deeply cares about the fate of all humans. Her background in the arts makes her compelling to watch and learn from. Having performed on stages around the world, along with fostering community, her wisdom gained is priceless and unique. Zoii is offering a conference at Astral Harvard 2019 entitled "Topia Tips: Formulas for Existence." Conference Description: Do you sometimes get lost in the day to day of “real life”? Do you feel you are spiritually evolving but lack in the mastery of how to actually get by day to day in the muggle and mundane world? Topia Tips is both an interactive discussion and a reality based workshop on how to integrate life mastery into everyday living. It contains massive downloads of wisdom from years of experience, trial and error, motherhood, and numerous workshops, books and counsel. If you want to become more productive, level up, evolve and learn more about YOU in both the spiritual and pra