Coin Dmz

CoinDMZ Episode 32



Join Ken Rutkowski and William Quigley, as they share their insights on the latest news & info on Crypto  This week's topics: - Facebook's Huge Hurdle  - The Over Regulation of Libra - Why Venture Capital is the Old Way to Fund a Company - Move Over ICO's Here Comes the IEO's - Understanding Why Stable Coins May Be the Best Hedge - If You Follow the Charts, the Crypto World is About to Rock The world of digital currencies flourishes with the greater fervor with each passing day. With an increasing number of businesses, entrepreneurs, startups and consumers adopting this technology, and CoinDMZ is here to help you understand all of it. The weekly show (podcast) host by Ken Rutkowski & William Quigley covers cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, ICOs, International policies on crypto and the internet of finance and the next gen web.