Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 108: Be Receptive to Grace with Sri Dharma Mittra



For the series finale, we are joined by Sri Dharma Mittra (@dharmayogacenter). The legendary yoga teacher first encountered yoga as a teenager before meeting his guru in 1964 and beginning his training in earnest. Sri Dharma founded one of the early independent schools of yoga in New York City in 1975 and has taught many tens of thousands the world over in the years since. Sri Dharma is the model and creator of The Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures and the author of ASANAS: 608 Yoga Poses, the LOAY Teachers’ Manual, and Yoga Wisdom. He has released two DVDs to date – Maha Sadhana Levels I and II — and recently captured classes are available for streaming via alomoves.com, YogaJournal.com and Vimeo On Demand. Sri Dharma continues to disseminate the complete traditional science of yoga through daily classes, international workshops, and his Life of a Yogi Teacher Trainings at the Dharma Yoga New York Center. In this episode, you’ll hear from Sri Dharma Mittra on:  [11.15] His definition of dharma. He explains