Phenomenal Moms With Aisha Taylor

The Power of "No" On Your Time and Money



Are you a single mom who is facing burnout? Are you exhausted from balancing work, motherhood, and everything else that you have to do? Are you looking to find more balance and peace in your life?   In the Season 1 finale, I discuss the topic, "The Power of "No" On Your Time and Money."  Being a mom is hard work, and being a single mom presents unique motherhood challenges.  Being a super dedicated, hands-on mom who gets everything done is important, but it is also important not to wear yourself thin.  In this podcast episode, I share the advice that I gave another mom who was nearing burnout.  The funny thing is, I actually forgot to take my own advice and recently ended up having to spend a day recovering from being sick because I was so busy being super mom, running FNPhenomenal, and teaching that I forgot to rest. In this episode, I share what I learned and how "no" will help you to manage both your time and money better.   Listen to the podcast episode below or check it out on iTunes, Google Play, and St