Bayer Crop Cast

CropCast Episode 14 November 2020



On this episode Market Development Agronomists Craig White and Matt Willis talk about late season results in trial work currently underway with 145 broadacre trials in over 80 locations around Australia. Craig and Matt talk about pre-emergent herbicide activity/behaviour and how this relates to final weed control, with differences in the amount of seed heads (Panicles) showing between treatments. Sakura® (850WG granule) and NEW Sakura® Flow (480SC liquid) are available for growers right now, to help manage grass weeds in wheat and pulse crops. With near a decade of reliable field performance with up to 12 weeks residual grassweed control, Sakura herbicide is now available in 2 formulations, and four convenient pack sizes including the very popular 100 hectare pack (Sakura WG) and a new 50 hectare Sakura Flow (liquid) pack. This allows for great flexibility at the boom spray and